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Moving Fully into the Flow | E-Light Newsletter
7th March 2025

In this month’s E-Light we look at the extremely potent, life enhancing energy flow that is speaking to us loudly of the opportunities we have this month for change, transformation and new beginnings. We also explore the need for us to make a conscious choice to allow the energies to show us how to flow into new directions, the need for us to manage our vibrational frequency and how to deal with any resistance to change that we might encounter along the way. As always, we highlight some flower, gem & crystal essences that might be particularly useful to help us move through the month in harmony & balance and you can also find our latest special offers. You can find March's edition of E-Light in the archive here....
What's New at a Glance...
- Moving Fully into the Flow | E-Light Newsletter
- New Special Offers for March
- How to Stay Grounded & Present | Essences for the Inner Journey Newsletter
- Lily Canna Flower Essence: Updated Definition
- Hemimorphite Crystal Essence: Updated Definition
- A Year of New Beginnings | E-Light Newsletter
- The Inner Wisdom Essence: Connecting Heart & Mind
- NEW Quartz Crystal Essence Set
- NEW Tree Flower Essence Set
- Exploring Core Emotions | Essences for the Inner Journey Newsletter
Join One of Our Newsletters! Get Special Offers, Essence Reviews and Inspiration for Personal & Spiritual Growth direct to your inbox with our email newsletters.
What Goes into Packing a Bach Set?
7th March 2025

We’ve been busy packing some of our Bach Flower Remedy wooden box sets today. Here is a quick peep at what goes into making a set for you.
Around Crystal Herbs
4th March 2025

It's been a beautiful day here at Crystal Herbs. The sun had been shining and the first energies of spring are in the air and in the earth. The energy has changed, and a sense of renewed life is returning to the Norfolk countryside. It won't be long now until more and more flowers begin to come into bloom and the trees begin to flower, and the mother tincture making season will have started in earnest.
Nurture Your Soul Seeds | E-Light Newsletter
12th February 2025

In this month’s E-Light we look at how the deeply transformative cosmic energy flow this month is offering us opportunities to raise our vibrational frequency and to nurture the important soul seeds that we brought with us into this incarnation. We also explore the need for us to consciously release old agreements and step out of conformity so that we can become the change that we want to see in the world. As always, we highlight some flower, gem & crystal essences that might be particularly useful to help us move through the month in harmony & balance and you can also find our latest special offers. You can find February's edition of E-Light in the archive here....
2nd February 2025

There was a beautiful rainbow over us the other day! The timing of it was like a little message from spirit, reminding us to stay connected and in our hearts, and that creating from this space is what allows the inner magic to unfold.
Lily Canna Flower Essence: Updated Definition
31st January 2025

Our Canna Lily flower essence carries the energetic signature of strength and presence and is a fascinating essence to explore more deeply. Canna Lily essence works directly in the etheric body to promote greater vitality and strength, which in turn enhances the life force energy flowing into the physical body. At an emotional level Canna Lily essence will help you to connect more fully with your own inner truth, and to stand tall within it so that you can express it freely in the world with sincerity and confidence. We've just updated the definition for this flower essence, and have found a powerful essence to re-connect with.
Hemimorphite Crystal Essence: Updated Definition
6th January 2025

Our Hemimorphite crystal essence is a really interesting and very useful crystal essence. It has an uplifting, harmonising, balancing energy that helps to promote understanding of how to use the unlimited creativity of yourself as spirit within the limitations of physical life. This is the essence to use when you feel stuck or frustrated because you cannot seem to manifest all that you know is possible. We've just updated the definition for this essence, and have really enjoyed re-connecting with it's energies. You can find out more here:
A Year of New Beginnings | E-Light Newsletter
6th January 2025

In this month’s E-Light we look briefly at the overall picture of large-scale change and transformation that the unusual energetic configurations of 2025 bring to the fore. We also review the energetic highlights for January and explore the importance of staying connected to ourselves, so that we can manage our frequency and vibration in such a way that we are ready to keep up with the speed of change as it unfolds this year. As always, we highlight some flower, gem & crystal essences that might be particularly useful to help us move through the month in harmony & balance and you can also find our latest special offers. You can find January's edition of E-Light in the archive here....
The Inner Wisdom Essence: Connecting Heart & Mind
3rd January 2025

