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Crystal Herbs Flower, Gem & Crystal Essences

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The Crystal Herbs Newsletter - November 2023

Dear Friends,

In E-Light this Month: Forging a New Path, November’s Energetics, Choose Love not Fear, Responding Rather than Reacting, Death & Rebirth Scorpio Style, the 11-11 Alignment, Rising to the Challenge of Old Patterns, The Power of Your Heart, Join us for a Zoom gathering and our latest Special Offers and News.

All of the Essences, articles and special offers mentioned in this newsletter can be found on our web site at -

Centaury Flowers

Forging a New Path

The energies this month are asking us to keep focussing on the highest possibilities, to make new choices and to continue to break the mould of unconscious outmoded old patterning. In the process of this many redundant patterns are going to be clearly obvious, especially on the world stage as the dramas created by those old patterns continue to play out. To successfully stay focussed on new possibilities we are going to have to stay rooted in our hearts, in the awareness of the underlying unity of all things as well as very conscious of where we still have the capacity to fall back into an old version of polarity thinking.

November’s Energetics; on the Threshold of Something New

Taking the next step in your evolutionary journey of transformation

We moved into November on the heels of the full moon lunar eclipse on October 28th. The energies of this full moon were very powerful and the effects of the changes that it triggered are likely to continue to travel with us for quite some time.

In general October was an intense and volatile month and this pattern of energy will continue and expand into November making it a month in which we need to pay careful attention to our responses and reactions to whatever crosses our path over the next few weeks.

It will be helpful to keep in mind that the cosmos is currently holding an energetic focus that is designed to move us forward on our evolutionary journey. It is reminding us to stand in our power in a balanced way, think out of the box and transform old ways of being because they are no longer fit for purpose. We are standing on the threshold of something new, yet to pass over the threshold we must raise our awareness and expand our thinking beyond polarity consciousness.

The cosmos is inviting us to use the energies this month to make new choices and to take the higher road offered within this energy flow. This might not feel particularly easy as we go through it because there are many hard edges and areas of intensity within the energetics this month that will require our focussed heart energy to negotiate successfully.

This is powerful energy that just wants us to clearly see the truth of who we are. To this end it digs deep into the recesses of our emotional storage bins to reveal what has been hidden there that does not align with this truth. Often these things are painful and emotionally difficult which is why they have been put into storage in the first place.

This is both a personal and collective process and it is not difficult to see how challenging this process is at a collective level when you see what is happening in the world right now. This makes it all the more important for each of us to focus on recognising and clearing any patterns that we personally still have that might be feeding into the collective to fuel this difficulty. The flow of energies through Scorpio this month are designed to help us with this so remember to stay centred in your heart and allow anything that is revealed from within to be seen, accepted, and released.

For example Rock Rose & Cherry Plum will quickly help to dissipate strong vibrations of fear, Sweet Chestnut will help to lift you out of deep despair, Chicory will help you to balance deep painful feelings of being unloved and Agrimony will help you to stay present with what you are feeling so that you can identify and express it clearly.

Divine Harmony Essences

November Special Offers

We wanted to focus this month’s special offers around a core pattern that we’re seeing played out a lot at the moment, the need for forgiveness, love and unity. Flower, Gem & Crystal Essences are very good tools for helping with these issues and the Essences on special offer this month each have a slightly different focus.

The Forgiveness combination is particularly useful as it is very good at helping you to forgive yourself or others. The Higher Heart Chakra Essence is a wonderful essence for forgiveness, compassion and opening the higher heart chakra. Inner Peace helps with anger, which can be a common issue to work with on the journey to forgiveness. Love from the Inner Child Essences connects you strongly with the love in your heart, and the Inner Unity Essence is a powerful support for rejection or abandonment issues and integrating the inner male and female energies. These and more you can find below.

Special Offers for November

All at 20% discount for the month

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