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The Crystal Herbs Newsletter - February 2024 |
In February’s E-light we are exploring how we can best flow with this month’s fast moving energies of change, how to use the power of alchemy to transform deep old wounds into positive strengths, overcoming resistance and the opportunity to become the co creators of a new, more equitable reality for all. |
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In E-Light this Month: the Power of Alchemy, February’s Energetics, Dealing with Resistance & Old Coping Strategies and our latest Special Offers and News. |
All of the Essences, articles and special offers mentioned in this newsletter can be found on our web site at - |
Exploring the Power of Alchemy |
Transforming wounds into strengths |
The energy flow for February contains some very strong, fast moving, positive and directional energies that have a focus on helping us to further explore our power as alchemists and cocreators.
There is a particularly beautiful thread in the energetics this month that will be supporting us to turn the lead of old wounding and trauma into the gold of positivity and personal power. This is a truly alchemical process of loving yourself enough to accept, allow and move on so that what we might have perceived as a weakness can instead become our greatest strength. |
February Energetics |
The dynamics of Pluto in Aquarius |
With all planets now in forward motion there is a sense of everything being carried forward at great speed, which might feel a little intense so it will be important to stay grounded and centred in your own energetic space over the coming few weeks.
There is also the potential for frustration, impatience, and a sense of unsettledness to come to the fore over this period so do remember to take time out to connect with yourself and acknowledge any feelings that might need positive expression.
The sense of everything moving and changing very quickly is not a new one, however it takes on a new dimension this month as we start to get to grips with what Pluto’s shift into Aquarius at the end of January will mean for us. Pluto magnifies the qualities of the sign that it is moving through, exposing corruption and instigating change for the benefit of all. The themes of Aquarian energy include a focus on science, technology, human rights, truth, independence, and revolutionary new ideas.
The last time Pluto was in Aquarius was during the time of the US and French revolutions and the energy of revolutionary change is very much in the air again so it will be interesting to see what unfolds over the coming twenty years as Pluto slowly travels through Aquarius. This will create a wonderful window of opportunity for us to contribute into the creation of a new, fairer, more equitable, peaceful, and collaborative reality.
Keep what you would like to see unfold in the forefront of your imagination and just flow with the process of change as best you can. No doubt we will all find this challenging from time to time but remember that the cosmos has your back and is supporting you every step of the way. |
Becoming an Alchemist | | There is a particularly potent, life enhancing thread in the energetics this month that is offering us the opportunity to become the alchemists of our own healing process. This is created by the conjunction of Chiron and the North Node of the Moon on February 11th.
The North Node represents our collective future and indicates the direction that we need to head in, in order to continue to evolve and grow. It is currently in Aries, which as the first sign of the zodiac brings us the opportunity for powerful new beginnings.
Chiron’s presence brings forward the potential for us to heal our deepest wounds and traumas so that we can take advantage of the opportunity to evolve and grow. The archetype of Chiron reminds us that deep healing happens when we embrace our wounds and choose to use them as a source of healing and positive power in our lives.
There is a strong reminder here that anything we are unable to own will end up being projected out on those around us creating a polarity of conflict and division, something that we have much of in the world right now, so this is a wonderful opportunity to help make positive and much needed change. | Practical Alchemy | | The energies of the cosmos offer us opportunities and it is up to us to use these in the best way that we can to create positive, life enhancing outcomes for ourselves and for those that we share our world with.
This is alchemy in action, taking something that has been created in a fashion that is no longer useful and turning it into something of a higher vibration that we can use to take us forward. The energies this month are opening up the expanded potential for us to heal some of our deepest wounds and traumas through the alchemical process of transformation.
The first step in this process is recognition so it is possible that at some point this month you may become aware of a deep and painful old issue becoming very obvious, or you might find yourself facing a difficult situation in life that you cannot see a solution to, an uncomfortable relationship issue that unexpectedly requires your attention, or a deep resistance to taking action on something important.
Whatever it is that flags up in your awareness recognise that it is offering you a gift and take a moment to explore it from all angles. Do your best to detach from the obvious story that is presenting, own all of the emotions that have been triggered off and make absolutely sure that you are not holding anyone else responsible for how you feel. We cannot step into our power as an alchemist if we do not first fully own whatever it is. |  | Dealing with Resistance & Old Coping Strategies |
Recognising the layers of the story |
Ultimately old patterns are just limiting stories and inherited imprints that mask your true self, but they can feel very real when they come to the surface, and we find ourselves faced with the defence mechanisms that we originally created to avoid re-experiencing something that felt so traumatic and uncomfortable.
Most often we are not consciously aware of what we have hidden away from ourselves, so when it comes to the surface our first instinct is to resist it by using one of the coping strategies that we developed earlier. For example, evacuating your body as a way of disconnecting from the situation, closing off your heart and retreating deep into yourself or becoming a fixer of other people’s problems as a way of getting your needs met.
All of these and many other strategies create resistance and make it very difficult to simply acknowledge and own the original issue. Simply being aware that you could initially find yourself working through a cloud of resistance before you get to the nugget of gold that is the original issue can be very helpful.
