The Crystal Herbs Newsletter - July 2024 |
In this month’s E-Light we are exploring the opportunities for deep transformation that are being offered to us and how we can best position ourselves to take full advantage of them. We look at the art of managing energetic intensity and how we can stay firmly on our own surfboard as we ride the waves of transformation this month. |
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We also look at the cosmic energy flow for July, the need to manage our own vibrational frequency and the importance of avoiding distraction so that we can stay in balance, harmony and neutrality to help facilitate positive change. As always, we highlight some essences that might be particularly helpful to assist us to move through the month with greater ease and grace. |
In E-Light this Month: Keeping Your Balance in a Changing World, July’s Energetics, New Moon, Full moon & Riding the Waves of Transformation. You can also find Our Latest Special Offers for the month plus our latest news. |
All of the Essences, articles and special offers mentioned in this newsletter can be found on our web site at - www.crystalherbs.com |
Keeping Your Balance in a Changing World |
Managing Energetic Intensity |
As we enter into July, the energies of change and transformation are beginning to increase in both speed and intensity and will continue to do so over the coming weeks and months. You, like us, are probably feeling that the speed of change has been intense enough as it is, but there is more still to come so it will be important to maintain an inner point of balance and focus that will allow us to successfully ride these waves of change.
Currently the cosmic energy flow is clearly set out to guide and support us through the transformational process of expanding our consciousness, shedding density and opening the doorway into a new reality. This is why we can see more and more old things beginning to break down and start to unravel in the world in a much larger way.
No matter where you look, nothing seems fit for purpose any more. Health services, education systems, governments, utilities, financial systems and big corporations are no longer working well, and it is becoming ever more obvious where vested interests and lack of truth and integrity are causing problems. As disruptive and disorientating as this might feel, it is also a very positive process because it will allow us to create something new that is more in alignment with where our evolutionary process is taking us.
The etheric patterning that holds the potential and design for all that we experience in form on Earth has changed and no longer supports the consciousness of separation that has underpinned so much of what we have experienced here for many thousands of years. As the Earth moves back into the part of her cycle that allows us to receive more and more high frequency light from the universe, we must respond to the impetus for spiritual transformation that comes with this and open to a greater awareness of who we really are as beings of light and consciousness.
It is so important that we recognise that these changes are not something that are happening to us, they are happening for and as a result of us. They are a wakeup call reminding us of why we are here and that we need to step up, take responsibility, and be an anchor point for transformation to take place in our world.
This month the energetics will be offering us opportunities to further expand our perceptions and spiritual awareness, as well as to transform more old patterns that are no longer needed. We will be increasingly able to see beyond the illusions that we have lived with for so long. As the lies, deceptions and misinformation become more obvious remember to step back and just observe. Do your best not to get sucked into them, caught up in the drama or swing on the polarities of right/wrong etc. Our freedom from control and manipulation lies in our ability to stay balanced and centred and to take full responsibility for anything that is ours to change. |
The cosmic energy flow for July is potent, fast moving and transformational. We are being asked to take responsibility, go with the flow and allow what needs to be transformed to do so with as much ease and grace as we can muster.
There is a sense of these next few weeks bringing us a ‘reality check’, an opportunity to evaluate where we have got to on our spiritual journey. This would be a good time to check in with yourself as to whether you are fully embodying all of your truth and wisdom in your everyday life. If there are areas where this is not the case look at what needs to change within you to facilitate a greater flow.
As both Saturn and Neptune turn retrograde in Pisces, on the very last degree of the zodiac, we are clearly being shown that we are entering a period where an old reality is now ending ready for the rebirth of a new one. This is rather like the period of time between selling your house and actually moving into a new one. In that interim period there is much dismantling, releasing of anything you will not need, packing and planning before you can move on to a new stage of your life. It is exciting, provided that you keep your focus clearly on the life you want to create when you get to your new home.
This is a change that will be taking place on the world stage as well as within each one of us so it is important that we focus on allowing something new to take root within us so that we strengthen the collective focus on a new beginning. |
All the other planetary activity this month is set against the backdrop of the inflowing energies from the constellation of Cancer, represented in western astrology by the sign of the crab. The watery, intuitive, nurturing energies of Cancer bring an emphasis to those areas of life that relate to 'home' and 'family' and as always, their influence will be multi-layered.
At an everyday level, we might find our attention taken to the home we live in and the family that we are connected to through birth, marriage etc. At another level, this energy could bring a particularly sharp focus to the obvious need for us to take greater responsibility for our planetary ‘home’ and for our collective human ‘family’.
