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The Crystal Herbs Newsletter - July 2023 |
Dear Friends,
Time for another newsletter! We are not really sure how we have arrived at the beginning of July already but here we are. Looking back, it has been a busy month filled with lots of mother tincture making, essences to bottle, people to help and parcels to pack and send out. |
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All very satisfying things to do and which tend to keep us focussed into the present moment, so perhaps this is why time seems to have passed so quickly when you stop to take stock.
Hope you all get time to stop, take a little while to wander somewhere in nature and enjoy the sunshine this month. Just opening up to the beautiful vibrations of the natural world will bring you into greater balance within yourself and provide you with the resources to negotiate the next few weeks in the best way that you can. |
In E-Light this Month: the Energies of July, Full Moon, Shift in Moon’s Nodes, New Moon in Cancer, Uplifting Energies from the Sirius Gateway, the Influence of Cancer, Making Friends with Change, July Essence Suggestions and our latest Special Offers and News. |
All of the Essences, articles and special offers mentioned in this newsletter can be found on our web site at - |
The Energies of July |
June was a powerful month in so many ways and as we move our focus onwards into July it is clear that more vibrant, intense, volatile, and fast-moving energies are heading our way.
The cosmic energy alignments this month, are offering us some deeply transformational opportunities that we can use to heal our past and make new choices for our future, at both an individual and collective level. As humans we do not always find radical change particularly easy, but we have been experiencing this for some considerable time now and we are beginning to learn to go with the flow and allow what is no longer needed in our lives to release to make space for something new to take its place. |
| The cosmic energy alignments this month, are offering us some deeply transformational opportunities that we can use to heal our past and make new choices for our future, at both an individual and collective level. | |
We will have a powerful opportunity to practice this some more this month so do your best to see beyond the old stories and allow flow.
To get a perspective on this remember that everything in our universe including ourselves is made from energy vibrating at different speeds. Then think of Earth and her inhabitants being held within a strongly evolutionary flow of benevolent cosmic energies that penetrate deeply into every vibrating strand of energy, reminding us how to release the old redundant patterning so that we can move up the evolutionary spiral more easily.
As we experience this it can feel a little uncomfortable because it pushes against our old patterning and nudges us to see what we have believed that is not true in the greater scheme of how the universe functions. This is no different from what happens when we take an essence which fills our energy field with a positive vibrational frequency that helps us to adjust to a new patterning, making change at a causal level.
We are all at different stages of acceptance of these changes, many are waking up and welcoming the flow of change, while others are still resistant and trying their best to hold onto the old ways of being. Just focus on your own journey this month and recognise that as each of us changes and adjusts we contribute into the morphic field of collective consciousness and make it easier for others to do the same. |
Full Moon |
The full moon this month was on July 3rd in Capricorn at 12.39pm UK time. This was a powerful full moon made all the more powerful because the moon was close to the Earth making its energies more available to us.
There is a lot of positive energy around this full moon which will offer us new insights and opportunities in how we can move forward. |
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With Pluto continuing to square the moons nodal axis there is a strong thread in the energetics of this full moon that is encouraging us to step into our power and to create something new for the future. It may also highlight for you whether you have a good balance between your home and work life. |
Shift in Moon’s Nodes |
The lunar nodes are the points in the sky where the paths of the sun and the moon cross in their orbits. These points occupy a pair of opposite astrological signs for around 18 months and determine which signs the solar and lunar eclipses will be in.
Astrologically, the north node points us in the direction of our future and the south node indicates where we have come from or our past. On July 17th the nodal axis shifts from Taurus/Scorpio into Aries/Libra.
A shift like this always creates a powerful change in the energetics that influence us on Earth. With the north node in Aries, we will be moving towards greater self-sufficiency, sovereignty, and the ability to use our personal power as a positive force which allows us to live from our own inner authority.
We will be encouraged to move away from the Libra dynamic of reaching outside of ourselves to create balance in relationships at the cost of our own independence and personal sovereignty. This will be an interesting balancing act that will affect us both individually and collectively. |
New Moon in Cancer |
Also on July 17th, we have a new Moon in Cancer exact at 7.32pm UK time. This is a sensitive, emotional new moon that will help us to explore new ways to ensure the security of our own family but also of those in the wider human family. Pluto is opposing the sun at this time and will also be helping us to see where we take ownership of our own power and where we give it away to those around us.
