About Catherine Keattch

Co-Owner Crystal Herbs
Catherine is a director at Crystal Herbs and has been with us since the early 1990’s. She is a trained essence practitioner, energy healer, teacher, and workshop leader. She loves creating vibrational essences and greatly enjoys making the mother tinctures that allow us to provide our wide range of flower, gem & crystal essences. Her passion is to provide the knowledge, wisdom and tools that will support others to find greater harmony, well-being, and spiritual fulfilment in their lives.
About Me...
The Transformational Power of Vibrational Essences
I find the deeply transformational power of vibrational essences so inspiring, and I love to witness how they talk to a person’s soul, gently reminding them of who they truly are. They have been a part of my own personal and spiritual journey for more than thirty years now and have helped me negotiate the challenges and discover the joys of my personal inner journey to embody more of my true, soul self in this lifetime. They have helped me recognise and rebalance many of the old stories that we all inherit as part of our incarnational experience on this planet, taken me deeper into my heart and helped me to raise my vibrational frequency so that I can begin to move back into the love & light of who I truly am. I have great gratitude for the gifts that essences provide us with and feel excited to have the opportunity to expand understanding and awareness about the power they have to help us negotiate these times of profound change and transformation with greater ease.
Working With Essences
It is hard to believe that I have been involved with the world of vibrational essences for more than thirty years now. That time has gone by so fast, and the journey of exploration that it has taken me on has involved many exciting adventures for which I am hugely grateful. Looking back I can see that I have always been drawn to explore things that were outside of the mainstream even in my previous professional life as a musician and teacher. Helping people to understand themselves better, has always been a point of focus in my life and when I became involved with vibrational essences a whole new world of possibilities opened up that I dived into with great enthusiasm.
Over the years I have greatly enjoyed taking our essences out to Mind Body Spirit Festivals and giving talks and leading workshops that helped people to understand more about how they could use vibrational essences to enhance their lives and to expand their spiritual connection. I particularly enjoyed my trips to Chile to provide workshops for our distributor there, meeting up with many delightful, likeminded souls in the process.
Over the years providing one to one consultations for people in need of guidance and essence advice, has been something that I have both valued and enjoyed as a part of the service that we offer here at Crystal Herbs.
I also feel greatly privileged to have been a part of the teaching staff for the College of Vibrational Medicine that for many years provided part time diploma courses for those wishing to train as practitioners of flower, gem & crystal essence therapy. The CVM began training practitioners in 1992 and the last course finished in 2008. My involvement with it began in 1993 as a student, moved on to becoming a staff member in 1995 when I graduated and then becoming fully responsible for it as its Principal from 2001-2008. Guiding students to explore their own personal and spiritual growth through taking essences and then teaching them how to do this for others was a very rich and fulfilling experience and one that I have greatly valued.

I also love making our mother tinctures as well as growing and nurturing many of the flowers that we need in order to be able to do this. Regular visits to wild unspoilt areas of countryside to find and make others that I am not able to grow in my garden is also something that I look forward to with joyful expectation each year.
Catherine's Essence Journey
When I first became involved with the world of vibrational essences back in the early 1990’s the field was tiny compared to what it has become now. When I joined Crystal Herbs in 1993 it was a micro business run by its founder Shimara Kumara and Colin Burbridge. When Shimara left Crystal Herbs to concentrate on developing her Eternal Light Healing system in 1996, Colin & I took over Crystal Herbs and ran it as a partnership until 2011 when Colin retired.
Over those years the business expanded greatly, and we had many wonderful members of staff who helped us with this process along the way. In 2011 we became Crystal Herbs Ltd with Sam and I as co-directors. By then the world of flower essences had greatly expanded and we had developed a very large range of essences all designed to help people with their personal and spiritual growth. Sam and I have continued to expand our essence range over the years since 2011, doing our best to keep up with the need to provide essences that expand consciousness and help people stay aligned with the increasing speed of transformation that is now taking place on the planet.

My personal journey with essences began in the early 1990’s when I was searching for greater understanding about the issues that I found myself facing in life and also for help for one of my children who was unwell. Finding Vibrational Essences provided me with answers to both these issues and led me to begin a journey of transformative personal and spiritual growth that I remain deeply committed to. As part of this journey I have trained as a Flower Gem & Crystal essence practitioner with the College of Vibrational medicine and an energy healer and a Gaia master teacher with Shimara Kumara’s Eternal Light healing system. I have also studied with many spiritual teachers along the way, completing courses of study over recent years with Jim Self at Mastering Alchemy and Joan Walker at Ascending Masters.
Throughout my ongoing journey of exploring consciousness, essences have been my constant companions, helping me through difficult times, reminding me to open my heart and to let go of what no longer serves me and above all expanding my consciousness so that I can remember who I am and why I am here.
Outside of Work
Outside of work I enjoy spending time in the peace and tranquillity of nature, going for long walks, gardening, reading, and meditating. Learning to be at peace with myself and to enjoy my own company has been a journey of exploration in itself and having finally achieved this I now enjoy taking time out to enjoy it to the full.
I also like to spend time in the company of likeminded souls who see life as a journey of spiritual exploration and expansion and who are holding a vision for a new reality to unfold for humanity based in wholeness, joy, freedom, and unconditional love.
More From Catherine Keattch...

See Also:
About Crystal Herbs
Crystal Herbs have been making and selling Flower, Gem & Crystal Essences for over 30 years and our focus is on providing you with the best possible quality of essence. To that end all our essences are hand made with love and consciousness, from making the mother tinctures, to bottling and labelling the bottles that we send you.
Crystal Herbs is run by Catherine Keattch and Sam Cremnitz, along with a dedicated team who are all trained practitioners and healers in their own right. We are a specialist Flower Essence producer and we're passionate about all aspects of Vibrational Essences. We have been making and selling our range of Essences for 30 years and have customers all over the world.
- We are passionate about essences! We've been creating and developing Essences for over 30 years and helping people with essences is our great joy. All of the essences that we offer are handmade with love & consciousness.
- As a specialist Flower Essence company our main focus is on producing the best quality Flower, Gem & Crystal Essences that we can so that you have the tools that you need to empower and help yourself. All of our essences are handmade with love & consciousness.
- We offer a comprehensive range of different essences which together form a wonderful resource for anyone working with change, transformation and personal and spiritual growth.
- We're here to help, so if you have any questions or if you need any support while you're using an essence, please do contact us!
- U.K. & Worldwide Shipping - we are based in the lovely county of Norfolk in the U.K. and we send to individuals, practitioners and shops throughout the U.K., the E.U. and all around the world.

Handmade with Love & Care
From making the Mother Tincture to bottling and labelling the stock bottles that we send you, each essence is handmade with love and care, helping to ensure that we provide you with the best possible quality of essence.