The Crystal Herbs Newsletter - June 2024 |
In this month’s E-light we are looking at the opportunities currently being offered to us to step into our power as conscious creators and how important this is when it comes to successfully creating a new, more expanded reality for our human collective. We also look at the energy flow for June, the ongoing project of deconstructing old patterns, the importance of aligning with your true self, harnessing the power of the mind positively and the need to constantly quality control our thoughts. As always we highlight some essences that might be particularly helpful to assist us to move through the month with greater ease and grace. |
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In E-Light this Month: Time to Create Consciously, June’s Energetics, New Moon, Solstice & Full Moon, and Thoughts Become Things. Our latest special offers include our 10ml Bach Set, Chakra Set and more, plus our latest news. |
All of the Essences, articles and special offers mentioned in this newsletter can be found on our web site at - www.crystalherbs.com |
Time to Create Consciously |
This is a very exciting time on Earth and one that at a soul level we have all been eagerly awaiting, for many incarnational cycles. Finally, we have arrived at a point where we can step beyond the old 3D matrix while in a physical body and begin to live once more in the sovereignty and power of our true selves.
We now have the opportunity to uncreate what has been created in the past and to consciously create a new reality to take the place of the old one. This is a huge project that is now gathering momentum, and which requires the ongoing, conscious participation of as many awake souls as possible. The energetics this month have a very strong focus on encouraging us with this project and will be stimulating new ideas and possibilities as well as illuminating where there are still old creations in need of deconstruction.
Over the next few weeks in particular, there will be many threads of new possibilities being presented to us in the cosmic energy flow, which we will have the opportunity to download and weave together into a new more expanded tapestry of life. These new ideas and possibilities come to us on the incoming waves of light, and it is then up to us to gather them into a form to create something new at this level. Being able to hold a conscious, positive intention and focus on what we want to create is an important part of this process. |
Deconstructing old stories |
Keep in mind that we are creating all of the time but sometimes we are doing this unconsciously rather than consciously and with purpose. We can create unconsciously by allowing old, habitual thoughts and feelings that have not been questioned in a long time, to take centre stage in our everyday reality.
For instance, the old, inherited imprints and patterns developed from our own life experiences that have now become ‘stories’ that we tell ourselves about our capability, freedom to be ourselves, ability to love and be loved, worthiness, how safe we feel, how empowered we are etc.
Currently many of these old thoughts and beliefs are being illuminated so that we have the choice to recognise and deconstruct them. Often there are uncomfortable emotions gluing these old stories together, and we would be the first to agree with you that from an everyday perspective it does not always feel easy as the energetics and inflowing light bring visibility and awareness to everything that needs upgrading so that we can see clearly where we need to create something new.
However, if you can just remember to stand back and connect with the bigger picture of what is going on, new solutions and possibilities will present themselves, to show you a pathway forward. Slowly but surely, each in our own time, we are all turning from caterpillars into butterflies. |
For a large part of June, the prevailing planetary influence comes to us from the constellation of Gemini, represented in western astrology by the glyph of the twins.
The two brightest stars in the constellation of Gemini are named for the twins Castor and Pollux in Greek mythology, twin brothers born to the Queen of Sparta one with a mortal father and the other fathered by the immortal Zeus.
They serve as a reminder of our own mortal and immortal aspects and remind us of the need to bring balance to the inner polarity of personality and soul that is ever present within us, and particularly important now as we continue to expand our consciousness.
The constellation of Gemini focuses the potent forces of the second Ray of Love & Wisdom, so while the sun is in Gemini, we receive a heightened flow of the unifying, harmonising energies of unconditional love. This energy will join forces with other influences in the cosmic line up this month to help us bring greater harmony and balance to any old patterns of the past that might pop into our awareness. |
Just prior to the New Moon on June 6th Venus conjuncts the Sun in Gemini, marking the point where she changes from being visible as a morning star to being visible in the evening. You will not be able to pick this change up with the naked eye until late July when Venus will have moved far enough away from the Sun, but we will feel the change in the energetics. Use this beautiful flow of energies to tap into your hearts desires and to set the intention for these to flow fully into your life at the new Moon and in the days that follow it.
At the time of the new Moon there are 5 planets in Gemini; Sun, Moon, Jupiter, Venus & Mercury, ensuring that we have a full immersion into the potentials of Gemini energetics. There is a powerful opportunity here to connect with the love & wisdom of your soul/spirit and to set new intentions for what you would like to create for your life from that expanded perspective. |
The Sun moves into Cancer on June 20th at 21.53 UK time triggering the June Solstice. Solstices and Equinoxes are the times in the year when the veils to the higher realms are at their thinnest and when the planetary grid lines come into harmony with each other. At these times we are able to connect with the cosmos and with Source more fully.
