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Dear Friends,
Grounding & Alignment: this months newsletter is all about the lovely Loosestrife Flower Essence. Loosestrife is a wonderful essence for grounding and alignment. It helps to align your base chakra, sacral chakra and solar plexus chakra and if you are someone who is easily ungrounded, ‘spaced out’ or has difficulty acting upon intuitive guidance, this would be a really helpful essence for you.
You can also find our special offers for July below.
Our focus for this month’s Essence Review is Loosestrife, one of our large collection of single Flower Essences. It is also included in our Flower Essence Collection Set.
If you have a pond in your garden the chances are that you will probably have a clump of Purple Loosestrife growing somewhere around the boggy margins of it. Loosestrife’s tall, purple spires of flowers can also be found in unspoilt areas of the countryside growing wild in damp ditches and hedgerows. It is usually in flower between June and August each year so now is a really good time to look out for it.
Loosestrife has roots that grow deep into the mud and water of ditches and pond margins while it’s beautiful, purple spires of flowers reach for the sky. As a plant, it needs the stability provided by its deep root system in order to be able to support those tall stems of flowers that look so picturesque and inviting.
When the flowers of the Loosestrife plant are made into a flower essence the qualities of grounding and stability are transferred from the plant to the essence to become an important part of its properties.
As a flower essence, Loosestrife helps to promote greater balance and alignment between the base, sacral and solar plexus chakras. These three chakras should function together as a unit to provide us with a strong, stable energetic foundation.
Just like plants need a sufficient root system to support the flowers they produce, we also need a strong, energetic foundation in order to activate and fully use our higher chakras. Without the stability provided by our ‘roots’ it is difficult for us to ground higher inspiration or intuitive ideas and bring them fully into manifestation in the world. Loosestrife also aligns the etheric, mental and spiritual bodies.
The combination of these properties makes Loosestrife an excellent essence for anyone who easily becomes spaced out or ungrounded, has difficulty staying focussed in the present moment or would like to expand their connection with their multidimensional self.
If you are a heart centred, intuitive soul currently struggling a little to bring your unique gifts into the world in a tangible, manifest form, Loosestrife is the essence for you. It will help to strengthen and align your energetic foundations so that there is a completed circuit that will allow more of who you are to anchor into physical form.
Our ability to maintain energetic balance and stability is definitely being well tested in the current environment. The chaos of change has become particularly intense and obvious in our world over recent months, and it is very important that we do everything that we can to stay grounded and connected to our own stream of intuitive knowing.
Things have to change in order that something new can be created to take the place of what is old and complete. We can best contribute to this by staying connected to ourselves and keeping our attention on the new reality we wish to experience. Loosestrife is an excellent essence to help us with this process.
Keywords: Balance | Grounding | Strong foundations | Manifesting
Loosestrife works extremely well taken as a single essence on its own. An effective dose for most adults is four drops on the tongue 4 x a day, straight from the stock bottle. For best results take consistently for a period of two to four weeks.
It is also very effective mixed into a stock combination with other deep acting Flower, Gem or Crystal essences if you want to focus on an issue in more depth.
Loosestrife is such a helpful essence that we include it in quite a few of our combination essences. It is an essence in the following combinations:
Flower Essence Shop
If you would like to try this essence, you can find it online here:
Loosestrife Flower Essence: Flower Essence Shop
You can also phone us to order on - 01379 608059 ( +44 1379 608059 )
Newsletter Special Offer: Discount Code: Loosestrife22
You can use this code to get a 25% discount on the Loosestrife Essence.
The following Flower, Gem & Crystal Essences and Sets are on special offer at 20% discount for the month.
Individual & Combination Essences
A powerful Essence helping you to release feelings of guilt, over responsibility, judgement or self-condemnation. It helps to promote a greater sense of forgiveness, self acceptance and unconditional love for yourself self and others, allowing you to forgive and move on.
Forgiveness Essence | Divine Harmony Essences | from £5.00
A really useful combination for working with deep patterns of fearfulness, worry or insecurity, possibly manifesting as unfounded feelings of panic or a deep dislike of something. Also useful where there are underlying fears or difficulties with facing particular situations in life or achieving ones full potential.
