Montage Image: Bach Flower Remdey Set, Single Flower Essences, Sam Cremnitz, Bach Combination & Chakra Essences

Crystal Herbs - Flower Essences

Bach Flower Remedies & Flower Essences for the Inner Journey of Change and Transformation

Flower & Vibrational Essences help you to re-connect with the power of your heart and the wisdom of your soul. They create change at an energetic level, from the inside out, supporting your emotional and psychological well-being, awakening deeper soul connection and supporting balance in your mind, body & spirit. This inner journey takes you into your heart, connecting you more deeply and intimately with who you truly are, creating lasting change in your life and a ripple of change in the world around you.

Change, Transformation & Spiritual Growth

Bottles of Bach Flower Remedies

We're passionate about Essences as they are such natural & profound tools for making personal change, transformation & spiritual growth.

The Flower Essence Shop

Flower Essences | Bach Flower Remedies | Crystal Essences

We offer a wonderful range of Essences, handmade with love, care and consciousness here in the beautiful Norfolk countryside. Our Essences bring together over 30 years of essence making experience and a deep dedication to our inner work and spiritual connection.

Using the power of nature to help you to grow and evolve

Essences being poured by hand

Passionate About Essences... We love making Essences and have been doing it for more than 30 years. All of our essences are handmade with love and care, from making the mother tincture to bottling & labelling the stock bottles that we send you, ensuring that we provide you with the best possible quality of essence

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Flower Essences for the Inner Journey...

Here at Crystal Herbs we have a deep and profound love for Flower & Vibrational Essences. We personally use them ourselves all of the time because they so good at helping you to make change, transformation & spiritual growth in your life. They help us to overcome our deepest pains and shine our light from a space of love and deep connection within ourselves.

Picture of 10ml Bottles of Bach Flower Remedies standing in a row

"Flower Essences support our inner journey so profoundly and this is the reason that I use them all the time personally and professionally."
Sam Cremnitz

The Basics of Flower & Vibrational Essences

What Are Flower & Vibrational Essences? Nature in a Bottle! Flower Essences are natures gift to us and they are amazing soul medicine. Each flower or vibrational essence carries the unique and beautiful energies of a particular flower, gem, crystal, mineral or geometric shape in liquid form. Essences will both help you to balance how you are thinking and feeling in the moment, as well as support you on your deeper inner life journey, connecting you more with the love in your heart and deepening your spiritual evolution.

All About Flower Essences & Vibrational Essences

How Do You Choose & Use An Essence?

Choosing the Essences that will be most helpful for you is often simply a process of self-reflection and observation. What is going on for me? How am I thinking and feeling? What emotions do I need help with? Where are the energetic blocks within me? Essences are simple and easy to use. Here is our expert guide on how to use flower & vibrational essences and how to make the most out of taking your essence

Choosing an Essence Using Flower & Vibrational Essences


What Are The Best Flower & Vibrational Essences For...

Bach Flower Remedies Feeling Unworthy Grief Protection Anger Grounding Worry Letting Go Trauma Soul Connection Space Clearing Inner Knowing

See All: Essence & Themes Explorer

Contact Us Help & Advice

"One of the reasons that people so often turn to Flower Essences is because they are so good at helping and supporting you to consciously work with your inner emotional world." Sam Cremnitz


Clematis flower - info about the the Clematis Bach Flower Remedy Puya flower with info about the uses of the flower essence


Creating Inner Harmony & Balance With a Bach Flower Remedy Set

Crystal Herbs Bach Flower Remedy sets montage: 10ml Bach Collection Set, 10ml Bach Flower Remedy set in a card box, Bach outer wrapper and 25ml wooden box set. Explore our Bach Flower Remedy Sets

Learn More About Flower Essences and Other Vibrational Essences...

Flower Essences & More

Flower Essences | Crystal Essences | Vibrational Essences

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Get Special Offers, Essence Reviews and Inspiration for Personal & Spiritual Growth direct to your inbox with our email newsletters.

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Dr Edward Bach portrait

"They are able, like beautiful music, or any gloriously uplifting thing which gives us inspiration, to raise our very natures, and bring us nearer to our Souls: and by that very act bring us peace and relieve our sufferings"

Dr Edward Bach on the Bach Remedies



From the Flower Essence Blog

The Flower Essence Blog is a journal of Flower & Vibrational Essences and how to use them for Personal & Spiritual Growth.

