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The Crystal Herbs Newsletter - September 2023

Everything seems to be increasingly topsy turvy in our world right now so I suppose we shouldn’t be surprised if the weather reflects this back to us!

If you are in the northern hemisphere enjoy the sunshine while it lasts and top up your reserves for the winter months ahead. If you are in the southern hemisphere the sun will be heading back in your direction very soon now. Wherever you might be, enjoy the moment!

In E-Light this Month: the Energies of September, Venus & Jupiter, Virgo New Moon, September Equinox, Full Moon in Aries, Influence of Virgo, Empowerment & Discernment, September Essence Suggestions and our latest Special Offers and News.

All of the Essences, articles and special offers mentioned in this newsletter can be found on our web site at -

Centaury Flowers

The Energies of September

The energies are and have been uncompromising in this respect. Now is the time for us to remember who we are at a spiritual level and to move fully into our power and sovereignty as a fully connected spiritual being. The adjustments needed for us to do this are extensive and will take our mindful focus and attention.

We moved into September on the heels of that very expansive and intense full super moon in Pisces on August 31st. The moon was at its closest point to Earth at the time of this full moon and it brought some very intense issues to the fore for many people.

Pisces is an expansive, watery energy that connects us to our spirituality and reminds us that we are an integral part of the oneness of creation. In this flow of intense energy many people found themselves facing long held belief patterns that have prevented them from being able to flow back into oneness with their soul/spirit. Others found that connection expanded and enhanced bringing a renewed sense of what they came here to contribute at this time.

That theme will continue on throughout this month and it is likely that we will all feel a greater call to connect to our own truth and inner wisdom. This will require us to find the courage to step away even further from the collective patterning that currently creates our societal norms and to be willing to be different. There are many threads in the energy flow this month that will be helping us with this, and we may see this manifest in the outer world as rebellious, disruptive behaviour as people respond to the need for greater truth, justice, freedom, and equality that is so much a part of the energy flow right now.

Venus & Jupiter

Venus completes her retrograde cycle and turns direct on September 3rd, while Jupiter stations retrograde the following day on September 4th. This will bring a seed change to the energy flow, moving us on from a review of the heart towards a review of our personal values and whether they align with our rebirthed heart’s desires. Remember as you do this to align fully with your own inner truth and to allow the demands of the prevailing societal norms to take a back seat. These are all changing and will not provide us with the clarity and purpose that we will gain from aligning with our own inner truth.

Virgo New Moon

The new moon this month is in Virgo and is exact at 1.39am UK time on September 15th. Mercury, also in Virgo, turns direct on this day bringing a fresh burst of energy and ideas to the fore. The energetic alignments around this new moon further expand the themes of personal power and sovereignty and the need for us to align with our own truth and integrity. A great opportunity to review anything that we have outgrown in our lives and to reset our focus and intention to create something new.

September Equinox

The Sun moves into Libra on September 23rd at 7.49 UK time triggering the Autumn Equinox in the northern hemisphere and the Spring Equinox in the southern hemisphere. This will be a powerful time as the planetary grid system comes into wide reaching harmony and balance and we receive an influx of high frequency, love and light from the cosmos. This is consciousness raising energy and will assist us hugely with our process of evolutionary transformation. It needs to be anchored and integrated so do take time out to receive and appreciate. Offer up anything that needs release to be upgraded in the flow of light so that you can move on without looking back.

Full Moon in Aries

The Influence of Virgo

At a practical level, Virgo energies stimulate the desire to be of service, so we can expect its influence this month to bring to the fore any aspects of our lives that need adjustment so that we can align more fully with our true purpose.

Cerato Flower

Empowerment & Discernment

September is going to be another powerfully transformational month providing us with many opportunities to expand into a new more empowered version of ourselves.

However, it is worth remembering that this inevitably means that we will also need to continue to engage with the ongoing process of release and realignment in order to take full advantage of these opportunities.

At the very least this requires that we stay in touch with ourselves and be willing to feel into anything that is presented to us for attention. This sounds simple and it is simple, but so often it does not feel at all easy in the moment, sometimes so much so that we can completely miss what we are being called to address, because we have moved away from ourselves.  

We have reached a part of our evolutionary journey that requires each of us to awaken to who we truly are and to begin to take personal responsibility for stepping outside of the boxes created by the old third dimensional paradigm. The cosmic energy flow is now pushing us further and further into this process and for those that are not yet awake enough to see what is happening this feels extremely challenging. Even for those of us that do see, it can be hard work because we are dealing with some very deeply held unconscious issues and the beliefs that relate to them will tend to hold us into the old 3D patterning unless we are very mindful and discerning.

Recognising when that happens and stepping back into our personal power centre so that we can make the necessary changes will be very important this month.