This is deeply nurturing feminine energy that will offer us an opportunity to open our hearts and expand our spiritual connection so that we can more easily see all of humanity as ‘family’ and seek to find new ways to create a more sustainable and inclusive world. |
Uplifting Energies from the Sirius Gateway |
The Sun conjuncts the star Sirius at 14 degrees of Cancer every year between July 3 and 7th which activates the opening of a gateway for an expanded energetic exchange between Sirius and the Earth.
Sirius has long been considered to be Earth’s spiritual sun and during this period in July when we are particularly in alignment, we receive a welcome flow of high frequency, creative, inspirational energies designed to help us evolve and grow. This flow of energy contains light frequencies, codes, and new patterning for our spiritual advancement.
Do take time out to connect and receive these beautiful frequencies sent in love to top yourself up spiritually. They will help us all to stay centred and empowered as we deal with some of the more turbulent offerings in the energetics this month. |
The Influence of Cancer |
All the other planetary activity this month is set against the backdrop of the inflowing energies from the constellation of Cancer, represented in western astrology by the sign of the crab.
The watery, intuitive, nurturing energies of Cancer bring an emphasis to those areas of life that relate to 'home' and 'family' and as always, their influence will be multi-layered. At an everyday level, we might find our attention taken to the home we live in and the family that we are connected to through birth, marriage etc. At another level, this energy could bring a particularly sharp focus to the obvious need for us to take greater responsibility for our planetary ‘home’ and for our collective human ‘family’. |
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In the Ancient Wisdom Teachings Cancer is considered to be the gateway through which souls originally entered into physical incarnation so each year this energy also brings us the potentiality of ‘rebirth’ or a new starting point, something that is especially emphasised in this month’s energy flow.
The energies this month are very fast moving and there are threads within the energetic flow that may well be quite disruptive and cause volatile reactions within those who are determined to play out power and control games of all kinds. Alongside this the energies are encouraging us to operate from our own inner authority and this may take some people into a place where they feel the need to protest about past injustice and suppression.
Remember that whatever feelings surface for you, staying in your heart will be the quickest road to creating a new harmony and balance in your life. |
Making Friends with Change |
It can be quite challenging to find yourself involved in a constant process of change, both within and without. We have all been facing this situation for a good number of years now and in the last few years the process has become even more intense and focussed. The energetic flow this month seems set to take this to another new level and while this is very positive in the long term, it does mean that we need to be able to shift our perspective and open to new understandings in quite a profound way in order to keep up.
These changes involve every aspect of life and also how we view ourselves as individuals and as a collective. Often, we are dealing with patterning that is unconscious because it has been passed down through generations of humans and just accepted as how things are.
Even though we may be very open to the need for change it can still feel unsettling when we realise that things we might have considered to be ‘normal’ or ‘permanent’, start to become dysfunctional or are exposed as being corrupt. It is not difficult to find examples of this becoming very obvious in our social infra structure, governmental and financial bodies, or educational and religious institutions.
Alongside this there is the need for us to constantly review old perspectives based in polarity thinking – right/wrong, black/white etc – and allow them to expand into new understandings that relate to a more heart based, inclusive, unity consciousness.
Above all we are also being invited to review how we see ourselves in relation to the rest of creation and to expand our spiritual connection so that we can consciously engage with our responsibilities as human cocreators.
Making friends with change and agreeing with ourselves that we are going to engage with this process in the best and most conscious way that we can, will definitely help us to surf the coming waves of change with a greater degree of ease and balance.
Creating a New Foundation
Take some time this month to review where your anchor points in life are. Many of us still have our major anchor points in the outer world and only feel secure if everything around us conforms to what we have decided ‘security’ looks like for us. Usually this is a conscious and unconscious mix of beliefs that we have inherited from our families and also constructed for ourselves based on our experiences, both in this and other lives.
We are currently being encouraged to review this and move our major anchor points back within ourselves, so that we can operate more from our own inner authority and spiritual connection. Even though we may have been practising this for sometime now it will still pay to review where we are with this process. Look for the places where you still feel more comfortable if you conform to the ‘boxes’ of societal norms or the expectations of those that you are in relationship with. Gently question the beliefs and feel into the emotions that glue you into this old perspective and just give it space to reveal what has been hidden.