At a soul level we carry all of the wisdom that we've accumulated over many lifetimes and the knowledge of why we are here at this particular time. That soul wisdom is something that we can draw upon to assist us with our process of transformation, if we remember to make ourselves available to hear, sense or intuit from our library of wisdom, so that we can live from our own truth. The Inner Wisdom Essence is all about helping you to connect your heart and mind and step more into your inner wisdom.
Festive Greetings and a Very Happy New Year
20th December 2024

From us all at Crystal Herbs we wish you a very Happy Christmas and may 2025 bring you Peace, Love, Joy & Abundance!
Festive Opening Hours
20th December 2024

Over the Christmas week, we'll be here sending out your orders on Monday 23rd and then closed on Christmas eve, Christmas day and Boxing day ( Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday ). After that we're open again on 27th, 30th & 31st December ( Friday, Monday and Tuesday ) for essence advice and to send out your orders. We're closed again on New Year’s Day and then after that we're back to our usual opening times from Thursday 2nd January 2025.
From all of us we wish you a very Happy Christmas and new Year!
An Abundance of Opportunity | E-Light Newsletter
16th December 2024

In this month’s E-Light we explore the energy flow for December which is set to take us even deeper into this process of change and transformation. We look at how we can best keep up with the speed of change, how to engage the help of those parts of ourselves that know exactly how to assist us with this and review the abundance of light, love & spiritual inspiration flowing in for us over the next few weeks. And as always, we highlight some flower, gem & crystal essences that might be particularly useful to help us move through the month in harmony & balance. You can find December's edition of E-Light in the archive here....
NEW Quartz Crystal Essence Set
12th December 2024

The Quartz Crystal Essence set brings together ten powerful crystal essences each made from a different type of Quartz. Quartz crystal essences carry a particular focus for renewal and regeneration. They are very good at providing your energy system with a very accessible template of energetic patterning, one that reminds your own etheric blueprint and DNA system how to realign with your original patterning for wholeness and balance. You can use the ten Quartz Essences in this set to help you re-balance at many levels and flow more easily through this time of transformation in which our energetic systems and physicality are coming into a place of greater balance and wholeness.
NEW Tree Flower Essence Set
2nd December 2024

The ten beautiful Tree Flower Essences in this new set are each made from a different species of tree. Tree Flower Essences hold the vibrational frequency and qualities of a particular tree and help to connect you with the regenerative, restorative properties of trees in a way that your energy system can easily integrate and assimilate. Trees are a wonderful, bountiful and vibrant aspect of Mother Nature. They hold a very strong lifeforce energy, each species with its own particular qualities and vibrational signature. Each of the flower essences in this set will interact with your energy system in its own unique way, helping you to find greater balance, wholeness and wisdom from within.
New Flower & Crystal Essence Definitions
2nd December 2024

We've been updating some of our Flower & Crystal Essence definitions. Some of these were quite old and short definitions and the essences offered so much more! The Essences are such beautiful vibrational frequencies to explore more and this always feels like a real pleasure to do. So here are the updated Essences:
Flower Essences: Yew Flower Essence | Silver Birch Flower Essence | Pear Flower Essence
Crystal Essences: Rainbow Quartz | Blue Quartz | Spirit Quartz | Elestial Quartz | Rutilated Quartz
New Bach Remedy Set Option
22nd November 2024

New Bach Flower Remedy Set on a Display Stand - we love the Bach Flower Remedies as they are such useful remedies for balancing how you are thinking and feeling in the moment. From Agrimony to Willow there are remedies to help with 38 different thought patterns, feelings and emotions. This new Bach set option comes on an attractive card display stand and as with all of our complete sets, contains all 38 Bach Flower Remedies and two bottles of Revival Remedy combination.
Dr. Bach's Seven Groups
18th November 2024