If you should find yourself in this situation, remember that all is well, be very kind to yourself and just take time out to explore what you have hidden away for safe keeping. Take some essences to help you diminish the resistance so that you can see past it and step into your power as the alchemist.
Let’s take two very common scenarios as examples to explore; fear and trauma and the pain of rejection or abandonment. |
Healing Deep Fears |
Creating a new foundation |
If we do not feel safe for some reason in childhood a part of us is not able to develop fully and we become fearful, contracted, ungrounded, unable to trust, and reluctant to embrace change. Without understanding why, we lack the foundations necessary to feel confident moving forward. |
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There can be many experiences that lead us to hold this perspective on life, but the emotional components and coping strategies will be very similar. We might avoid taking important action, find it difficult to manifest what we need in life, or carry a belief that life is fundamentally unsafe. Fear is the emotion that underpins this situation, an emotion that is plentiful in our world right now and so easily triggered off, even though in your current situation there is actually nothing to fear at all.
In the energies that we have this month it is likely that your soul will offer you an opportunity to heal this pattern by presenting you with the circumstances that trigger it off into your awareness. You may then find yourself feeling a lot of fear or not able to ground yourself fully because change is being requested.
Do your best to detach from the trigger and step back from it so that you can simply own the emotions without attaching them to anything. This way you will have the best opportunity to use the energies of healing present in the energy flow to help you embrace your wound and allow it to heal. |
Essences to help: Inner Calm; transforming fear, is a wonderful deep acting combination to help you diminish and transform fears of all kinds. If your fear feels very deep seated and illusive start by taking some Pink Rose from the Karmic Essence range for a few days. This essence will help to ping the fear into your consciousness more quickly. You can then follow through with the Inner Calm combination to complete the healing. If you are feeling very ungrounded and cannot get back fully into your body, choose a Base Chakra combination to help you return to the seat of your power so that you can confront the resistance more easily. |
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Healing the Pain of Rejection and Abandonment | Dismantling the Barricades | This is a very common theme and one that unfortunately has many difficult stories attached to it. A feeling of not being welcome, loved or wanted as a very young child will easily sow this seed. A parent leaving or dying in childhood or being emotionally unavailable can feel very traumatic and leave deep scars that lead us to close off our hearts and to believe that we are not good or worthy enough to receive love. As will difficult experiences of abuse and neglect in childhood or the ending of a relationship in later life. These are scenarios that lead to co-dependent relationships, feelings of isolation, loneliness, and disconnection as well as painful feelings of being unloved and that will prevent us from fully being ourselves until the original wounding is acknowledged and healed. Understandably the coping strategies that we create around this kind of wounding are deeply held and will create a great deal of resistance as the pattern starts to surface again. Here are some essence suggestions that will help you to deal with this more easily. |
Essences to help: Letting Go; dissolving attachment is the essence to choose for those times when all of your emotional pain of the past has been triggered off and you feel deep resistance to letting go and moving on, even though you know that it is in everyone’s best interests. Unconditional Love is a wonderful essence to help you re open your heart and remind you that you are love and that you can never be excluded from that vibrational field when your heart remains open and engaged. The Feeling Worthy; transforming unworthiness helps dissolve deep feelings of being inadequate, unworthy or lacking in some deeply painful way. Heart Connection Spray; living in love. Use this powerful spray to help you open your heart, clear away defence patterns and keep you connected to the love that you are. |
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February Special Offers |
A challenging pattern that we've noticed recently, one that has been coming up a lot for many of us, is that of needing to really value yourself and find the inner strength to be a full expression of who you are from the heart. Really valuing yourself and what you have to offer is a big part of the inner journey, and finding that inner strength, self worth and inner self value can feel quite transformative. As we develop these beautiful inner qualities and strengthen our ability to stand in our own energetic space, so we can find ourselves stepping more into the true essence of who we are and fulfilling more of our true potential.
The Flower, Gem & Crystal Essences on special offer this month are all really good for helping with this and much more. |
| |  | | Self Worth, Shame & Anger |
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| |  | | Boundaries & Personal Space |
|  | | Oversensitivity & Protection |
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 | | The Bach Flower Remedies are wonderful, simple and easy to use remedies that can help you to achieve a greater balance and harmony in life. |
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All at 20% discount for the month |
Latest News & More... |
 | Boundaries, Self Worth & Emotions: Solar Plexus Chakra Essence The Solar Plexus Chakra Essence is all about healthy personal boundaries, self-worth, and personal empowerment. It’s a great essence to use if you have difficulties with self-empowerment, self-worth and power issues of any kind. It helps you to stay centred and connected to yourself so you can maintain healthy positive boundaries and feel inner confidence without seeking approval from others. We take an in-depth look at this wonderfully useful essence here: | |
You can find all of our latest news on our website here: Latest News at Crystal Herbs |
Well, that’s it from us for this month. We wish you all a wonderful month filled with magic & alchemy and send you much love with the reminder to contact us if you need further help or support on your journey.
With Peace & Love,
Catherine & All at Crystal Herbs |
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Tel - 01379 608059 ( +44 1379 608059 ) | Shop | [email protected] |