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Welcome to E-Light |
The Crystal Herbs Newsletter - December 2023 |
In E-light this month we are looking at how we can use the energetic flow available to us to expand spiritually, love more deeply, and consciously choose the vibrational frequencies that will allow us to step more fully into the magic of life. |
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In E-Light this Month: Stepping into the Magic, December’s Energetics, Loving Deeply - Embracing Vulnerability, Expanding Spiritually, a Powerful Choice Point, Connection, Expansion & Celebration, Your Frequency acts as a Magnet and our latest Special Offers and News. |
All of the Essences, articles and special offers mentioned in this newsletter can be found on our web site at - |
Stepping into the Magic |
The overall flow of energy this month feels much more nebulous and expansive than last month’s which was very strong and clearly focussed. The greater diversity of energetic threads this month will be offering us many interesting and expansive possibilities to step more fully into the magic of life.
We are being encouraged to explore beyond the parameters of perceived ‘normality’ and to reflect deeply on who we are as spiritual beings as well as how we want our world to be, going forward. Now is the time to stand in our sovereignty, power, and light and to choose carefully and consciously which seeds we sow for our individual and collective future.
Let the positive vibrational frequencies that you choose for yourself flow into the world and connect you with others of like mind so that the fast-growing web of collaborative, creative, inspirational new ideas can become strong enough to permanently supersede the old out worn polarity model. There is magic in the air this month, and we have the power to align with it so let’s just do it! |
December Energetics: Creating an Expanded Reality |
Steering a new pathway forward |
The cosmic energy flow for December is a little calmer in nature than that of the last couple of months. There is still some of the fiery, provocative type of energy that we have experienced recently in the mix but there are also some gentler energies included in this month’s set up that will be encouraging us to love deeply and to expand spiritually. The overall focus remains the same however, which is to help us steer a new path forward for ourselves that will assist us with creating a new reality. Over the last few years in particular we have been sowing the seeds for what is to come and now we must nurture the new growth in ways that will allow it to grow and blossom. As in any garden weeding out what you do not want is important to allow space for what you do want to flourish. There will be lots of opportunity this month to reflect on where you are and also what you want to nurture within yourself as you go forward into 2024. |
Loving Deeply, Embracing Vulnerability | Opening your heart in new ways | With Venus moving into Scorpio in the early part of the month we could find ourselves feeling into the intensity of human emotional love in new, possibly unfamiliar ways. There could be a feeling of passion aroused here that takes us deep into a sense of love and compassion for the whole human family that we belong to. It could bring a new love into your life and encourage you to open your heart in ways that you have never felt able to in the past.
This energy may also ask us to review our capacity to love ourselves and to look at where this could be expanded or overhauled. Most of us have at some time or another felt that intoxicating feeling of new love for another person when we fall in love. Very few of us have ever explored how we might find that same sense of love for ourselves. There are threads in the energetics this month that are encouraging us to review this and to recognise that our capacity to love another fully is directly affected by our capacity to love ourselves.
Loving deeply means that we have to be willing to embrace the feelings of vulnerability that this may bring with it and still open our hearts to allow more love in. As we do this it is likely that we may connect with any ‘protection’ that we have previously erected in order to keep ourselves safe from re-experiencing feelings of pain, loss, grief and hurt. Indeed, we may also encounter the residue of this old energy as we explore deeper into our hearts this month.
Scorpio is deeply transformational emotional energy and will be assisting us to dig deep and release what is no longer relevant or useful so that we can love more deeply in all of the ways that this is possible. |
Essences to help: Unconditional Love is a wonderful combination to use when you want to expand your capacity to love deeply. It will remind you what it is like to be deeply held within the vibration of divine unconditional love. Open to Receive is a helpful essence when you need support to dissolve old belief patterns relating to lack of love, abundance etc which make it difficult to open your heart fully. Choose Letting Go to help clear away any old emotional pain and grief that might be making it feel ‘safer’ to keep your heart protected. |
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Expanding Spiritually | Connecting more deeply with source | There is a very strong Neptunian influence running through the energetics this month which will be encouraging us to expand spiritually and to remember that we are one with all of creation. As Neptune turns direct in the watery feminine sign of Pisces it will be easier for us to connect with our intuition and creativity as well as expanding our ability to connect deeply with Source.
