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The Crystal Herbs Newsletter - September 2023 |
Dear Friends,
Connection to Mother Earth: this month we’re exploring the Feet Chakras Essence from the Chakra Essence range. The Feet Chakras combination is a powerful mix of deep acting Flower, Gem & Crystal Essences, designed specifically to strengthen your connection with the Earth for greater stability, grounding, wellbeing, inner security and safety.
This is a powerful Essence for working with issues around disconnection from Mother Earth and the natural world, lack of vitality, fatigue, and physical wellbeing. It’s also very useful if you have fears about your physical survival or safety and regularly feel overwhelmed. You can find out more below!
You can also find our special offers for September.
All of the Flower, Gem & Crystal Essences and special offers mentioned in this newsletter can be found at: |
Connection to Mother Earth - the Feet Chakras Essence |
So our focus for this month’s essence review is our Feet Chakras combination from the Chakra Essences range. |
About the Feet Chakras |
Your feet chakras are the minor chakra points on the sole of each foot that work in conjunction with the Base and Earth Star chakras, together with other minor chakras in the legs, to create a stable energetic foundation for your physical existence on earth. |
When your feet chakras are working optimally, you experience a strong connection with Mother Earth which helps you to feel grounded, stable and physically energised.
The feet chakras are an exchange point between the energy in your body and the energy of the earth. When your feet chakras are open and working well, you receive revitalising earth energy through the soles of your feet which travels through your entire energetic system for physical vitality and wellbeing. |
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In addition, the feet chakras work as exit points for you to release energy out through the soles of your feet to be recycled back into the earth. This important exchange ensures that you are regularly receiving fresh and vital energy into your physical system and releasing negative energy from everyday life (toxins, emotions etc.)
A stable connection with the Earth through your feet chakras helps your body to work optimally and also enhances your inner sense of security and safety as you draw upon the support that the earth provides you with.
You can think of the function of your feet chakras as being similar to how a tree draws nourishment from the earth through its roots. We need to receive this nourishment from the Earth through our feet chakras to feel physically supported, energetically vital, emotionally stable, and spiritually replenished. |
Why Our Feet Chakras Can Get Unbalanced |
There are two main reasons why our connection to the Earth through our Feet Chakras can become compromised.
If you’ve experienced any significant shock or trauma, it can rupture your connection with your feet chakras because the shock can make you leave your body and withdraw your energy as a protective mechanism. Shock and trauma typically rupture your sense of physical safety and security which then stops you from connecting fully to the Earth through your Feet Chakras.
The other main factor that impacts on the flow of energy through the Feet Chakras is simply the impact of busy modern life. If you’re indoors a lot, if you live or work in a city, if you’re using technology on a regular basis, if you’re driving or using public transport instead of walking, or simply not spending time nature in the way our ancestors would have done then your feet chakras are not being stimulated to work at their optimum.
It’s very important to actively re-energise your connection with your feet chakras to help you cope with the stresses of modern life, and to benefit from the energetic exchange that is meant to happen between your body and the body of the Earth.
By deepening your connection with the Earth through the Feet Chakras you will be more able to feel the Earth’s powerful revitalising energy in your system. This supportive energy will also help you to feel more stable, grounded, connected, secure and settled on an inner level. |
Do You Need a Feet Chakras Essence? | The issues and blockages related to the Feet Chakras are to do with feeling disconnected from Mother Earth which means you are not able to receive her stability, support and revitalising energy.
Indications for the Feet Chakras Essence:Here are some indicators that your feet chakras might be in need of support to open up more fully: |
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• Disconnection from Mother Earth and the natural world. • Difficulty with grounding. • Lack of vitality. • Feelings of overwhelm. • Fears about physical survival. • Fears about physical safety. • Fatigue and tiredness. |
The Feet Chakras Essence |
The Feet Chakras Essence is a deep acting combination of flower, gem & crystal essences specifically designed to clear and balance the feet chakras for stability, grounding and vitality. It contains the following essences:Loosestrife, Passion Flower, Virginia Bluebells, Boji Stone, Hexahedron & Volcanic Lava. |
How to Use |
An effective dose for most adults is four drops on the tongue 3 or 4 x a day, straight from the stock bottle. For best results take consistently for a period of two to four weeks. |
Feet Chakras Essence - Flower Essence Shop |
If you feel in need of some help from the Feet Chakras Essence, you can find it in our shop here: |
| You can also phone us to order on: 01379 608059 (+44 1379 608059)
The Feet Chakras Essence is on special offer for the rest of September |
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Our September Special Offers |
The following Flower, Gem & Crystal Essences and Sets are on special offer at 20% discount for the month.
