'Essences for Sharing' Newsletter Archive
Here you can find the last years worth of editions for our 'Essences for Sharing' newsletter.
The Past 12 Editions
November 2022: Self Expression & Communication: in this months newsletter we're taking a look at the Throat Chakra Essence combination. This is a wonderful Essence for self expression and is very helpful if you have difficulty knowing or expressing your truth, expressing yourself or expressing how you feel about things. It's also helpful if you feel withdrawn or feel that you have to put on a ‘brave face’ rather than express what's going on on the inside.
October 2022: Foundations for Creativity in the New Earth: this months newsletter is all about the Hexahedron Essence. The Hexahedron shape provides a structure within which creative intention can be brought into physical form. You can use the essence to help strengthen your etheric blueprint and for when you need to ground or bring greater focus and structure to a creative project.
September 2022: Transforming Grief: this months newsletter is all about the Healing Bereavement Essence. This Essence is an excellent support for all situations of bereavement & loss. It helps to dissolve the vibrations of grief & loss and also transforms buried grief from past lives. As these old patterns are released and transformed it becomes easier to open our hearts and renew our connection with the wholeness of life.
August 2022: Creating Heart Space: this months newsletter is all about the lovely Sunblest Rose Flower Essence. This beautiful bright yellow rose holds the positive vibrations of strength and courage. Sunblest Rose essence will take you deep into your heart and remind you how to tap into your reserves of inner strength, courage, determination and resilience.
July 2022: Grounding & Alignment: this months newsletter is all about the lovely Loosestrife Flower Essence. Loosestrife is a wonderful essence for grounding and alignment. It helps to align your base chakra, sacral chakra and solar plexus chakra and if you are someone who is easily ungrounded, ‘spaced out’ or has difficulty acting upon intuitive guidance, this would be a really helpful essence for you.
June 2022: Joy & Playfulness: our Essence Review for June is for the beautiful Just Joey Rose Flower Essence. The lovely Just Joey Rose Essence carries the vibrations of joy and playfulness. It works through the heart chakra to help those who need to expand the qualities of joy and creativity in their lives.
April 2022: Grounding & Strong Foundations: our Essence Review for April is for the Earth Connection Spray Essence. The Earth Connection spray is an excellent combination to quickly help you to re-align and re-balance when you are feeling ungrounded or disconnected from your body. It will help to pull you firmly back into your body and to ground and connect you with the Earth as well as stabilise your energetic foundations, re-connecting you with the present moment.
March 2022: Opening to the Light: our Essence Review for March is for the Inner Light Essence. The Inner Light Essence is a blend of all five Platonic Solid Essences & Sphere, together with Gold, Shattuckite & Green Calcite. This combination will help the body and its energetic structure remember how to absorb and use the regenerative properties of light.
February 2022: Inner Nurturing and Self Worth: our Essence Review for February is for the Feeling Worthy Essence. This is a really good combination for any problems you may have with self worth, valuing yourself, self-nurturing or deep feelings that you are not as good as others. It's also helpful for if you easily feel inferior, are very sensitive to criticism or perhaps have an unexplainable sense of incompleteness.
January 2022: Inner Strength & Resolve: our Essence Review for December is for the Inner Strength Essence. This is a really good combination for helping you to strengthen and promote the qualities of inner resolve, strength, courage & determination. It helps to encourage a balanced use of personal & spiritual will and is very useful for when you need help with issues around will power and the determination to stand in your own power.
December 2021: Inner Strength & Resolve: our Essence Review for December is for the Inner Strength Essence. This is a really good combination for helping you to strengthen and promote the qualities of inner resolve, strength, courage & determination. It helps to encourage a balanced use of personal & spiritual will and is very useful for when you need help with issues around will power and the determination to stand in your own power.
November 2021: Unconditional Love: our Essence Review for November is for the Unconditional Love Rose Essence. This lovely combination is a blend of Rose Essences holding the vibrational frequency of unconditional love and will take you deep within your own heart chakra to connect with the infinite source of love held within.
Essences for Sharing Newsletter
Essence Reviews and Special Offers
Essences for Sharing is focussed on our Flower, Gem & Crystal Essences. Each month we do an in-depth review of one of our Essences or combinations; what it does and how it can help you. These reviews are a great way to get to know the Essences. You can also find our current special offers on Essences and Sets and our latest news.
Other Email Newsletters
The E-Light Newsletter - E-Light is all about personal and spiritual growth and how Essences can help you with your personal journey. Each month we explore the energetic themes and issues for the month from a spiritual and astrological perspective and recommend some Essences to help you with these issues. It also includes our latest news and montly special offers on Essences and Sets...... E-Light Newsletter
Special Offers Newsletter - Get all of our latest special offers as soon as they come out. Each month we have a range of single Flower & Gem Essences, combination Essences and Sets on special offer with 20% or more off. Subscribers will also get occasional newsletter only special offers! This newsletter is great way to get to know our Essences better and to stay in touch. *Sent out at the beginning of each month...... Special Offers Newsletter