This is a very important aspect of the energies this month and one to take advantage of as much as you can. Feel deeply into yourself and into your heart and allow the sense of who you are as a multi-dimensional being to blend with who you are as a human, expanding your awareness of yourself and bringing in a flow of guidance and mystical inspiration.
Strong Neptunian energies can also make us feel a bit spun out, disillusioned, confused and overwhelmed. This can sometimes happen if we are not connected to our hearts and grounded enough to maintain the alignment with our soul and multi-dimensional self with sufficient awareness and focus. We can then feel as though we are washing around in a vast sea of energies without an anchor point. Connecting with the Earth, walking in nature, practising Chi Gong and a focussed meditation practice will all help with this. |
Essences to help: Soul Connection is a wonderful essence to take when you want to expand your capacity to blend your multidimensional self with your human self. Choose Creativity to help you flow with the expansive threads of creative energy available within this month’s cosmic flow. The Earth Connection Spray will assist you to stay grounded and connected if you temporarily loose your anchor point |
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A Powerful Choice Point | The 12-12 Gateway, New Moon and Mercury Retrograde | This year we have the New Moon in Sagittarius and the 12-12 Gateway coming together to provide us with a very powerful choice point. This is an alignment ripe with the opportunity for spiritual expansion and the fertility needed to birth new ideas and positive new choices for our future.
The 12-12 Gateway is a cosmic energy portal that opens each year bringing in a flow of high frequency light and evolutionary codes that we can use to help us expand our consciousness. The New Moon in the expansive spiritually orientated sign of Sagittarius amplifies this as well as encouraging us to make inspired new choices that will be the basis for creating a significant new beginning and direction for our future.
The New Moon is also conjunct the Great Attractor which again means that more high frequency energy and information can be accessed to help us stay focussed on what we want to create. Align your frequency with the highest potential that you can here and make new choices for yourself that will take you forward positively for next year and beyond.
Mercury will add flavouring to this energetic mix as it turns retrograde on Dec 13th encouraging us to turn within and listen to our inner guidance as we review and realign. Be mindful that a period of Mercury retrograde is also always a good time to take extra care with communication and details in the outer, practical world.
There are many energetic threads in this New Moon picture all seeking to help us awaken to new ideas, expand the bigger picture of opportunity and to bring the need for truth and individual sovereignty into strong focus. There is also potential for the energies of polarity and strong opinions to be activated at this time so just be mindful, breath and step back if you find yourself unexpectedly triggered. If you can, move into your heart before responding and do your best to avoid the need to be right.
Jupiter will be expanding whatever is unfolding around this New Moon so choose carefully what you put your focus on and how you align yourself for best results! Let the energies of Jupiter expand and amplify your inspired new ideas and creative inspirations rather than an old story that just needs to be dissolved. |
Essences to help: change is not something that we all flow with easily even when it is positive change, so if you find yourself needing a little support to move forward this month a bottle of New Horizons might be just what you need to help. Inner Strength is a wonderful combination to help you stand more firmly in your own truth, power & light. |
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Connection, Expansion & Celebration | |
The December Solstice takes place as the Sun moves into Capricorn, which this year happens at 3.27am on December 22nd. At this point the Sun has reached as far as it will go on its journey into the southern hemisphere, and we enter a period of winter in the northern hemisphere while those in the southern hemisphere begin their summer season.
The Solstices and Equinoxes mark the four quarters of the year and at these times all of the grid lines in the Earth come into a temporary state of harmony and balance while at the same time there is a powerful flow of high frequency, spiritually uplifting energy flowing onto the planet. These are very powerful times to meditate and connect with both the Earth and the Cosmos to help this inflowing energy to integrate.