These are also the times in the year when we receive particularly potent, life enhancing streams of high frequency light, and evolutionary codes to help expand our consciousness. The intensity of these downloads of energy has been growing over recent years as our capacity to receive and integrate them has expanded.
This month we will receive some more very high frequency light flowing in around the solstice, designed to help us with our evolutionary journey. Take the opportunity to ride this wave of energy and allow it to take you more fully into your power as a spiritual being. This is positive, life enhancing energy that will take us all forward in very positive ways. |
With the Sun now in Cancer the June full Moon falls in the opposite sign of Capricorn. There is a change in the energetic focus here as the Sun in Cancer takes us more into the nurturing, feminine, emotional energies of home and family. What is highly emphasised in the energetics of this full moon is the need for us to take responsibility for our thoughts and actions and to make sure that they align with our intentions of what we wish to create for our future, both collectively and individually. |
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This means that we may well need to look carefully at where we might not be fully acting in integrity or are still running patterns of self-sabotage and victimhood. There is a wakeup call from the universe in this energy that is strongly suggesting to us that we can now create something new if we stay out of old stories and move fully into the driving seat of our lives. The universe has our backs and will support us all of the way with this. |
We are probably all aware of the phrase ‘thoughts become things’ but how often do we really sit down and examine the thoughts that we habitually give space to with this in mind. It can be an interesting exercise to monitor your thoughts from the perspective of how many of these would I like to become tangible things in my world.
The energies this month are offering us an opportunity to review our thoughts and intentions with a view to making sure that we are able to create those things that we actually want to bring forward into our lives. As the frequencies rise on the planet our ability to create is expanding and the length of time that it takes to create something – positive or negative – is getting shorter.
If our thoughts and feelings are not in integrity with our intentions, then there is a mismatch of energy that either distorts the creation or prevents it from coming forth easily. |
Aligning with your True Self |
We are currently being invited to remember that we are spiritual beings having a human experience so that we can move fully into the expanded awareness of being consciously connected with our multidimensional selves. In this alignment, light, love and expanded ideas flow into our everyday awareness and can then be brought into tangible form in the human world.
However, the challenge is that this does not happen freely if your mental body is constantly circulating thoughts that are out of integrity with who you truly are. These create resistance and diminish your frequency to a level where it is not possible to create the idea in its fullness. Frustration, anger, anxiety or doubt can then create a smoke screen that temporarily disturbs your connection with your true self and instead takes you back into an old pattern that belongs to the past.
I am sure that you will have had that uncomfortable experience where you have a wonderful idea flow into your awareness only to find that an old story pops up to disturb your creation process. The energies this month are strongly suggesting to us that we pay careful attention to the quality and truth of our thoughts, so that we can make conscious choices about what thoughts we allow to circulate on a regular basis. |
Quality Control Your Thoughts |
We all have old patterns and stories that contain less than positive thought forms, but it is whether we are choosing to energise these that is important. This month pay attention to what comes into your awareness and your thought processes. Without any judgement notice what thoughts run habitually just under your everyday awareness.
For instance, how often do you say to yourself, ‘I don’t know’, ‘I can’t do that’, ‘I am not good enough’ etc. How often do you find yourself feeling anxious, doubtful, resentful or lacking permission to be yourself. Recognise that none of these are true and that they are part of the old stories that we are now in the process of deconstructing.
Consciously make a new choice, by creating a positive present moment statement to move the energy of the old pattern. Repeat it to yourself often. Pay careful attention to any emotions that are associated with the belief patterns because these are part of what is holding the pattern in place. Feel into the emotion and own it as best you can.
Use some essences to help dissolve and transform the associated emotion and the belief pattern. Vibrational essences are powerful tools to help us with this process and can often be the catalyst that helps us to get deeply into the roots of an issue so that we can make permanent change. |
Essences to Help:
Mental Body Essence; this is a powerful deep acting combination that will help to dissolve and release old, less than positive thought forms that have become stuck in your mental body. It is a really helpful essence to use when you recognise that you have several revolving and persistent thoughts that are in need of an upgrade which are dominating your mind. It would also be a good essence to take when you feel a need to expand your lower mental body so that it is open to more expansive in flowing ideas from your soul and higher mind. |
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Emotional Body Essence; this is a really helpful essence to take when you want to clear and balance your emotional body so that you can release old patterns with greater ease. It is particularly good for situations where the emotions have become stuck, and you are having difficulty fully recognising which emotion is holding them all in place.
Clarity Essence; releasing confusion; this is such a helpful combination to use when you have lost sight of the bigger picture of something that you are working with and as a consequence find yourself going round and round in your lower mental body, unable to see the wood for the trees. This combination will very quickly help you break through the stagnation, dissolve the confusion and reconnect you to your soul and higher mind. Also available in spray form here; Clarity & Perspective Spray.
