Events, Talks, Courses & More Events
Up Coming & Recent Shows, Talks, Courses, Podcasts, Exhibitions, Conferences & More
We love talking about Flower & Vibrational Essences! While you'll mainly find us here sending out your orders, we do also really like to get out and about talking about Essences on podcasts, talks and courses and at shows, exhibitions, conferences & more. Here are the events which we'll be attending or have been to recently. If you're in the area for any upcoming events, why not come along and say hello!
Upcoming Events....
We don't have any upcoming events planned at the moment, but please check back again soon!
Recent & Past Events....
Bach Flower Remedy Teaching Day
May 2024

Jackie recently taught a half-day workshop on Crystal Herbs Bach Flower Remedies and Flower, Gem and Crystal Essences to final year students from the Homeopathic College of East Anglia.
This is the fifth time Jackie's taught a workshop to the HCEA final year students. She says, 'They are always an enthusiastic and engaged group who ask lots of interesting questions. We discussed the Bach Flower Remedies and Dr Bach's philosophy, how the other essences we make at Crystal Herbs take people deeper on their inner journey to illuminate the emotional imprints they’ve unconsciously absorbed growing up & bring things into conscious awareness to be balanced and integrated.
>We explored the differences between flower essences and crystal essences, and why combining both flower and crystal essences can be really effective. Then we took a closer look at the Chakra Essence range for personal and spiritual growth with a guided journey through the chakras, and honed in on the three chakras that the group felt a particular resonance with.
The Homeopathic College of East Anglia offers professional homopathic training via online study: https://homeopathic-college.com/
The Feel Good Norfolk Podcast: Nature in a Bottle with Sam Cremnitz
10th April 2024

Sam was recently on the Feel Good Norfolk Podcast – “The Power of Nature: Nature in a Bottle” – to talk about all things Bach Flower Remedies & Flower Essences. And it’s just been released, which is really exciting!
It was such a fun conversation to have and we managed to squeeze a lot of interesting things into the episode! From flower essences, Dr Bach and the Bach Flower Remedies, through to the inner journey, living life from the heart and how we make lasting change and connect more with Mother Earth. The Feel Good Norfolk collective is a great resource to help you to tap into the collective wisdom, experience, and skills of Norfolk’s finest wellbeing businesses.
The Feel Good Norfolk Podcast: Nature in a Bottle with Sam Cremnitz
You can also find the podcast here:
The Feel Good Norfolk Podcast on Spotify---------------------------------------------------------
BFVEA Annual Gathering 2024
15th to 17th March 2024

Sam was at this years British Flower & Vibrational Essence Association gathering. This years event was held at Woodland Grange in Leamington Spa and was the usual mix of talks, discussions, essence stalls and a wonderful chance to catch up with old friends and to make new ones. The gathering draws a mix of people, those who are interested in Essences and want to learn more about them, as well as Essence practitioners and Essence producers.
Event: The BFVEA Annual Gathering - a weekend of presentations, talks, learning and community. The BFVEA is a professional organisation whose membership consists of practitioners and tutors of flower essence therapy and their aim is to support and serve their members best interests as well as providing an information resource for the general public.
Date: 15th to 17th March 2024
Location: Woodland Grange, Leamington Spa, Warwickshire
More on this years British Flower & Vibrational Essence Association Gathering

The Perception Podcast: The Transformational Power of Flower and Gem Essences with Catherine Keattch
February 2024
We were very excited for Catherine to have been on the Perception Podcast with Caroline Partridge! On the podcast they were exploring inner transformation, personal power, what it takes to change our lives, the root cause of suffering, and how creating a life that works for you is linked to healing. You can learn more about Catherine’s spiritual journey, how vibrational essences work to dissolve the filters that hold unconscious patterns in place, and the link between collective consciousness and 5th dimensional reality. Do join them as they look at life through a different lens.
More information: The Perception Podcast: The Transformational Power of Flower and Gem Essences with Catherine Keattch
The Power of the Heart: How to Release Old Stories & Patterns
23rd November on Zoom

Catherine Keattch is delighted to be offering a free Zoom gathering to explore some of the themes in this month’s E-Light newsletter. We invite you to join us if you would like to:
- Share a heart meditation to connect with your true nature of love.
- Explore how to use the power of the heart to release old stories and patterns.
- Discover essences to help you with the beliefs and emotions that prevent you from stepping into your power.
The gathering will last for about 75 minutes (3pm-4.15pm UK time/4pm-5.15pm Europe/10am-11.15am US Eastern US/8am-9.15am US Pacific. See other time zones at the link to register.) A recording will be sent out to everyone who registers, so if you are not able to join us live you will receive the recording afterwards.
World Summit of Floral Therapy
The largest free flower therapy event in history
20th to 28th June 2020
Catherine from Crystal Herbs is one of 50 speakers who will be sharing years of flower essence knowledge at the online World Summit of Floral Therapy from 20th-28th June.
Event: The event is online and access is free, with some paid for options also.
Date: 20th to 28th June 2018
Location: Online
Booking & Details: https://www.cumbremundialdeterapiafloral.com/

BFVEA Annual Gathering 2020
13th to 15th March 2020

As ever it was a pleasure to be once again at this years British Flower & Vibrational Essence Association ( BFVEA ) annual gathering! It's always lovely to spend time around like minded people who share a common passion for Flower essences. There was a lovely line up of speakers, including our own Sam Cremnitz, who gave a talk on the Path of the Introvert and the Divine masculine.
Event: The BFVEA Annual Gathering - a weekend of presentations, talks, learning and community. The BFVEA is a professional organisation whose membership consists of practitioners and tutors of flower essence therapy and their aim is to support and serve their members best interests as well as providing an information resource for the general public.
Date: 13th to 15th March 2020
Location: Woodside Conference Centre, Kenilworth, Warwickshire
Booking & Details: www.bfvea.com
BFVEA Annual Gathering 2019
March 2019