Explore our new shop category for the Seven Bach Groups - the Seven Bach groups are a useful guide to choosing which Bach Flower Remedies will help with particular issues and types of people. Dr. Edward Bach originally created the seven groups as a way of helping people to better understand the remedies. Each of the 38 Bach Flower Remedies are divided into seven personality groups; each group representing the differing ways a particular thought pattern or emotion could be seen and experienced in the personality.
Essences for Loneliness, Isolation & Separation
18th November 2024

We have a new category in our Find An Essence To Help section for loneliness, isolation & separation. All of the essences in this category will help you in different ways with the difficult feelings around loneliness, feeling alone, isolated, separate or shut off from yourself or others in some way. When we step into our hearts and feel a greater inner sense of oneness, unity and togetherness, our perception of life can change quite dramatically. Many of the essences in this category work with the heart chakra or patterns and issues related to the heart as this is where much of the difficulty around loneliness is held. You can explore all of the essence in this new category here....
A Watershed Moment | E-Light Newsletter
18th November 2024

In this month’s E-Light we are looking at the grand opportunities that are being presented to us to contribute to the fast-accelerating process of change and transformation on our planet. We look at the bigger picture, the importance of our choices, and the energetic highlights of November’s cosmic energy flow. We also review how we can best negotiate energetic intensity and the need for us to keep our personal vibrational frequencies as high as we can. You can find November's edition of E-Light in the archive here....
How to Be Fully Present in Your Body
23rd October 2024

The cosmic energy flow contains some pretty intense energetics at the moment and to successfully ride the waves of transformation that these energies are bringing forward we need to remember to stay awake, aware, and fully present in our bodies, anchored deeply into the core of Mother Earth. I have created this short video to remind you how to fully inhabit your physical body and to engage the flow of love and light that connects you with Mother Earth and with Source, in an ever moving spiral of expanding light that can help to hold you in balance and connection, no matter what is going on around you.
Flower Essences are Catalysts for Change
15th October 2024

Embracing & Making Change - what is your relationship with change like? It can be an interesting question because at various times in our lives, we’ll all experience moments when we feel a deep inner need for change. A sense of feeling stuck and that our inner journey has arrived at a fork in the road, an intuitive knowing that something needs to change so that we can move forward in life. A feeling that we need to be able to look at life from a different perspective. Change is not always easy, but Flower Essences are really good catalysts for helping you to make those changes. Find out more about change and flower essences in our new blog post.
The Power of Acceptance: Loving Acceptance Rose Essence Spray
11th October 2024

The beautiful space of loving acceptance is a state that is so needed in the world right now. It takes us out of the right / wrong, us / them, polarized, separative dynamic that has been so much part of our world up to now, and reminds us how to see everything from a more unified perspective, where we are free to make positive, new choices for ourselves. Holding this frequency consistently also means that we broadcast it into the world around us, strengthening the collective field of loving acceptance and offering others the opportunity to remember and connect with it themselves. Our new Rose Essence Essence spray will take you deep into your heart to embody more of the powerfully transformative energies of loving acceptance. You can find out more in-depth here:
The Power of Acceptance: Loving Acceptance Rose Essence Spray
The Life of Nora Weeks - the story of the lady behind the Bach Flower Remedies
8th October 2024

Over on our dedicated Bach Flower Remedy website you can find the story of the lady behind the Bach Flower Remedies. This is a story about Nora Weeks, the lady behind the Bach Flower Remedies. Her story is integral to the story of Dr Edward Bach and the Bach Remedies, and it is a story of quiet tenacity and dedication. Without Nora Weeks’ determination to preserve her friend and colleague’s work, it is doubtful that the Bach Flower Remedies and the understandings of Edward Bach would have flourished in the way that they have. Discover more about Nora and how she took Bach’s legacy out into the world.
The Life of Nora Weeks - the story of the lady behind the Bach Flower Remedies
Staying Awake and Aware | E-Light from Crystal Herbs
7th October 2024

In this month’s E-Light we are looking at how important it is for us to stay awake and aware as we negotiate the powerful, fast flowing energies that are part of the cosmic line-up for this month. We view the bigger picture of what is unfolding and the need for us to be fully present in our physical body in order to be an effective anchor point for change to take place, as well as reviewing some of the ways that we can maintain our point of balance in a changing world. You can find the archive version of October's edition of E-Light here:
New Essence! Loving Acceptance Rose Essence Spray
30th September 2024