In the Ancient Wisdom Teachings Cancer is considered to be the gateway through which souls originally entered into physical incarnation so each year this energy also brings us the potentiality of ‘rebirth’ or a new starting point, something that is especially emphasised in this month’s energy flow. |
Uplifting Energies from the Sirius Gateway |
The Sun conjuncts the star Sirius at 14 degrees of Cancer every year between July 2 and 7th which activates the opening of a gateway for an expanded energetic exchange between Sirius and the Earth. Sirius has long been considered to be Earth’s spiritual sun and during this period in July when we are particularly in alignment, we receive a welcome flow of high frequency, creative, inspirational energies designed to help us evolve and grow. This flow of energy contains light frequencies, codes, and new patterning for our spiritual advancement. This year it has been particularly potent and expansive and we will be integrating the gift of these energies for some time to come. |
While the gateway with Sirius is open this year we also have a new moon in Cancer on July 5th. The combination of the sun and moon together, conjunct Sirius will act as a powerful amplifier for the inflowing spiritual energies from Sirius. This is beautiful, deeply nurturing, uplifting energy which we can use to allow some of the old density that we no longer need to transform. Look out for new perceptions and subtle nudges from your spirit, reminding you to expand your consciousness and explore what is now possible as the frequencies rise higher. |
This month we have an unusual second full moon in Capricorn on July 21st. The previous one was on June 21st just after the Cancer solstice. This will be a powerful full moon and we could find ourselves revisiting some of the things that were highlighted for us at the previous one in June.
The focus here will be on expanding the process of awakening and illumination of anything that is standing in the way of us reaching our full potential. The energies around this time are particularly volatile and feisty so remember to stay centred, grounded and focussed on what is important for you. |
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Riding the Waves of Transformation |
Staying on your Surfboard |
It is clear from the energetics this month that ‘the old’ whether within ourselves or out in the world has to be allowed to transform and that that process is about to take another step forward. Everything is slowly being aligned with the new energetics that are currently available to us as we move into the Aquarian Era, which will eventually see a much greater emphasis being placed on cooperation, collaboration, decentralisation and heart based spiritual alignment.
Gradually these changes will influence every aspect of life in new and positive ways, but currently we are still in the dismantling and releasing stage prior to transitioning into our new ‘house’. We are also all at different stages of our preparations for this move so it is important that we each remember to focus on what feels important to us and what it is we truly know in our hearts that we are being called to do. This does not need to be anything big or complicated, just the intention to live your life from your own truth and light, taking responsibility for stepping out of any old stories that might restrict your ability to do this. |
Managing your Vibrational Frequency |
Deep transformation can feel messy and disorientating as we go through it, so it is important that we remember that riding the waves of change successfully is dependent on our ability to manage our own vibrational frequency. Just being willing to explore and own anything that comes into your awareness for change with compassion and non-judgement will help you to do this. We have a choice in each moment of how we respond to situations or events that might present themselves. If you should find yourself wobbling on your surfboard or feeling in danger of being overwhelmed by the waves around you, just take a moment to breath, ground and check in to what has been activated within you. Remember to detach from the outer world trigger and simply own whatever the emotion or belief pattern is, that has become more obvious to you. This will allow you to stay in your power, check out your perception and manage your vibrational frequency. |
Essences to Help:
In situations where you are feeling very wobbly, having difficulty detaching from something that has activated a deep pattern or need to quickly widen your perception on something disruptive that you are experiencing, one of the best resources we know to help create greater balance and harmony is a well-chosen combination of Bach Flower Remedies.
These essences are particularly effective when mixed together into a treatment combination of 7 or 8 essences and then taken often. Used like this they will very quickly diminish difficult peaks in emotions or balance out unruly thought patterns so that you can regain perspective on something more easily. |
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We all have our own particular set of issues that can be triggered off and that have the potential to take us into some dark places from time to time. With the energies so very focused on transformation these are the very places that are likely to be triggered off for us, because these are the very things that are unconsciously holding us back and so require attention.
It can be very helpful to identify what these states are for you and also which Bach Flower Remedies would help to rebalance the state quickly when it comes to the surface, before it is triggered off.
For example, Rock Rose & Cherry Plum will quickly help to dissipate strong vibrations of fear, Sweet Chestnut will help to lift you out of deep despair, Chicory will help you to balance painful feelings of being unloved, Pine will release you from feelings of guilt, Holly will calm anger, Beech will extricate you from patterns of judgement and Agrimony will help you to stay present with what you are feeling so that you can identify and express it clearly.