Flower Essences are Catalysts for Change

Montage Image: Bach Flower Remedies held in a hand, a Lotus flower and bottles of flower essences

Embracing & Making Change What is your relationship with change like? It can be an interesting question because at various times in our lives, we’ll all experience moments when we feel a deep inner need [...]

Flower Essences are Catalysts for Change

The Power of Acceptance: Loving Acceptance Rose Essence Spray

Montage Image - the Blue Moon rose, a bottle of Loving Acceptance Rose Essence Spray and a Gentle Hermione Rose

The beautiful space of loving acceptance is a state that is so needed in the world right now. It takes us out of  the right / wrong, us / them, polarized, separative dynamic that has [...]

The Power of Acceptance: Loving Acceptance Rose Essence Spray

Pink Rose Flower Essence: Transforming Deep Seated Fears

Pink Rose flower

Pink Rose Flower Essence Fear is very common but it can be a tricky vibration to work with because it feels so real if you get stuck in it. It creates a very effective smokescreen that prevents you from seeing beyond it if you are not very mindful [...]

Pink Rose Flower Essence: Transforming Deep Seated Fears

Videos, Podcasts & Meditations

Sam was recently on the Feel Good Norfolk Podcast – “The Power of Nature: Nature in a Bottle” – to talk about all things Bach Flower Remedies & Flower Essences. And it’s just been released, which is really exciting!

The Feel Good Norfolk Podcast: Nature in a Bottle with Sam Cremnitz

Explore the Blog:

Read Our Blog Articles Watch Our Videos


Flower Essence Essentials - Our Essence Journal

Explore our online Journal for all things related to Flower & Vibrational Essences, the Inner Journey and more besides.

Flower Essence Essentials Journal


What Our Lovely Customers Say - See More

"I love my Karmic Essences Kit. I use them all the time for clients and myself."

Helen Elizabeth Griffiths, Advanced Essence Practitioner

"These are the most beautifully transformational treasures, I highly, highly recommend them to everyone particularly the Divine Harmony range. Try them they truly are remarkable! Gentle and powerful and such a gift!"

Kellie Samj

"Just love these essences [Divine Harmony], they shift the patterns of imbalance in a very gentle way."

Kathy Locke, Advanced Essence Practitioner

More About Crystal Herbs and What We Offer

Practitioners, Shops & Affiliates...

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About Crystal Herbs...

Some of the Crystal Herbs team

Crystal Herbs is run by Catherine Keattch and Sam Cremnitz, along with a dedicated team who are all trained practitioners and healers in their own right. We are a specialist Flower Essence producer and we're passionate about all aspects of Vibrational Essences. We have been making and selling our range of Essences for 30 years and have customers all over the world.

  • We are passionate about essences! We've been creating and developing Essences for over 30 years and helping people with essences is our great joy. All of the essences that we offer are handmade with love & consciousness.
  • As a specialist Flower Essence company our main focus is on producing the best quality Flower, Gem & Crystal Essences that we can so that you have the tools that you need to empower and help yourself. All of our essences are handmade with love & consciousness.
  • We offer a comprehensive range of different essences which together form a wonderful resource for anyone working with change, transformation and personal and spiritual growth.
  • We're here to help, so if you have any questions or if you need any support while you're using an essence, please do contact us!
  • U.K. & Worldwide Shipping - we are based in the lovely county of Norfolk in the U.K. and we send to individuals, practitioners and shops throughout the U.K., the E.U. and all around the world.
More About Crystal Herbs Contact Us

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British Association of Flower Essence Producers

British Association of Flower Essence Producers

Crystal Herbs is a member of the British Association of Flower Essence Producers. BAFEP is the trade association for the Essence community in the U.K. and around the world. It advises on best practice and the standards of production, labelling and advertising in accordance with U.K. legal guidelines.

The British Flower & Vibrational Essences Association

We are also a Friend of the British Flower & Vibrational Essences Association. The BFVEA is a professional organisation whose membership consists of practitioners and tutors of flower essence therapy.