How to Choose & Use the Bach Flower Remedies
A Guide to How to Best Use the Bach Flower Remedies
The Bach Flower Remedies are gentle acting remedies that work best on issues at a surface level of awareness - so how you are thinking and feeling in the moment. There are 38 different Bach Remedies and they are very simple and easy to choose & use and are particularly effective when mixed into combinations.
Which Bach Flower Remedies Do I Need?
Identifying the Bach Flower Remedies that will be the most beneficial, either for yourself or someone else, is a simple process of self-reflection and observation - how am I thinking and feeling, what emotions do I need help with, what is going on for me?
Bach Flower Remedy Selector
You can use this drop down list to find yourself a Bach Flower Remedy for a specific issue or pattern.
Bach Flower Remedies

Bach Remedy List - Quick Guide
Agrimony - Smiles hide inner worry
Aspen - Apprehension, unknown fears
Beech - Over critical, intolerant
Centaury - Weak willed, subservient
Cerato - Lack of faith in ones own judgement
Cherry Plum - Fear of losing control, suicidal
Chestnut Bud - Inability to learn ones lessons
Chicory - Possessive, controlling
Clematis - Dreamy, absent minded
Crab Apple - Cleansing - physically & mentally
Elm - Overwhelmed by responsibility
Gentian - Despondency, disappointment, lack of faith
Gorse - Hopelessness, despair
Heather - Overtalkative
Holly - Anger, Jealousy, Suspicion
Honeysuckle - Living in the past, homesickness
Hornbeam - Mental tiredness, procrastination
Impatiens - Impatience, irritability
Larch - Lack of confidence
Mimulus - Known fears, nervousness
Mustard - Gloom, depression for no apparent reason
Oak - The strengthener
Olive - Physical & metal tiredness, exhaustion
Pine - Feelings of guilt, unworthiness
Red Chestnut - Fear for others
Rock Rose - Extreme fear, nightmares
Rock Water - Self punishment, rigidity
Scleranthus - Indecision, inability to choose, balance
Star of Bethlehem - Shock, Trauma, Accidents
Sweet Chestnut- Extreme anguish, despair
Vervain - Over enthusiasm, perfectionism
Vine - Dominating, need for control over others
Walnut - Change, need for adaptability, protection
Water Violet - Proud, upright people, superiority
White Chestnut - Thoughts buzzing around in head
Wild Oat - Inability to see ones direction
Wild Rose - Apathy, lack of enthusiasm
Willow - Resentment, bitterness
Revival Remedy - Combination for Emergency Situations
What Are You Looking For When You Choose a Remedy?
Remember that no matter what the issue, you are simply looking for the remedies that will help you bring greater balance to how you think and feel.
Dr Edward Bach said: "There is no true healing unless there is a change in outlook, peace of mind, and inner happiness.”
How Are You Thinking & Feeling?
So, start by looking at how you are reacting to the issue or situation that you would like support with, then review your general reaction to the events and situations of your life, to identify any general trends or patterns in the way that you think and feel. For example, perhaps certain people, situations or events trigger a fearful reaction, or possibly anger, guilt, or a lack of confidence. Some people face the world with feelings of hopelessness, doubt or judgement, while others struggle to find balance in their relationships with those around them.
Selecting the Right Remedies for Yourself
When you have identified the issues that you want help with you can either use our Bach Flower Remedy selector to help you to choose the remedies that will most help, or browse through the list or remedies here or the using the Bach Remedy descriptions in the shop.
Bach Flower Remedy Combinations
While it is perfectly possible to gain benefit from a single Bach Flower Remedy most adults will find that a combination of 7 or 8 remedies will be the most effective way to use these remedies.
You can purchase the individual Bach Remedies that you need and make your own combinations, or buy one of our custom Bach Combinations.
See Essences for Children page to check how many to select for a child.

Using Bach Flower Remedies

Making a Combination
Put 2 drops (4 drops of Revival Remedy combination) from each of the stock bottles that you have selected, into a clean glass dropper bottle containing no more than 30ml of spring or spa water, together with a teaspoon of brandy or cider vinegar as a preservative. Dr Bach called a combination made in this way, a treatment bottle.
For best results we recommend that adults take 4 drops from a treatment bottle 8 x a day for chronic states. For very acute states take 4 drops every 30-60 minutes, reverting to the normal dosage when more balance has returned. See Essences for Children page for information on dosages for babies and children.
Take your chosen combination of Bach Flower Remedies for two - four weeks before reviewing how you feel. After this time you may find that you need to change some of your original choices or that you need to continue with the same ones for longer.
Working in this way over a period of six months or so you will find that there has been a subtle but definite shift in your response to the situations and events of your life.
Alternative ways of using the Bach Flower Remedies
Put four drops from the stock bottles of each chosen remedy into a small glass of water and sip at regular intervals throughout the day. For ease of use, drops of stock remedy could also be added to everyday drinks like tea or included in bottles of water or juice taken to work or school. Bach Flower Remedies could also be taken directly from the stock bottle if preferred, although it is not the most economical way of using them.
Using the Revival Remedy combination
In emergency situations or where there is much fear, panic or shock take 4 drops on the tongue directly from the stock bottle, repeating often until feeling stabilised and calm. For more long-term use, Revival Remedy can also be included in a treatment bottle by adding 4 drops of the stock remedy. This is then counted as one remedy in the total to be included in the bottle.
Who Can Use Bach Flower Remedies
Bach Flower Remedies can be taken by everyone* - children, babies' animals and plants included - safely and without fear of side effects, overdosing or addiction. While they are not intended to replace medical treatment where necessary, they can be used in conjunction with, and as a complement to any other form of treatment.
*Please note that Bach Flower Remedies are preserved in brandy, so please be cautious if you have issues around the use of alcohol.
Bach Flower Remedy Sets

Our Bach Flower Remedy sets contain all 38 Bach Flower Remedies - from Agrimony to Willow - and two bottles of Revival Remedy.
Need Any Help?
We're happy to help if you need any help or advice with choosing a Bach Flower Remedy, or making a combination. We have been working with the Bach Flower Remedies for over 30 years and would be delighted to help.:
Call us on 01379 608059 or you can email us here and we'd be very happy to help.

Are You New To The Bach Remedies?
You can find out more about The Bach Flower Remedies in our guide here.

Our Flower, Gem & Crystal Essences
Here at Crystal Herbs we have been making and developing our range of Essences for nearly 30 years. Crystal Herbs is run by Catherine Keattch and Sam Cremnitz, along with a dedicated team who are all trained practitioners and healers in their own right. We are a specialist Flower Essence producer and we're passionate about all aspects of Vibrational Essences.
You can find our full range of Essences in the Flower Essence Shop, or an overview of the different essences we make here and you can find out more about us here: Crystal Herbs