Previous Editions of 'E-Light' Newsletter

Explore our back catalogue and discover more about spiritual unfoldment and how Essences can help you with your personal journey.

Each month we explore the month's energetic themes from a spiritual and astrological perspective and recommend some Essences to help you surf the cosmic waves! Receive spiritual guidance, wisdom and clarity, learn more about our collective expansion of consciousness, and make the most of opportunities for personal inspiration, healing and transformation. E-Light also includes our monthly special offers on Essences and Sets.

E-Light is written by Catherine Keattch, whose passion is to provide the knowledge, wisdom and tools that will support others to find greater harmony, well-being, and spiritual fulfilment in their lives.

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Irene of Denmark flower

Moving Fully into the Flow | E-Light Newsletter

Mar 2025:In this month’s E-Light we look at the extremely potent, life enhancing cosmic energy flow that is speaking to us loudly of the opportunities we have this month for change, transformation and new beginnings. We also explore the need for us to make a conscious choice to allow the energies to show us how to flow into new directions, the need for us to manage our vibrational..... [....]

Bluebell flowers

Nurture Your Soul Seeds | E-Light Newsletter

Feb 2025: In this month’s E-Light we look at how the deeply transformative cosmic energy flow this month is offering us opportunities to raise our vibrational frequency and to nurture the important soul seeds that we brought with us into this incarnation. We also explore the need for us to consciously release old agreements and step out of conformity so that we can become..... [....]

Elderflower flowers

A Year of New Beginnings | E-Light Newsletter

Jan 2025: In this month’s E-Light we look briefly at the overall picture of large-scale change and transformation that the unusual energetic configurations of 2025 bring to the fore. We also review the energetic highlights for January and explore the importance of staying connected to ourselves, so that we can manage our frequency and vibration in such a way that we are ready to..... [....]

Bleeding Heart flowers

An Abundance of Opportunity | E-Light Newsletter

Dec 2024: In this month’s E-Light we explore the energy flow for December which is set to take us even deeper into this process of change and transformation. We look at how we can best keep up with the speed of change, how to engage the help of those parts of ourselves that know exactly how to assist us with this and review the abundance of light, love & spiritual inspiration flowing..... [....]

Cerato Flowers

A Watershed Moment | E-Light Newsletter

Nov 2024: In this month’s E-Light we are looking at the grand opportunities that are being presented to us to contribute to the fast-accelerating process of change and transformation on our planet. We look at the bigger picture, the importance of our choices, and the energetic highlights of November’s cosmic energy flow. We also review how we can best negotiate energetic intensity..... [....]

Clematis Flower

Staying Awake and Aware | E-Light Newsletter

Oct 2024: In this month’s E-Light we are looking at how important it is for us to stay awake and aware as we negotiate the powerful, fast flowing energies that are part of the cosmic line-up for this month. We view the bigger picture of what is unfolding and the need for us to be fully present in our physical body in order to be an effective anchor point for change to take place, as well..... [....]

Gentian Flowers

Spiralling Deeper into Transformation | E-Light Newsletter

Sept 2024: In this month’s E-Light we are looking at what we might experience as we spiral deeper into our journey of transformation, remembering how to look beyond the edges of the old patterning to see the new possibilities that are opening up for us and how important it is for us to fully own our own authority and power. We also look at the cosmic energy flow.... [....]

Lotus Flowers

Keeping Your Balance in a Changing World | E-Light Newsletter

July 2024: In this month’s E-Light we are exploring the opportunities for deep transformation that are being offered to us and how we can best position ourselves to take full advantage of them. We look at the art of managing energetic intensity and how we can stay firmly on our own surfboard as we ride the waves of transformation this month. We also look at [....]

Lotus Flower

It's Time to Create Consciously | E-Light Newsletter

Jun 2024: In this month’s E-light we are looking at the opportunities currently being offered to us to step into our power as conscious creators and how important this is when it comes to successfully creating a new, more expanded reality for our human collective. We also look at the energy flow for June, the ongoing project of deconstructing old patterns, the importance of [....]