Event: The BFVEA Annual Gathering - a weekend of presentations, talks, learning and community. The BFVEA is a professional organisation whose membership consists of practitioners and tutors of flower essence therapy and their aim is to support and serve their members best interests as well as providing an information resource for the general public.
Date: March 2019
Location: Woodside Conference Centre, Kenilworth, Warwickshire
Booking & Details: www.bfvea.com
Plant Consciousness 2018
29th - 30th September 2018

We're really excited to be going to the Plant Consciousness conference in London again this year. Last years event was very stimulating & thought provoking and this years event has a powerful and important message for us all. This two day event takes place in Regents University, London and brings together some of the leading speakers and thinkers in the field of plant consciousness.
We have a stand again for this years event and we'll be taking our Bach Flower Remedies and Flower, Gem & Crystal Essences and also the Music of the Plants Devices! It promises to be a fascinating weekend!
You can find out more and book tickets here: www.plantconciousness.com
"This immersive weekend will help you discover a deeper understanding of nature, how we can work with it for personal and collective healing, and how we can create a different world, one that places our relationship with the green beings and the environment at its core."
Tags: #PlantConsciousness #Nature #MotherEarth #PlantIntelligence #IndigenousWisdom #EcoConsciousness #Herbalism #Biomimicry #EarthLore #EcoPsychology
Date: 29th - 30th September 2018
Location: Regent's University London, Inner Circle, London NW1 4NS
Website: www.plantconciousness.com
BFVEA Annual Gathering 2018
23rd to 25th March 2018

We'll be at this years British Flower & Vibrational Essence Association ( BFVEA ) annual gathering and as well as taking a large range of Flower, Gem & Crystal Essences, our own Sam Cremnitz will also be giving one of the talks.
Event: The BFVEA Annual Gathering 2018 will be a celebration of the BFVEA's 20th year with presentations from some of the Founding Members. The BFVEA is a professional organisation whose membership consists of practitioners and tutors of flower essence therapy and their aim is to support and serve their members best interests as well as providing an information resource for the general public.
Date: 23rd to 25th March 2018
Location: High Leigh, Hoddesdon, Hertfordshire
Booking & Details: www.bfvea.com
Learn From Other Worlds - Gathering of Minds
28th January 2018

This fascinating workshop is on the 28th January in London. It's a wonderful chance to learn from one of the leading experts on the Music of the Plants devices and plant communication. We'll be there with the Music of the Plants devices and a range of our Flower, Gem & Crystal Essences.
Event: If you love the cosmos, plant consciousness, nature and music, you will love this event! FEATURING:
TIGRILLA GARDENIA, Interspecies Researcher and Ambassador of Damanhur, prized spiritual eco-community
MARY DANIELS, Hay House Author and award winning Wild Woman
ALEXANDRA WENMAN multidimensional plant communicator and holistic therapist.
MUSIC OF THE PLANTS FEATURING: Award winning composer TIM WHEATER Pianist GILLY BEAN in our unique and mind-blowing live music concert alongside plants. Be astounded by what you will learn about interspecies music and true co-creation with the plant world.
Date: 28th Janury 2018
Location: Brady Arts Centre, 192-196 Hanbury St, London. E1 5NU
Website: www.ourgom.com
Report from the Blog: Learn From Other Worlds
Plant Consciousness 2017
23rd - 24th September 2017

We're really looking forward to the attending this years Plant Consciousness conference in London in September. There are some very interesting speakers going and we have a stand there so we'll be taking our Flower, Gem & Crystal Essences and the Music of the Plants U1 Devices! It promises to be a fascinating weekend!
Event: The Plant Consciousness conference is a wonderful reminder of our of natural and inherent connection with Mother nature.
Bringing together some of the foremost speakers in the field, the Plant Consciousness conference is both a forum for discussion and a focal point for a strand of understanding that is not yet mainstream.
Date: 23rd - 24th September 2017
Location: Regent's University London, Inner Circle, London NW1 4NS
Website: www.plantconciousness.com
Report from the Blog: Plant Consciousness Conference 2017
BFVEA Annual Gathering 2017
March 2017

We'll once again be at this years British Flower & Vibrational Essence Association ( BFVEA ) annual gathering, this time being held in Kegworth in the Midlands. We'll be there for the whole weekend and as ever we'll be taking a range of our Flower, Gem & Crystal Essences. We're very much looking forward to the weekend and hearing from a range of intereting speakers.
Event: The BFVEA is a professional organisation whose membership consists of practitioners and tutors of flower essence therapy and their aim is to support and serve their members best interests as well as providing an information resource for the general public.
Date: March 2017
Location: Kegworth Hotel & Conference Centre, Kegworth. DE74 2DF
Report from the Blog: BFVEA Gathering – Flower Essences & More

Staying in Touch...
We have three monthly Newsletters - 'E-Light', 'Essences for Sharing' and 'Special Offers & News'.
Their focus is on helping you to find out more about Bach Flower Remedies, Flower, Gem & Crystal Essences and Personal and Spiritual Growth and to stay in touch with our latest special offers and news. You can find out more and join our email newsletters here:

Handmade with Love & Care
From making the Mother Tincture to bottling and labelling the stock bottles that we send you, each essence is handmade with love and care, helping to ensure that we provide you with the best possible quality of essence.