More information on Bach Flower Remedies and individual stock bottles can be found here or mix your own Bach combination here. |
Operating from Balance and Neutrality |
As the world goes through its process of transformation it is becoming increasingly messy, noisy and disorganised so it is important that we do not let our attention wander off and get caught up in everything and anything that is going on. There are games playing out at the moment that are designed to distract us and keep our attention focussed on lower vibrational frequencies and old stories that will have no place in our new reality. For instance, fear is a vibration that is being strongly stirred up right now as it is very effective at keeping everything stuck and controlling people so that they do not open their hearts to the opportunities that are sitting right in front of them.
We can best help if we manage our vibrational frequency, choose where we put our attention and as much as we possibly can, choose to operate from a neutral point of observation. It is worth remembering that the more we engage our attention in what we do not want the more we are helping to energise it. If you should find yourself getting caught up into a polarity of right/wrong, good/bad etc do your best to move your awareness into the centre point of the polarity where you can see the bigger picture more easily. Recognise it has to play out so that we can make a new choice and let go. Pay attention to anything that has been triggered off for you in the situation and deal with this within yourself. It needs as many awake people as possible to stay in their centre and managing their frequency, to create an anchor point for others to see the way. |
Essences to Help:
Auric Protection Spray; safe boundaries – this is a really effective, fast acting spray to use when you know that you will be facing situations that normally cause you an energetic challenge and make it difficult for you to stay in a neutral, balanced place. Use it if you are feeling over sensitive, are easily overwhelmed by other people’s volatile emotions or need to strengthen your auric field so that you can stay in your centre. This is a very helpful spray to use when you have temporarily lost your centre and sense of self because there is so much going on around you. It will quickly help you to disconnect from the chaos and connect back into the balance and harmony of your own truth and light. |
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Inner Calm; transforming fear – this is a wonderful combination to use when you need to transform vibrations of fear. Fear is the glue that holds so many of our patterns stuck in place and a vibrational frequency that can make it difficult for us to step fully into our full potential. There is a lot of fear being stirred up in the collective right now so if you should find yourself encountering this vibration within yourself this month this is the essence to help you to release and move on.
Hara Activation; this is a really helpful essence to take when you are feeling distracted and need to strengthen your focus and intention on fulfilling your true purpose. It will also help you to stay centred and connected to your physical body. This is a powerful essence to use when you need to anchor more of your soul’s wisdom into your everyday life.
Karmic Fuchsia Flower Essence; this is the essence to use when you find yourself having difficulty opening your heart because there is some uncomfortable emotion causing a block that is difficult to release. In these days of deep transformation there are a lot of these buried uncomfortable emotions being triggered off for all of us. However, many of us have long ago erected defence/resistance patterns that we decided would keep us safe, that now prevent us from fully accessing the blocked emotion. Fuchsia is a wonderful essence to help dissolve the defences and the emotion so that we can open our hearts fully again. |
We have some new Flower & Crystal Essence special offers for you this month and we hope that you enjoy exploring these lovely essences & sets! |
|  | | Inter-connection and sacredness |
|  | | Calm, relaxation & clarity |
 | | Guilt, forgiveness & acceptance |
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 | | Re-integrating all parts of yourself |
|  | | Aligning more with your spiritual goals |
|  | | Essence sprays for inner balance & harmony |
| We have a wonderful range of Gem & Crystal Essences to choose, from Abalone to Zircon. Each Gem, Crystal or Mineral holds a unique patterning of life force energy, an intelligent patterning that when taken as an essence is capable of reminding your complete energetic system – spiritual, mental, emotional & physical – how to work together in balance and harmony. |
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All at 20% discount for the month |
 | Inner Strength, Determination & Positivity: the Inner Strength Essence
Empowering Your Inner Journey: there are times in life when we will all need the important qualities of inner strength, resolve and determination to assist us with our inner journey of transformation. The Inner Strength Essence from the Divine Harmony Essences range is a deep acting combination of flower, gem & crystal essences specifically designed to give you a stronger sense of your own inner power and authority so that you can follow your own path without hesitation. |
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Well, that’s it from us, it just remains for us to wish you a wonderful month of balance & harmony and to send you all our love with the reminder to contact us if you need further help or support on your journey.
With Peace & Love,
Catherine & All at Crystal Herbs |
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