Inner Calm Essence | Divine Harmony Essences | from £5.00
Forget Me Not flower essence promotes greater mental clarity and stimulates the recall and retention of information. This is a useful essence to take if you are ever prone to negative thoughts, worry and emotional tension. It can also be very supportive for easing nightmares and soothing disturbed sleep patterns. It increases connection between the crown chakra and the conscious mind, particularly during meditation, so is a helpful essence if you want to enhance spiritual communication.
Forget Me Not Flower Essence | Flower Essences | From £4.64
Malachite opens the heart chakra, balances the solar plexus chakra & aligns the etheric and emotional bodies. It dispels impurities from the energetic blueprint and helps refocus difficult emotional issues. It also helps to promote balanced personal power.
Malachite Essence | Gem & Crystal Essences | From £4.64
Peridot brings all the subtle bodies into alignment, helping to disperse impurities and negativity from the energetic blueprint. Use this essence to enhance your experience of meditation and expand the connection with your higher self. It will also help to promote clarity, patience, positivity & acceptance of your physical existence.
Peridot Essence | Gem & Crystal Essences | From £4.64
The Angel of Love Essence works with the frequencies of unconditional love and will gently help you to activate this energy within your heart chakra. It's a lovely Essence to use and it will help and guide you to recognise the difference between this kind of love and its lower frequency counterpart based on emotional attachment.
Angel of Love | Angel Essences | From £4.60
This is a powerful and very useful combination for working with issues around inner knowing or intuition and a lack of faith in yourself or the universe. Also helpful if you find that you have an overly mental approach to life, an inability to focus your thoughts or a feeling of being stuck in the small details of life. Good also for feelings of ‘I don’t know’.
Brow Chakra Essence | Chakra Essences | from £5.00
The Angelic Gifts spray is a lovely Essence to help you to receive inspiration, illumination and guidance from the Angelic Realms. It provides a focus for connection with the Angels and opens the receptive pathways for inspiration and guidance as well as strengthening your vibrational alignment.
Angelic Gifts Essence Spray | Pure Vibrations Collection | From £8.92
Sets of Essences
A complete set of Chakra Essences makes a wonderful and deep acting toolkit to help you to work with your seven main chakras and three important minor chakra points. The ten Essences in this set are designed to help you to open and balance a specific chakra and to help you to release and work with the thoughts, emotions & energies related to that chakra.
Chakra Essence Set | Chakra Essences | From £44.00
Our self select single Crystal & Gem Essence sets are an ideal starter set. You can choose any 10 different single Crystal & Gem Essence Essences for your set, which will come in an attractive card presentation box. Each Essence is at Stock Level and is handmade for you with love and care, helping to ensure that we provide you with the best possible quality of Essence.
Crystal & Gem Essence Self Select Set | Crystal & Gem Essence | £40.80
All at 20% discount for the month: Crystal Herbs Special Offers
Going on holiday is meant to be fun, but it can sometimes bring a few related stresses that stop you fully relaxing and enjoying yourself. We’re often asked which essences are best for holiday travel so today we’re going to explore the Flower Essences we recommend most often for holidays.
Ten Flower Essences for Happy Holidays
Here you can find our latest Essence Suggestions for the month. Some of these are based on the suggestions in our E-Light newsletter and relate to what is happening at an energetic level and some are essences that are just feeling particularly important or relevant right now.
Essence Suggestions for the Month
Are you highly sensitive to other people’s emotions and energy? Do you intuitively know things without anyone telling you? Chances are you’re an empath. Many people who take flower essences are empaths, and while the ability to empathise with others means you feel beauty and connection very deeply, the flipside can be feeling the pain of the world and being unable to filter out other people’s emotions and energies.
Seven Flower Essences for Empaths
If you would like any help or advice with any of the Essences or Sets in this newsletter, please do contact us and we would be very happy to help.
01379 608059 or ++44 1379 608059
Well that’s it from us, it just remains for us to wish you a good month and to remind you to contact us if you need any help or support: Contact Us
With Love, Peace & Blessings,
Catherine, Sam & All at Crystal Herbs
Tel - 01379 608059 ( +44 1379 608059 )
www.crystalherbs.com | Shop | info@crystalherbs.com
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