We're really excited to share our new Loving Acceptance Essence Spray with you! This new Rose Essence Spray is a wonderfully uplifting combination of six of our beautiful Rose Essences and it will help to take you deep into your heart to embody more of the powerfully transformative energies of loving acceptance. It will help to gently set you free to make new choices for yourself and to find the generosity of spirit to offer the same freedom to others. Its loving vibration are a powerful reminder to see yourself as the unique being that you are.
Spiralling Deeper into Transformation | E-Light Newsletter
23rd September 2024

In this month’s E-Light we are looking at what we might experience as we spiral deeper into our journey of transformation, remembering how to look beyond the edges of the old patterning to see the new possibilities that are opening up for us and how important it is for us to fully own our own authority and power. We also look at the cosmic energy flow for September, and the opportunities that this will bring forward for us all and, as always we highlight some essences that might be particularly helpful to assist us to move through the month with greater ease and grace. You can find the archive version of September's edition of E-Light here:
Essence Making
1st August 2024

We’ve been busy making some new mother tinctures in the beautiful sunny weather that we’ve been having recently.
Making mother tinctures for our flower essences is a beautiful and heartfelt process and a co-creation with the Devas, Nature Spirits and the Ascended Realms. This is a lovely Queen Anne's Lace flower potentising in the sun. As a flower essence, it’s really useful for the development of clairvoyance ( inner vision ) and telepathy. It opens the crown chakra and calms the mind so it will enhance your ability to see the bigger picture of a situation. Queen Anne’s Lace flower essence is also helpful if you tend to be overly intellectual in your approach to life as it calms the mental body and enables you to make choices from the perspective of your higher wisdom.
Keywords: Clairvoyance | Spirituality | Inner guidance | Higher wisdom
Find Out More....
Shop: Queen Anne's Lace Flower Essence
Blog: Queen Anne’s Lace Flower Essence – Clarity & Focus of Spiritual Ideas
Pink Rose Flower Essence: Transforming Deep Seated Fears
23rd July 2024

Fear is very common but it can be a tricky vibration to work with because it feels so real if you get stuck in it. It creates a very effective smokescreen that prevents you from seeing beyond it if you are not very mindful. We can all be affected by fear because it is a vibrational frequency that sits at the bottom of many of the old emotional patterns and stories that we have. Today we’re exploring the Pink Rose Flower Essence which is an excellent essence for when you feel like you cannot get to the root of a deeply held karmic fear or for if you experience general phobias or fears with no apparent cause in this lifetime.
Keeping Your Balance in a Changing World | E-Light from Crystal Herbs
18th July 2024

In this month’s E-Light newsletter we are exploring the opportunities for deep transformation that are being offered to us and how we can best position ourselves to take full advantage of them. We look at the art of managing energetic intensity and how we can stay firmly on our own surfboard as we ride the waves of transformation this month. We also look at the cosmic energy flow for July, the need to manage our own vibrational frequency and the importance of avoiding distraction so that we can stay in balance, harmony and neutrality to help facilitate positive change. As always, we highlight some essences that might be particularly helpful to assist us to move through the month with greater ease and grace. You can find the archive version of July's edition of E-Light here:
NEW: The Inner Journey of Change & Transformation
10th July 2024

The inner journey is one of change and transformation and it’s both beautiful and profound. It’s a journey of discovery that takes you into your heart, deepening your relationship with yourself and connecting you more fully with who you really are. It’s a journey that takes you from the inside out, exploring and healing the inner world of your feelings, emotions and old belief patterns. When you feel, embrace, explore and love what you find on the inside, you create lasting change and transformation in your life and a ripple of change in the world around you. Find out more in our new page about the Inner Journey here:
Inner Strength, Determination & Positivity: the Inner Strength Essence
13th June 2024

