Flower Essences for Children

A Quick Guide to Using Bach Flower Remedies and Flower, Gem & Crystal Essences with Children
Children respond very quickly to vibrational essences so it is important to choose the most appropriate type of essence when using them with children, particularly babies or very young children.
When choosing an Essence for a child, remember that no matter what the issue is that you are working with, you are simply looking for an Essence(s) that will help to bring them greater balance in how they are thinking and feeling, and to re-balance them at an energetic level.
Bach Flower Remedies are very effective for children of all ages, and other essences from our ranges can be introduced from 8 years and older. Our quick guide to choosing Bach Flower Remedies will help you to choose a combination for your child.
Below are some general guidelines & further suggestions for choosing and using essences with children.
Children 0 – 7 Years of Age
For this age range we normally recommend that you only use Bach Flower Remedies. A well-chosen combination of max. 5 Bach Flower Remedies will very quickly help to bring babies and younger children back into balance.
Most children enjoy taking their drops directly onto their tongues, however you could also add them to their drinks. 4 drops 4 x a day is normally enough at this age. For babies the remedies can be added to their bath water or dabbed on their pulse points.
Here are a few suggestions to help you get started:
- Revival Remedy - always handy to soothe the emotions in the event of bumps, bruises, accidents or shocks. Also helpful for night terrors along with Aspen and Mimulus.
- Agrimony, Larch & Mimulus – for the generally fearful & timid child.
- Vervain - helpful for the hyperactive state.
- Holly, Walnut and Vine – for temper tantrums.
- Chicory, Willow & Holly – For sibling rivalry.
- Clematis – helpful for the dreamy inattentive child.
- Revival Remedy Cream – always useful for children
& adults alike. - You can also mix your own Bach combination here.
The Bach Flower Remedies

The Bach Flower Remedies are a lovely set of gentle acting essences which can help you to restore a sense of balance and harmony in your life.
Children 8 – 12 years Year of Age
Children can respond very quickly to vibrational essences
Bach Flower Remedies are very effective with this age group, however we suggest that you increase the frequency of the dosage to 4 drops 6 x a day.
You could also introduce some of our individual flower and gem essences at this age. Start with one at a time perhaps 4 drops 2 x a day - this will probably be enough for most children. Towards the top of this age range you could mix up to 3 individual essences into a combination - maximum dosage 4 drops 3 x a day.
Some Flower Essence Suggestions:
- Pansy – This is a very beneficial essence to provide support for children who are particularly susceptible to the everyday ailments of childhood.
- Celandine – Helpful for those who have difficulty dealing with information.
- Harebell – Helpful for very shy children.
- Petunia – Helpful for impish and hyperactive children.
- Nettle – Helps children cope with difficulties related to family problems like divorce or adoption.
- Garlic – Helpful for fearful, timid children.
Children Age 12 Onwards

After the age of twelve you can start to introduce the following Flower, Gem & Crystal Essences:
- Divine Harmony Essences
- Chakra Essences
- Rose Collection Combinations
- Pure Vibrations Collection
- Inner Child Essences
However we would recommend that you reduce the dose to 4 drops 2 or 3 x a day.
Please Note
We do not recommend that you give Crystal Herbs Karmic Essences to children under 12 years old or Light Body Essences to children under 16 years old.
I Know The Issue My Child Needs Support With But Don’t Know Which Essence to Choose
Our Essence & Themes Explorer lists common themes and issues that essences can help to transform. Simply select the theme or issue that your child would like support with and you will find a full selection of essences from across our ranges that will help with that particular issue. Please bear in mind the above advice when you are choosing an essence though: Essence & Themes Explorer

Choosing Essences for Pregnancy & Birth
Flower essences can be very supportive during pregnancy, birth and post partum – both for mother and baby. You can find out more about choosing the right essences here.
Do You Offer Essence Help and Advice?
Yes, we do! Call us on 01379 608059 between 9am-5pm Monday-Friday and one of our essence practitioners will be happy to help. These free advice calls are ideal when you just want 5-10 minutes of essence advice to help you choose an essence.
Alternatively if you would like essence advice by email, please send us a short email describing what your child would like essence support with, including details about their personality and any thoughts and feelings they’re experiencing. We aim to reply within 48 hours Monday-Friday. Link to contact us by email.
Can I Book a Personal Essence Consultation for In-Depth Support?
Yes. Our flower essence consultations help you to explore what is going on for your child and what needs rebalancing to establish greater harmony and wholeness. Learn more here: Personal Essence Consultation
Please Note
Using vibrational essences is not a substitute for qualified medical attention.
More On Essences
A Guide to Flower Essences & Other Vibrational Essences

Flower, Gem & Crystal Essences work at an energetic level to help you to re-balance your thoughts, feelings and subtle energy systems and are powerful tools for inner change & transformation. Using Essences can have a profound influence on your inner journey of personal & spiritual growth, and can help you to raise your level of awareness and consciousness.
Choosing An Essence For Yourself

Choosing an essence either for yourself or someone else is an easy and simple process. Here you can find our Essence Selector and tips & advice for choosing an essence.