What Flower Essences Are We Taking?

Here we share our personal experiences of using our Flower & Crystal Essences
We love using our Flower, Gem & Crystal Essences! Here we share some of our personal experiences of using a particular Essence or Combination and how it has helped us. ( More on the Crystal Herbs team )
Emotional Body Essence

Is anyone else feeling the emotional ebbs and flows at the moment? I’ve been feeling a strong inner push to work on what feels like a rich seam of old buried emotions and it’s bringing with it a new and deeper understanding of myself.
It feels really liberating, it’s fun ( sort of ), rewarding and interesting, but equally quite intense and hard work. Well I suppose that seems to be the way things are at the moment energetically!
To support this inner journey, I’ve been taking the Emotional Body Essence. It’s a Flower, Gem & Crystal essence combination from the Rainbow Light Body Essence range, and as the name suggests it’s all about working with your emotions.
I always find this a really potent combination for doing deep emotional work and releasing old deeply held feelings. Often when I’m taking it I find I’m able to connect more deeply with issues that I’m consciously working with, and at other times there can be some quite unexpected things that come up to be released.
It’s a really, really interesting essence to use and if there is deep emotional work to be done, this is a very good Essence to support you through it. It’s one that I find I need to take from time to time and one that I will often recommend when working with people needing to clear and release old emotional patterns.
The Emotional Body Essence
Water Lily Flower Essence

There’s often a part of us that can feel lonely and isolated, a part of us that shuts ourselves and others out because of the hurt and pain that we can all experience in life.
One of my favourite essences for feelings like this is the Water Lily Flower Essence from the Karmic Essence range. It’s one that I’ve recently been taking and it’s an old friend, one that I’ve used many times before. This time I had a prompting to take it without really knowing why but it has had a particularly profound effect and has been exactly what I needed.
While I was taking the Water Lily it helped to gently release old layers of separation around my heart that I hadn’t been aware of and brought them more into my awareness. This release of old emotional barriers and fears was a beautiful heart opening experience, and I gradually began to feel a deeper level of love and connection with myself. This deepening of my inner relationship has also deepened my outer relationships and has created a different level of ease, graceful flow, and connection. This clearing has eased old pains and has helped to make life feel more alive and vibrant again.
Water Lily Flower Essence
Feeling Safe Essence

I’ve just finished Feeling Safe Essence and it’s taken me on a very deep journey to release underlying feelings of danger in my system.
I started taking it to clear an emotional imprint that felt as though I’d absorbed it in my mother’s womb. Taking the essence consistently has brought unconscious feelings of not being safe from different key times in my life strongly to the surface. A situation where I have consistently felt unsafe in my current life came to a head so that I had to face it and clear the old fears that made it so uncomfortable.
I’m noticing that the background hum of danger in my system that I’ve lived with all my life simply isn’t there now. Instead I feel safe in my body and able to take up space with more confidence. This isn’t the first time I’ve taken Feeling Safe Essence but this time it’s taken me to a new level of safety, security and personal empowerment.
Feeling Safe Essence - Trusting Life
Inner Harmony Essence

Inner Harmony is an essence that I have turned to often over the last few years when my human self has been feeling too stretched, agitated, stressed or tense about something. For me this means that I get easily wound up, try to go too fast and then find myself out of my centre and unable to relax.
My experience of taking the Inner Harmony essence is that it helps enormously to calm to my nervous system and to allow the knots in my mind and body to release so that I can slow down and relax again. Then I can move back into my heart and find that quiet place where there is calmness, harmony, and soul wisdom to help with whatever challenge I might be facing.
Inner Harmony Essence - Relaxation
White Chestnut

I took White Chestnut for circulating thoughts during a very stressful period where I was getting caught up in ruminating thoughts. My sleep was getting disturbed because I was waking up with circulating thoughts. I took it throughout the day and also had it next to the bed, so when I did wake up with a churning head I would take drops on the tongue.
It was very noticeable at night time. My mind went very quiet and calm so I was able to get back to sleep again. It felt like it gave me permission to switch off.
White Chestnut - Tranquillity of mindFelicity

Higher Heart Chakra Essence

I’m taking Higher Heart Chakra Essence for Self-Forgiveness. I’d been watching a medium in the US who does readings for people who were feeling regret and guilt, wishing they’d done things differently before their loved one had passed. It brought into my consciousness many things in my past that I felt regret and guilt about, where I’d been full of self-reproach.
I chose Higher Heart Chakra Essence because this is a good essence when we have difficulty forgiving ourselves or others, or when there’s issues with loving yourself unconditionally. These were both things I was feeling very stuck in.
You can read the full story here: From Blame to Forgiveness
Higher Heart Chakra Essence - Forgiveness & CompassionJulia Payne

Healing Bereavement Essence

I’ve recently taken two 25ml bottles of Healing Bereavement because I’d experienced so many losses in quick succession a few years ago that it was too much for my system to integrate at the time.
I’ve grieved a lot in the time since but I’d hit a sort of brick wall. Whenever I thought about it all, I’d just start crying and feel like I was drowning in this ocean of grief that flooded my system. I knew I was defending my heart against further losses by not really opening up to people and not connecting with the area where I live in case I lost everything again. It’s like part of me had shut down and I was living half a life, not able to experience the beauty and opportunities that were in front of me.
Healing Bereavement has helped me open my heart to heal the grief that was stuck there, so I’m more at peace with what happened. Unexpectedly I feel more spiritually connected and creative than I have in years, like I’ve come back to life again.
Healing Bereavement Essence - Transforming GriefSunflower Flower Essence

Sunflower is one of my favourite essences for working with any aspects of out of balance male energy. The radiant energy of sunflower is all about empowerment from the heart, helping you to feel more confident, assured and self-empowered.
It does this by helping you to balance your inner male aspect, helping to harmonise old unbalanced male energy patterns such as control, anger or hostility around the father figure or authority figures more generally. As these old patterns transform it allows you to step more solidly and firmly into your own empowered state and more confidently into your heart.
It’s just such an important and relevant essence right now, with so many out of balance male energy patterns playing out in the world, causing many of the problems that we are seeing at the moment. So if any of these issues resonant with you, then this is definitely one to try!
Sunflower Flower Essence
Our Flower, Gem & Crystal Essences
Here at Crystal Herbs we have been making and developing our range of Essences for nearly 30 years. Crystal Herbs is run by Catherine Keattch and Sam Cremnitz, along with a dedicated team who are all trained practitioners and healers in their own right. We are a specialist Flower Essence producer and we're passionate about all aspects of Vibrational Essences.
You can find our full range of Essences in the Flower Essence Shop, or an overview of the different essences we make here and you can find out more about us here: Crystal Herbs