Positive Vibrations Spray; this is a wonderful spray to use at any time when you find yourself feeling a little ‘down’ or unable to connect with the most uplifting and positive aspects of life. Use it to shift your vibrational frequency up a couple of notches, dissolve negativity and help you to maintain positive mental and emotional attitudes. |
Stay in the Present Moment |
There is a lot of rather frantic, mentally orientated energy around at the moment and it is particularly easy to get caught up into old patterns and beliefs if we allow ourselves to get spun out by it.
The idea that everything takes place outside of us is a very ancient story belonging to the old reality of 3D. It is constantly being fed in one way or another in the world by our education, healthcare, religious and governmental structures so it is insidious and deep rooted as well as counterproductive when it comes to expanding our consciousness, deconstructing old patterns, and following our own Soul’s path. If you find yourself getting spun out into a mental whirl this month, most likely some version of this pattern has become activated within you.
The antidote to this energy is to bring your awareness into the present moment and anchor yourself into your heart energy as fully as you can. As soon as you notice that you are moving away from yourself into an old pattern or getting caught up into events and drama happening outside of yourself, just take a moment to breathe deeply and bring yourself fully back into your body. Keep breathing deeply in and out, until you can feel yourself getting quieter, more present and fully anchored into your rooting system in the Earth. Then, draw your awareness into the centre of your head and allow your heart energy to expand. Create a big bubble of love and light that flows outwards into your energy field from your heart. Own this space by filling it with positive feelings like quiet, peace, joy & ease, so that you have a sanctuary to withdraw to where you can easily reset your intention and focus. |
Essences to Help:
Being Present Essence; becoming grounded - this is a wonderful combination for anyone who has a habit of trying to by-pass life by taking themselves off into the past or the future. Most of us have some version of this pattern, because it is a very deeply engrained pattern that can take many shapes and forms. Any time that you find yourself struggling to stay present with what is going on for you, unable to concentrate on something important because your attention is drifting away from it or just feeling particularly ungrounded this is the combination for you. |
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Heart Connection Spray; use this spray to help you expand the powerful energies of your heart chakra so that you can live fully in the love that you are. It will promote a quick release of any painful emotions or constricting energies that might be sitting in the way of this. Wonderful to use over a period of time or just in the moment where you need a better connection to your heart.
Inner Wisdom Essence; connecting heart & mind - this is the essence to use when you want to open a greater connection to your soul and higher mind. It will help you to clear the pathway and to bring the wisdom of your soul more fully into your heart and lower mind. From this perspective it is much easier to deconstruct old patterns and to create new and positive ones for the future.
Inner Harmony Essence; relaxation - this is the essence to use when you find yourself in that uncomfortable wound-up state where the mind is going round and round, driving you faster and faster and you cannot find a way to easily relax. It will help to restore equilibrium and balance, calm your system and remind you how to connect back into your heart and the bigger picture of life. |
Finding ways to be more connected with the power of our heart and the wisdom of our soul is an impulse that more and more of us are feeling at the moment. Part of this inner journey is working with the emotions, blocks and old belief patterns that we can all face in life. What we love about Flower & Vibrational essences is the depth of support that they offer in this process and how much they can help you to deepen your inner connection with yourself at all levels.
The Essences on special offer this month include our Bach Flower Remedy sets, some of our Crystal essences, a selection of combinations and our single Flower essences. They have a focus on supporting you with staying balanced and centred, with self expression, clearing old resentment, developing greater confidence, opening your heart and standing more fully in your own energetic space and more besides. |
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|  | | Heart chakra & integration |
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|  | | Sacredness & interconnection |
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|  | | Heart expansion & connection |
|  | | Re-balancing your chakras |
| We love the Bach Flower Remedies! Our 10ml Bach Flower Remedy set contains all 38 Bach Remedies along with two bottles of Revival Remedy combination, each handmade with love and care according to the original instructions of Dr Bach. |
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All at 20% discount for the month |
 | The Transmission of Beauty: Flower Essences and Art
Art is like flower essences because both are transmissions of energy. Like an essence, art works on the energetic layer and shifts and transforms the consciousness of the person who’s perceiving it. And whether it’s art or essences, the more sensitive you are, the more you will be aware of how this energetic transmission is impacting you. Soul artist and vibrational healer Beki Crowell has spent her life exploring how the beautiful vibrations of nature dissolve patterns of disconnection and she is sharing her story, her wisdom, and a process for you to receive a transmission of Beauty for your heart and your soul. |
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Well, that’s it from us, it just remains for us to wish you a wonderful month of conscious creation and to send you all our love with the reminder to contact us if you need further help or support on your journey.
With Peace & Love,
Catherine & All at Crystal Herbs |
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