Flower Essences for Pregnancy, Birth and Post-partum
Bach Flower Remedies and Flower Essences can be very supportive during pregnancy, birth and post-partum, both for mother and baby.
Bach Flower Remedies for Pregnancy

The Bach Flower Remedies are the range we recommend most frequently for use during pregnancy since they are gentle, stabilising and balancing to mind and emotions. We recommend choosing the Bach Flower Remedies that correspond with how you are feeling during pregnancy. Below are some of the common Bach Flower Remedies that are useful during pregnancy.
- Walnut for adjusting to the transition of pregnancy, the associated physical and emotional changes and for helping you feel protected if you feel vulnerable.
- Mimulus to release any everyday fears about pregnancy and childbirth so you will feel positive and courageous.
- Olive will support your entire energetic system if you feel depleted, exhausted and have no energy reserves left.
- Scleranthus restores inner balance and decisiveness if you are experiencing strong emotional ups and downs.
You’ll find our quick guide to choosing Bach Flower Remedies here.
Flower, Gem & Crystal Essences for Pregnancy
Alongside a well-chosen combination of Bach Flower Remedies, Single Flower Essences, Rose Essences and Angel Essences all have lovely vibrations to use during pregnancy.
Single Flower Essences
- Pomegranate Flower Essence can be helpful in preparing for birth because it releases energetic blockages in the genitals and uterus thereby increasing sensitivity, sensation, connection and awareness in these areas.
- Squash Flower Essence can be used throughout conception, pregnancy and birth to support the mother emotionally.
- Watermelon Flower Essence provides emotional support during conception, pregnancy and birth.
- Campion Flower Essence is helpful for emotional issues relating to pregnancy and birth.
- Comfrey Flower Essence can be used before and after birth to minimise shock to the system during labour. Take it for a few weeks before your due date if you are having an elective caesarean, and use it after birth if you’ve had any surgery during labour. It is supportive and stabilising to the entire energetic system, helps you to feel connected to your body and releases shock and trauma.
Deeper Acting Combinations
We don’t generally recommend taking deeper acting flower, gem and crystal essence combinations ( e.g. Divine Harmony, Chakras, Inner Child, Light Body ) in the later stages of pregnancy simply because they can bring a lot of deep emotions to the surface and this may not be the most suitable time to be working in that way. However if there is a combination that you feel that you would particularly benefit from and would like some specific advice, please do contact us for some help and advice.
Essences for Birth

The Bach Flower Remedies we recommend most for use during birth are Revival Remedy, Olive and Mimulus.
- Mimulus to release any everyday fears about pregnancy and childbirth so you will feel positive and courageous.
- Olive will support your entire energetic system if you feel depleted, exhausted and have no energy reserves left.
- Revival Remedy is a great emotional stabiliser, helps to activate the body’s self-healing mechanism, and will help to release any fears, shock or trauma associated with difficult births.
Useful Deeper Acting Single Essences might include:
- Angel of Determination combines the qualities of strength, focus and motivation. It gives you the impetus to keep moving towards a goal or intention, knowing that you have what it takes to succeed.
- Angel of Strength is a lovely essence to use if you feel that you lack the sufficient energy and strength to accomplish what life is asking of you, either mentally, emotionally, physically, or spiritually.
All our Angel Essences are available as sprays which can be used to mist your face during labour, and bring angelic vibrations into the birth room.
Space Clearing Sprays
- Positive Vibrations spray is wonderful for energetically clearing and cleansing the space where you are giving birth so that the energy feels light, supportive and positive, and it will help you feel positive and uplifted during labour and afterwards.
Essences for Post Partum
In the early days and weeks after birth, Bach Flower Remedies can be very supportive for both mother and baby.
- Revival Remedy is a great emotional stabiliser, helps to activate the body’s self-healing mechanism at an energetic level, and will help to release any fears, shock or trauma associated with difficult births. We also offer Revival Remedy Cream which is very soothing when applied topically, although it cannot be used on broken skin.
- Walnut will help you with the transition to having a new baby and it will help baby adjust to life outside the womb.
- Olive will support your entire energetic system if you feel depleted, exhausted and have no energy reserves left.
Deeper Acting Essences
- Larimar Crystal Essence stabilises the emotional body and also works on the mental body, helping the mind to cope more positively with difficulty. Larimar’s ability to neutralise vibrations of shock and trauma make it a powerful energetic stabiliser.
Flower Essences For Babies

Choosing Essences for Children
Children respond very quickly to vibrational essences so it is important to choose the most appropriate type of essence when using them with children, particularly babies or very young children.
Bach Flower Remedies can be very supportive for your newborn, and 2 drops can be applied to pulse points, added to baby’s bathwater, massaged into your nipples if you’re breast-feeding or added to baby’s bottle.
For more information about using essences with babies and children, please see our Essences for Children page.
Help and Advice
If you're in doubt it's usually best to ask, so please feel free to contact us for more personalised essence advice! Call us on 01379 608059 between 9am-5pm Monday-Friday and one of our essence practitioners will be happy to help. These free advice calls are ideal when you just want 5-10 minutes of essence advice to help you choose an essence.
Alternatively if you would like essence advice by email, please send us a short email describing what you would like essence support with, with details about any thoughts and feelings you’re experiencing. We aim to reply within 48 hours Monday-Friday: Contact Us