Empowering Your Inner Journey: there are times in life when we will all need the important qualities of inner strength, resolve and determination to assist us with our inner journey of transformation. The Inner Strength Essence from the Divine Harmony Essences range is a deep acting combination of flower, gem & crystal essences specifically designed to give you a stronger sense of your own inner power and authority so that you can follow your own path without hesitation.
Inner Strength, Determination & Positivity: the Inner Strength Essence
Flower Essence Essentials - Our Online Essence Journal
5th June 2024

Art is like flower essences because both are transmissions of energy. Like an essence, art works on the energetic layer and shifts and transforms the consciousness of the person who’s perceiving it. And whether it’s art or essences, the more sensitive you are, the more you will be aware of how this energetic transmission is impacting you. Soul artist and vibrational healer Beki Crowell has spent her life exploring how the beautiful vibrations of nature dissolve patterns of disconnection and she is sharing her story, her wisdom, and a process for you to receive a transmission of Beauty for your heart and your soul.
A Small Price Increase
5th June 2024

As regular customers may have noticed, we have just had a small price increase. While this is not something that we like to do if we can possibly avoid it, we've unfortunately not had much of a choice but to have a small increase. We hope that you will continue to enjoy using our range of Flower, Gem & Crystal Essences, and as ever, if you need any help or advice, please do be in contact and we'd be pleased to help.
The Transmission of Beauty: Flower Essences and Art
31st May 2024

Art is like flower essences because both are transmissions of energy. Like an essence, art works on the energetic layer and shifts and transforms the consciousness of the person who’s perceiving it. And whether it’s art or essences, the more sensitive you are, the more you will be aware of how this energetic transmission is impacting you. Soul artist and vibrational healer Beki Crowell has spent her life exploring how the beautiful vibrations of nature dissolve patterns of disconnection and she is sharing her story, her wisdom, and a process for you to receive a transmission of Beauty for your heart and your soul.
Connection to Mother Earth: The Feet Chakras Essence
9th May 2024

The Feet Chakras Essence strengthens your connection with the Earth for greater stability, grounding, well-being, inner security and safety. It is a powerful Essence for working with issues around disconnection from Mother Earth and the natural world, lack of vitality, fatigue, and physical well-being. It’s also very useful if you have fears about your physical survival or safety and regularly feel overwhelmed. You can find out more below!
Paying Tribute to Colin
3rd May 2024

We would like to offer our heartfelt gratitude and appreciation to Colin Burbridge, one of Crystal Herbs co-founders, who recently passed peacefully into the light on his way to more grand adventures. Colin was one of the founding members of Crystal Herbs and was a stalwart pillar of our team from 1990 until 2011 when he retired. He held a very clear, consistent vision for Crystal Herbs as it took its first steps into the world as a supplier of quality vibrational essences, as well as helping to guide its progress as it gradually developed and expanded.
The Feel Good Norfolk Podcast: Nature in a Bottle with Sam Cremnitz
12th April 2024

Sam was recently on the Feel Good Norfolk Podcast – “The Power of Nature: Nature in a Bottle” – to talk about all things Bach Flower Remedies & Flower Essences. And it’s just been released, which is really exciting! In the podcast Sarah and Sam talk about the importance of connecting with how you’re really feeling and diving deeply into the core beliefs and layers of emotion that we all carry. It’s when we begin to feel into and transform these old patterns that the magic really happens and we move forward, evolve and make meaningful change our lives.
The Feel Good Norfolk Podcast: Nature in a Bottle with Sam Cremnitz
Loving and Accepting Yourself: The Self Acceptance Essence
11th April 2024

Do you sometimes find it difficult to love and accept yourself fully? Deep down, do you have painful feelings of being unloved, unwanted or not good enough? Our Self Acceptance Essence is designed to promote the ability to love and accept ourselves, without condition or restriction. It’s all about dissolving painful feelings of being unloved, unwanted, not good enough, or judging yourself. Loving and accepting ourselves is a foundational part of the inner journey to remember who we are as a reflection of the love of Source. However, for many of us, the inability to accept ourselves as being worthy of love sits at the bottom of some very deep, old painful experiences.
BFVEA – Flower Essences and More at the 2024 Gathering
5th April 2024