The energies of the Solstices and Equinoxes also set an energetic template for the following three months. At the time of the December Solstice there is a very strong influence from the six planets that are in Earth signs at this time, providing a strongly practical, stabilising energetic framework for us to work from over the coming three months | | We have a full Moon in Cancer on December 27th exact at 12.34am. This is a beautiful, sensitive, nurturing, family orientated full moon that will bring the energies of creativity and intuition to the fore. There is an expansive feel to these energies that will lift us up, help us to celebrate life and to step into a higher vision of ourselves. This is a wonderful way to end the year – offering yourself the opportunity to be the best that you can and to choose the frequencies that will best take you forward into 2024. |  | Your Frequency Acts As A Magnet | Owning your sovereignty and personal power |
The energies this month are very clearly bringing forward opportunities for us to engage with our own sovereignty and power as the beings of light that we truly are.
They are reflecting to us the possibilities and potentials that we hold within ourselves, as well as seeking to wake us up and helping us to remember who we are and why we are here at this time. While we all have the potential for old stories to be triggered off in this deeply transformational energy, we also have the capacity and awareness to choose mindfully how we deal with it.
Our vibrational frequency is the all-important key to this choice. Literally it is the magnet that draws in our experiences and creates our reality. If we allow ourselves to fall into old patterns with old frequencies attached, we will struggle. However, if we give ourselves full permission to own our sovereignty and personal power, we will have different choices presented to us. Choices that remain unseen and unavailable all the time that our vibrational frequency is not a match for them. It is the same with the solutions to as yet unseen unsolved issues in the world. Enough people need to hold a sufficiently high vibrational frequency to allow these solutions to become visible and available.
This month give yourself full permission to follow your own path and to explore what it is like to live from your heart and to own your sovereignty as the being of light that you are. Sit in this space and review the frequencies that help to strengthen this sense of yourself as well as the ones that detract from it. |
Essences to help: Inner Wisdom - use this essence to help you you’re your heart to connect more deeply with the wisdom of your soul and the unique soul gifts that you have brought with you to contribute into the creation of a new reality. Spontaneity - use this essence to help promote greater positivity & joy in your life and to dissolve old imprinted childhood patterns that might diminish your ability to nurture these positive frequencies. Thankfulness - if you should find yourself needing an uplift to maintain positivity and joy in your life this month this is the essence for you. It will help to dissolve old patterning and help you embrace the positive frequencies of thankfulness and gratitude. Positive Vibrations Spray - this is one of our favourite sprays to us when we feel in need of a little help to restore positivity, lightness & joy to either ourselves or our environment |
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New Zoom Calls for 2024 | | We greatly enjoyed connecting up with you all on last month’s zoom call, The Power of the Heart. A big thank you to all who connected in with us live and of course to everyone who took the time to listen in later. We have had some very positive feedback from many people who found this helpful, so we are planning to offer more Zoom opportunities in 2024. Look out for more details in our next newsletter. Meanwhile we wish you a wonderful festive break and look forward to connecting with you all again in the New Year. |
December Special Offers |
Our special offers this month have a festive flavour to them, but with a bit of a twist. The festive period can be a very special time of year where we open to give and receive, and enjoy the love and warmth of family and friends. It can also be a very challenging time too. It is often when we come face to face with how we really feel about our deepest and closest personal relationships. How we feel about our ability to give and receive and allow love and divine flow into our lives.
The Flower, Gem & Crystal Essences on special offer this month each have a slightly different way of supporting and nourishing you through December. We have essences for opening to receive and gratitude and essences for working with family relationships and the way that we relate as individuals. We also have essences for personal and energetic boundaries and staying in your own space. These and more you can find below. |
|  | Deepening Gratitude & Flow | |
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All at 20% discount for the month |
Latest News & More... |
 | Holiday Season Gifts for 2023 - Giving the Gift of LoveOur lovingly handmade Flower, Gem and Crystal Essences make thoughtful, heartfelt gifts for the holiday season. This year we’ve put together a small selection of essences for all budgets which we hope that you’ll enjoy choosing from. In our gift selection we hope that you’ll find the perfect gift for friends and family who love natural wellbeing, spirituality, and personal transformation. | |
You can find all of our latest news on our website here: Latest News at Crystal Herbs |
Well, that’s it from us for this month. We wish you all a wonderful month filled with clarity & purpose and send you much love with the reminder to contact us if you need further help or support on your journey.
With Peace & Love,
Catherine & All at Crystal Herbs |
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Tel - 01379 608059 ( +44 1379 608059 ) | Shop | [email protected] |