In moments of challenge or when you find that you have moved away from yourself, remember to take some conscious deep breaths to help you bring your focus and attention back to yourself. Breath in love, breath out light, breath in light and breath out love until you are able to connect more deeply with your heart. Just feel into and acknowledge what has caused you to move away from yourself or to get caught up in an outside distraction of some sort. You will then be able to step back into your centre and allow the issue to clear through. Essences are of course a wonderful support for this process.

The Power of Distraction

It is also worth remembering that there are many threads of reality currently playing out on our planet and some of these have an agenda that runs contrary to the evolutionary flow, so they are actively working to create situations that hold un-awake humanity into the old patterns.

Distraction and misinformation are a big part of this process, and this is currently increasing to a point where it is becoming more and more difficult to discern what is actually true if you are not deeply connected to your own inner knowing and willing to look beyond what has been considered ‘normal’ or ‘just how things are’.

Stop Playing Small

This month give yourself full permission to be the fullness of who you truly are; a spiritual being of love, light and consciousness with a unique contribution to make to the evolution of consciousness on this planet. Play with stepping into this and allow the energies to help you release the old patterns that cloud your view, make you feel unworthy, or separate, or lead you to conform in order to stay ‘safe’. That paradigm has finished. Just keep raising your frequency and keep your focus on the creation of a new reality.

Essence Suggestions for September

Stepping Fully into your Power

One of the legacies of having had many lifetimes on a planet where separation and disempowerment have been part of the experience is a belief in separation and the fear that this creates at a deep level within us.

Fear is a vibrational frequency that holds many of the other imprinted patterns related to third dimensional living in place, e.g.judgement, uncertainty and unworthiness. If you find yourself resisting stepping into your personal power more fully this month look carefully at the stories that your mind is bringing to the fore for you. Possibly you will find that there is a thread or two of fear woven into these stories, suggesting that moving forward might be ‘unsafe’ in some way.

You might also find that are encountering resistance without really being able to identify what is causing that. You are just aware that you are losing yourself in distractions, feeling unmotivated or very ungrounded or perhaps not able to connect as well as you normally do in your meditations. These would all be indications that at some level some deep fears have been triggered off.

With this in mind lets start with some essence suggestion to help you dissolve the vibration of fear and move into a more empowered space. Firstly, consider taking some Pink Rose from the Karmic Essence Range. This is a wonderful essence to use when you need help to ping buried fears into consciousness. We have all found ourselves using this essence a lot lately and it has been really effective at shifting those fears that lurk just below the level of consciousness. If you discover that your fear is very entangled with another pattern such as uncertainty or oversensitivity, try using either Wild Orchid or White Bluebell alongside the Pink Rose for a few days.

If there are uncomfortable emotions sitting in your heart chakra, then try pairing the Pink Rose with the Karmic Fuchsia essence. Other essences to help with fears would be the Inner Calm; transforming fear combination and the Strength & Courage Spray; overcoming fear.

Staying Grounded and Connected

Many are finding themselves spun out of their centre very easily at the moment which makes it very difficult to feel empowered and connected to your inner truth. Either a Base Chakra combination or an Earth Connection Spray; strong foundations would be very helpful in this situation.

Honouring Yourself

Another deeply unhelpful and disempowering issue affecting many people right now is that of feeling that there is something wrong with them or that they are not good enough in some way. This is of course just another of those disempowering legacies and completely untrue, but none the less powerful in its ability to hold us back. Either a Feeling Worthy; transforming unworthiness combination or a Self Acceptance; restoring unconditionality combination will help here.

Positive Personal Power

We cannot step fully into our personal power if we are still too connected to what has been considered‘normal’ in the past. Most of us have had to squeeze ourselves into the patterning that was demanded of us in our childhood by those that we chose as our families in this incarnation.

Often this involved feeling unloved unless we conformed and led to a series of patterns that to this day are unconsciously keeping us in the old paradigm. These would include pleasing others, not giving ourselves the space that we need to explore who we truly are and a reluctance to rock the collective boat because it is ‘scary’ to do so.

If you should resonate with any of these things this month, then a Solar Plexus Chakra combination might be just what you need to help you to release and move on. Some might find that an Auric Protection Spray; safe boundaries would be very helpful to use alongside the Solar Plexus.

Lastly, here is a reminder of a couple of our Pure Vibrations Sprays that might be particularly helpful this month. Energetic Alignment Spray; soul connection to help you stay grounded and aligned with your soul purpose and Heart Connection Spray; living in love to help you stay connected with your heart’s truth.

Divine Harmony Essences

Our September Special Offers

Individual & Combination Essences

Sets of Essences

All at 20% discount for the month: Crystal Herbs Special Offers

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