I love talking about Flower Essences and I feel a constant fascination with how good they are at helping us to change, evolve and transform. So an event dedicated to Flower & Vibrational Essences is most definitely going to be my thing! These kind of events are quite rare, so the British Flower & Vibrational Essence Association’s ( BFVEA ) Annual Gathering is always one to look forward to, and it didn’t disappoint! Find out more about our recent trip to the BFVEA Gathering here.
A Good Read - 3 Reasons Why You Don’t Trust Your Intuition and How Flower Essences Change That!
14th March 2024

Have you ever felt bad vibes about something for no logical reason only to discover later that it was your intuition warning you off? Have you ever felt a strong pull towards a book, a place or a person without knowing why, then realised it was significant for your spiritual path? Our intuition speaks to us all the time through sensations in our bodies, feelings, gut instincts, energetic vibrations and simply ‘knowing’ what is best for us. Flower & Vibrational essences can offer you a way to reconnect with your inner knowing by releasing fears, doubt and uncertainty about trusting your own inner voice.
A Good Read - 3 Reasons Why You Don’t Trust Your Intuition and How Flower Essences Change That!
The Perception Podcast: The Transformational Power of Flower and Gem Essences with Catherine Keattch
29th February 2024

We’re excited to announce that Catherine is on the Perception Podcast with Caroline Partridge! They’re exploring inner transformation, personal power, what it takes to change our lives, the root cause of suffering, and how creating a life that works for you is linked to healing. Learn more about Catherine’s spiritual journey, how vibrational essences work to dissolve the filters that hold unconscious patterns in place, and the link between collective consciousness and 5th dimensional reality. Do join them as they look at life through a different lens. You can find the Podcast on Spotify or on Apple Podcasts.
New: Essences for the Inner Journey Newsletter Archive
14th February 2024

Explore our 'Essences for the Inner Journey' email newsletter back catalogue and discover our Flower, Gem & Crystal Essences and the transformational journey that Essences can take you on. Each month we explore a different Essence in-depth, so this is a great way to learn about Flower, Gem & Crystal Essences and how they can help you. We share insights to help you connect more fully with your true self, plus tips for navigating the inner journey of change and transformation with love, ease and grace.
Boundaries, Self Worth & Emotions: Solar Plexus Chakra Essence
8th February 2024

The Solar Plexus Chakra Essence is all about healthy personal boundaries, self-worth, and personal empowerment. It’s a great essence to use if you have difficulties with self-empowerment, self-worth and power issues of any kind. It helps you to stay centred and connected to yourself so you can maintain healthy positive boundaries and feel inner confidence without seeking approval from others. We take an in-depth look at this wonderfully useful essence here:
Boundaries, Self Worth & Emotions: Solar Plexus Chakra Essence
Essence Essentials Page Update
2nd February 2024

We've just updated our Essence Essentials page with some new helpful and inspiring information. You can find our Hand-Picked Essences for February, our latest Inner Guidance for Daily Life Essence Suggestions and some Always Useful Essences - ones that find are particularly supportive ones to have readily available. You can also find some new Tips for Consciously Working With Essences along with the current Astrological Bach Essence for the Month and more,.
News Update: A Busy January
31st January 2024

We've been a bit quiet recently on the latest news page, but that's not to say that there's not been a lot going on! January has been a busy month for us with a lot going on behind the scenes, from newsletter updates, to new postage and workshop plans.....
Newsletters: Firstly we have been busy updating our email newsletters. With a new year comes change and we thought we would start 2024 by refreshing our ‘Essences for Sharing’ newsletter. We've added tips for consciously working with Essences, related Essences, and more as well as changing the name to ‘Essences for the Inner Journey’. We feel that this new name better expresses what the newsletter is all about now and we hope that you like it!
Postage: we have also updated many of our international postal rates, and as we've moved to new Royal Mail dispatch codes, some of the prices have even gone down a little, which is great news.
Orders: as well as sending out a lot of orders to you all, we've also been busy completing a large order for our distributor in Chile, which is now nearly finished!
Moving Forward: We also have some exciting plans moving forward, including our next E-Light Zoom call and some new workshops coming along.
A Good Read - Essences for Empaths
29th January 2024