Own What is Yours
Keep in mind as you explore this old patterning that judgement is not needed here because this is very definitely part of the old paradigm, and as such easy for us to slip into. Just agree with yourself that you are going to own all parts of yourself in love so that any part that is struggling and needs help to move into a new space can do so.
Any aspect of ourselves that we are unable to own will unconsciously be projected out onto those around us and this can keep us very stuck until we realise what has happened. For a new world to come into being we first need to clear the debris of the old and owning and upgrading our old stories, beliefs and projections is a powerful way that we can contribute into this.
Essence Suggestions for July |
In this month’s Essence Suggestions, we are going to focus on some essences that will provide support for us all as we find ways to make friends with the process of change this month.
Flower, gem & crystal essences are powerful tools when it comes to making change of any kind. They have the capacity to dig deeply into anything that might be holding an old unconscious pattern in place and to help dissolve it so that it loses its hold over us and we are free to make new choices. |
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Making Friends with Change
There are many essences that might be helpful when it comes to making friends with change but here are a few that might be generally helpful this month.
Firstly, New Horizons; supporting change would be an excellent essence combination for anyone finding themselves a little reluctant to step into the process of change that they can see is needed this month. Emotional attachment can be a very big factor in causing stagnation in this process so if you find yourself reluctant to move on from a completed relationship of any kind Letting Go; dissolving attachment might be exactly the essence you need to help.
Check out the Clarity & Perspective Spray; clearing confusion, Inner Wisdom; connecting heart & mind or the Brow Chakra combination for help with expanding your perspective so that you can see beyond something that is challenging you.
Essences that work in the heart can be very supportive when it comes to making difficult changes because they help us to stay connected with our own inner guidance system. Either a Heart Chakra combination, Heart Connection Spray; living in love or an Unconditional Love combination would be helpful here.
Creating a New Foundation
As we change and grow in consciousness our lower three chakras also have to expand and develop. For many of us a constant review of these important energy centres is important at the moment and particularly as we seek to make changes in how we anchor ourselves in life.
If you should find yourself feeling particularly insecure and ungrounded this month, then consider a Base Chakra combination to help you stabilise and regroup. An Earth Star combination might also be a good follow on for some people.
Take a Sacral Chakra combination to help if you find yourself needing to make changes involving emotional expression, creativity or feeling comfortable with your sexuality. A Creativity; restoring individuality combination might also be helpful for some.
For issues related to healthy boundaries, personal power, inner authority, and positive self-value the Solar Plexus Chakra combination is the one to turn to.
Own What is Yours
When we are looking at something within ourselves that is difficult to own, it can be all too easy to slip into judgement and self-criticism. To ease yourself out of this old pattern choose either Inner Freedom; transforming judgement, or Self-Acceptance; restoring unconditionality.
Fear, resentment, and doubt a really powerful energies that can make us reluctant to own what is ours and also to step into the process of change. If you should find yourself touching into one of these states this month, check out Inner Calm; transforming fear, Self-Responsibility; transforming resentment or Inner Certainty; transforming doubt for some support. |
Our July Special Offers |
The following Flower, Gem & Crystal Essences and Sets are on special offer at 20% discount for the month.