Bleeding Heart flower

Time to Shine Your Light | E-Light Newsletter

May 2024: In this month’s E-Light newsletter we look at the wonderful opportunities to remember our connection and wholeness with all of creation that are being presented to us within May’s flow of deeply nurturing, feminine energies. We explore the importance of living from the inside out, moving fully into our strength and power as co-creators and beginning to shine our [....]

Puya flower

Step Over the Threshold | E-Light Newsletter

Apr 2024: In this month’s E-Light we are exploring the unparalleled opportunities for taking a quantum leap in consciousness that are on offer in the cosmic energy flow this month. We look into the exciting energies of the solar eclipse on April 8th, that invite us all to step over the threshold of the old into something new and very different. We also look at the wonderful opportunity [....]

Gentle Hermione Rose flower

Owning your Light and Power | E-Light Newsletter

Mar 2024: In this month’s E-light we are exploring how we can use the inspirational, creative energies of Pisces to help us see beyond the old collective patterns we have accumulated through many lifetimes spent in a third dimensional reality. How it is now time to remember that we can now step into our light and power to uncreate these old [....]

Dandelion flower

Exploring the Power of Alchemy | E-Light Newsletter

Feb 2024: In February’s E-light we are exploring how we can best flow with this month’s fast moving energies of change, how to use the power of alchemy to transform deep old wounds into positive strengths, overcoming resistance and the opportunity to become the co creators of a new, more equitable reality for all. [....]

Loosestrife flower

Believe in Yourself | E-Light Newsletter

Jan 2024: In this January’s E-light we are looking at how we can ride the waves of this month’s energy flow to best advantage, the importance of believing in ourselves and the need to release any old patterns that might prevent us from staying firmly anchored in our own personal power and authority [....]

Garlic Flowers

Stepping into the Magic | E-Light Newsletter

Dec 2023: In E-light this month we are looking at how we can use the energetic flow available to us to expand spiritually, love more deeply, and consciously choose the vibrational frequencies that will allow us to step more fully into the magic of life. [....]

Centaury flowers

Forging a New Path | E-Light Newsletter

Nov 2024: In E-Light this month we are looking at how we can best align with the energetic opportunities on offer to help create something new, expand our heart energies and successfully surf the waves of energetic intensity that are part of the cosmic line up over the coming few weeks. [....]

Calendula flower

Empowerment & Discernment | E-Light Newsletter

Sept 2023: The arrival of September takes us into the third quarter of the year. As we enjoy the early September sun, which is really more reminiscent of last year’s summer, it is hard to believe that we are now only a few short weeks off the Equinox and the beginning of Autumn in the northern... [....]

Vervain Flower

Freeing the Inner Feminine | E-Light Newsletter

Aug 2023: The beginning of August this year feels so very different from the beginning of August last year when we were right in the middle of that very intense heatwave. This year we have a very different weather stream and everything in the garden and countryside around us is growing in great profusion and there are lots of lovely flowers to make essences from but absolutely no sunshine! [....]

Clematis Flower

Making Friends with Change | E-Light Newsletter

Jul 2023: Time for another newsletter! We are not really sure how we have arrived at the beginning of July already but here we are. Looking back, it has been a busy month filled with lots of mother tincture making, essences to bottle, people to help and parcels to pack and send out. [....]

White Chicory Flower

Aligning with the Bigger Picture | E-Light Newsletter

Jun 2023: Another month has hurtled by and nowhere we are at the beginning of June, the midpoint of the year and the beginning of summer for all of us in the northern hemisphere. Here in Norfolk,it really has not felt very summery at all over the last few weeks. [....]

Blue Moon Rose Flower

The Deep Journey of Transformation | E-Light Newsletter

May 2023: May is here in all of its rich natural abundance, one of our favourite months of the year. Everywhere around us here in Norfolk, there are beautiful blossoms shinning forth, creating a wonderful contrast to the vivid green of new leaves unfolding on the trees. The first flush of dandelions and buttercups are filling the meadows around us, and the bluebells.... [....]

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E-Light newsletter montage - sacred symbols, flower essences, flowers in a heart and Catherine Keattch

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