Are you highly sensitive to other people’s emotions and energy? Do you intuitively know things without anyone telling you? Chances are you’re an empath. Many people who take flower essences are empaths, and while the ability to empathise with others means you feel beauty and connection very deeply, the flip side can be feeling the pain of the world and being unable to filter out other people’s emotions and energies.
Festive Greetings and a Very Happy New Year
21st December 2023

From all of us at Crystal Herbs we wish you a very Happy Christmas and may 2024 bring you Peace, Love, Joy & Abundance!
Resolving Anger & Inner Conflicts
20th December 2023

The Inner Peace Essence helps you to release feelings of anger and helps to bring resolution to inner conflicts. It’s also helpful if you find it difficult to deal with anger in other people or find your own anger difficult to deal with. It can also be helpful when there is difficulty connecting with any emotions at all. The emotion of anger is something that we are all familiar with even if we may not be particularly comfortable in its presence. It can be a positive energy if we are able to use it in a balanced and mindful way but quite destructive if it is unmanaged and disowned. You can find out more here:
The Inner Peace Essence for Resolving Anger & Inner Conflicts
Festive Opening Hours
19th December 2023

We are open everyday this week. Over the Christmas week, we'll be closed on Christmas day and Boxing day ( Monday & Tuesday ), and after that we'll be here for essence advice and to send out your orders on 27th, 28th and 29th December ( Wednesday, Thursday & Friday). We will be closed on New Year’s Day and then back to our usual opening times from Tuesday 2nd January 2024
From all of us we wish you a very Happy Christmas and new Year!
New Karmic Flower Essence Definitions
19th December 2023

We've just updated and expanded the definitions for our Karmic Flower Essences. The new definitions help to give you an even deeper insight in what each Essence helps with and when to use it. The Karmic Essences are a powerful set of essences that can help to open the inner doorways and take you straight to the heart of an issue, promoting a swift release of any unconscious belief pattern that is holding you back. Simple and easy to use they link directly into the seven personality groups identified by Dr. Bach.
Flower Essences For Trauma Healing
28th November 2023

If you have experienced trauma of any kind, it will have an ongoing impact on your life until you have the opportunity to restore balance at an energetic, emotional and mental level. Any trauma healing journey needs to facilitate the release of the energetic imprint of trauma in order to be effective, and that’s why flower, gem and crystal essences are so useful.
Holiday Season Gifts for 2023 - Giving the Gift of Love
23rd November 2023

Our lovingly handmade Flower, Gem and Crystal Essences make thoughtful, heartfelt gifts for the holiday season. This year we’ve put together a small selection of essences for all budgets which we hope that you’ll enjoy choosing from. In our gift selection we hope that you’ll find the perfect gift for friends and family who love natural well-being, spirituality, and personal transformation.
How Flower Essences Help Recovery from Trauma
27th October 2023

Have you been wondering whether flower, gem and crystal essences can help you to release trauma from your energetic system? Flower, Gem & Crystal Essences have an important contribution to make in the healing of trauma at an energetic level. This is the first of two posts exploring how trauma affects you emotionally and energetically so that you can discover the most suitable flower essences to help recovery from trauma.
Stripe - Our New Payment Gateway
16th October 2023

We have introduced a new way of paying for your orders - meet Stripe, our new payment gateway. Stripe is an industry leading payment gateway that provides a safe, secure and seamless payment option for when you want to pay for your orders through the Crystal Herbs site using your credit or debit card. If you're using an Apple device you can also pay by ApplePay.

Our Flower, Gem & Crystal Essences
Here at Crystal Herbs we have been making and developing our range of Essences for nearly 30 years. Crystal Herbs is run by Catherine Keattch and Sam Cremnitz, along with a dedicated team who are all trained practitioners and healers in their own right. We are a specialist Flower Essence producer and we're passionate about all aspects of Vibrational Essences.
You can find our full range of Essences in the Flower Essence Shop, or an overview of the different essences we make here and you can find out more about us here: Crystal Herbs