If you want to learn more about the essences we've chosen you can join us for this short video, or read on to browse through this month's selection. |
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Individual & Combination Essences |
| Heart Chakra Essence - 20% Discount
A powerful combination to help you open your Heart chakra and connect with unconditional love. When the Heart chakra is closed there can be feelings of loneliness, separation or isolation from others, a fear of closeness or a feeling of being unloved. Also good where there is a tendency to be overly critical, jealous or superior, perhaps unable to reach out to others. Chakra Essences | From £5.00 | |
| Self Worth Essence - 20% Discount
The Self Worth Essence is one of the Inner Child Essences and is all about helping you to release issues around low self esteem. Good for those who need help to truly value themselves and their unique individual qualities, helping you to become more of who you really are, easily & effortlessly. Inner Child Essences | from £7.80 | |
| Icosahedron Essence - 20% Discount
The Icosahedron Essence is all about the flow of feminine, creative energies that are both expansive and flowing in nature. You can use this essence to expand your natural emotional flow, so that lower frequency emotions can be transformed and replaced by higher frequency ones. This Essence promotes creativity, movement and flexibility and relates to the water element. Platonic Solid Essences | from £4.60 | |
| Mugwort Flower
Mugwort flower essence stimulates spiritual communication and understandings, psychic gifts, multi-dimensional consciousness, dream recall and telepathy. Mugwort integrates your spiritual and emotional bodies so you can receive intuitive guidance and inspiration. This makes it a useful essence to use in meditation, dreamwork, Shamanic journeying, receiving messages from nature, and any visionary or psychic activities. Single Flower Essences | from £4.64 | |
| Auric Protection Essence - 20% Discount
The Auric Protection Essence is a really good combination for strengthening your auric field, which makes it a helpful Essence if you are over-sensitive to the thoughts, emotions or energies of others, or have weak energetic boundaries. Good also if you feel attacked by other peoples thought forms, or find it difficult to distinguish your own emotions from those of others. Divine Harmony Essences | from £5.00 | |
| Divine Abundance & Flow - 20% Discount
This gift set opens the door for new abundance of all kinds to enter your life. It will help you to consciously remember your connection with universal abundance, enhance your ability to receive, and release old patterns that block abundant flow. It’s the perfect gift for anyone who wants to release old patterns of poverty and lack so they can welcome in new vibrations of abundance and flow. This gift set contains : a 30ml Angel of Abundance Spray, a 25ml Open to Receive Essence and a 15ml Inner Child Prosperity Essence. Gifts from the Heart | £20.76 | |
| Quartz Amethyst Crystal Essence - 20% Discount
Amethyst is a particularly helpful essence for those working with issues relating to low self-esteem or who need support to stay centred and balanced in their own energetic space. This essence enhances meditation and fosters a greater awareness of Source/ Divine Intelligence. It is also helpful for those who find it difficult to fully integrate with society. Gem & Crystal Essences | from £4.64 | |
Sets of Essences |
| Inner Child Essence Self Select Set - 20% Discount
Healing the inner child helps you develop a more positive personality, balanced emotions and greater spiritual connection, as well as creating powerful soul growth. With this self select set you can choose any twelve different Inner Child Essences to create a set that will help to facilitate the healing of your Inner Child and help you return to the radiance of your pure, true self Inner Child Essences | From £76.00 | |
| Heart Connection Set - 20% Discount
This lovely set of Flower, Gem & Crystal Essences is focussed on helping you re-connect with Divine Love - the essence of all that is real in our universe and is present in the hearts of each of us, waiting for us to choose to re-member and re-activate it. It contains the following ten Essences: Angel of Love, Awakening the Heart, Fuchsia Essence, Heart Chakra, Heartfelt Forgiveness, Inner Wisdom, Open to Receive, Purity of Heart, Ruby Essence & Unconditional Love. Gifts from the Heart | From £39.60 | |
All at 20% discount for the month: Crystal Herbs Special Offers |
Latest News & More... |
 | Transforming Fear: the Inner Calm Essence
The Inner Calm Essence is a deep acting combination of flower, gem & crystal essences specifically designed to help you face your fears and reconnect with inner stability, strength, and courage. When we move through our fears we expand into more of our true self because we’re liberated from the fearful old beliefs and stories that have kept us stuck, scared and limited. Life becomes so much more comfortable and enjoyable, and new opportunities open up when we face our fears. You can find out more in our in-depth look at Inner Calm here.... | |
 | Nurturing & Compassion: Divine Mother Essence
The Divine Mother is sometimes described as the universal nurturing mother, mother goddess or feminine aspect of God. Her energy embodies great love and compassion while holding the spark of creative energy that generates new life. The Divine Mother Essence is one of the Archangel & Ascended Masters Essence range. It is a lovely essence to use when you want to bring the expansive spiritual consciousness and creative qualities of the Divine Mother more fully into your heart and your life. You can find out more on the blog here: | |
Don’t Forget that you can also subscribe to our YouTube and Vimeo channels here: |
You can find all of our latest news on our website here: Latest News at Crystal Herbs |
Well, that’s it from us, it just remains for us to wish you a wonderful month of change & growth and to send you all our love with the reminder to contact us if you need further help or support on your journey.
With Peace & Love,
Catherine, Sam & All at Crystal Herbs |
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Tel - 01379 608059 ( +44 1379 608059 ) | Shop | [email protected] |