If you want to learn more about the essences we've chosen you can join us for this short video, or read on to browse through this month's selection. |
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Individual & Combination Essences |
| Being Present Essence - 20% Discount
This is a very helpful combination for staying fully present and focused in the now. Its good for if you find yourself easily ‘spaced out’, ungrounded or if you drift off into a dream world of ‘what ifs’, making it difficult to stay present and focused. Also helpful where there are difficulties starting or completing jobs. Divine Harmony Essences | From £5.00 | |
| Feeling Safe Essence - 20% Discoun
This Feeling Safe Essence dissolves the belief that ‘the world is not a safe place’ and is a powerful combination for those who ‘never feel safe’, or perhaps have an unjustifiable sense of impending doom. It helps to promote trust in the flow of life and encourages a sense of inner security. It's also helpful if you experience difficulty coping with change or lack of trust that you will always be looked after. Divine Harmony Essences | from £5.00 | |
| Feet Chakras Essence - 20% Discount
The Feet Chakras are all about communication with and connection to the energy grids of mother earth. So this is a helpful Essence for developing a greater connection with Mother Earth and her energy grids. It's also helpful if you have difficulties with feeling grounded, feelings of being disconnected from the natural world or unfounded fears about your physical safety. Chakra Essences | from £5.00 | |
| Yellow Rattle Flower Essence - 20% Discount
The lovely Yellow Rattle Essence is for those who carry an innate sadness and melancholy from this or previous lifetimes. It can often feel difficult to express the depth of this feeling and it can cause recurring and apparently unfounded feelings of hopelessness and despair. Karmic Flower Essences | from £4.60 | |
| Harmony & Tranquillity Spray Essence - 20% Discount
The Harmony & Tranquillity Essence spray can be used to help restore balance to unruly thoughts or turbulent emotions and to reconnect you with your own inner centre of harmony and tranquillity. It helps to calm the mind, balance your emotions and restore inner equilibrium.. Pure Vibrations Collection Sprays | from £8.92 | |
| Tetrahedron Essence - 20% Discount
The Tetrahedron focuses the energy of creation in a precise format of light, colour and sound. You could use a tetrahedron to hold the energetic template for a project or other creative endeavour, while you bring it into physical manifestation. Use the essence to support change and the exploration of potential, as well as the promotion of decision making, clarity and focus. Keywords: Fire Element, Divine Spark of Life, Clarity & Focus, Change & Potential. Platonic Solid Essences | £4.60 | |
| Celandine Flower Essence - 20% Discount
Celandine flower essence strengthens all forms of communication whether at an interpersonal level or esoterically between higher self and personality. It strengthens telepathic abilities and clairaudience as well as activities associated with the throat chakra such as singing or lecturing. It is particularly beneficial for those who have difficulty receiving & processing information of any kind. Single Flower Essences | from £4.64 | |
| Hyssop Flower Essence - 20% Discount
Hyssop alleviates deep feelings of guilt whether these are conscious or unconscious. It is only as we allow ourselves to confront the old memories to which our guilt is attached that we can begin to forgive ourselves and recognise that we have learned from the experience. This essence helps us to do this, releasing much mental and emotional tension in the process. Single Flower Essences | from £4.64 | |
Sets of Essences |
| Bach Flower Remedy Set - 10ml Card - 20% Discount
A Bach Flower Remedy set makes a wonderful resource, whether used for yourself, family & friends or as part of a professional practice. Our 10ml Bach Flower Remedy set contains all 38 Bach Remedies along with two bottles of Revival Remedy combination, each of which are handmade with love and care according to the original instructions of Dr Edward Bach. The set comes in an attractive card presentation box.. Bach Flower Remedies | from £121.60 | |
| Developing Positivity Set - 20% Discount
Everything that we think and feel contributes to our energetic signature, which determines the quality of life we experience. This lovely set of Essences helps to transform old personality patterns, helping to bring about positive change in both our inner and outer worlds. It contains the following ten Divine Harmony Essences: Clarity, Concentration, Confidence, Creativity, Decisiveness, Emotional Balance, Inner Strength, Motivation, Spontaneity and Thankfulness. Divine Harmony Essences | From £45.60 | |
All at 20% discount for the month: Crystal Herbs Special Offers |
Latest News & More... |
 | NEW: Change and Transitions - Flower & Vibrational Essence Suggestions
We've created a new Essence and Themes Explorer page for issues around change and transition. Here you can find the different Flower, Gem & Crystal Essences we offer to support change and transitions of all kinds. The essences in this new section support change and transitions of all kinds from life changes such as moving home, changing job or school, becoming parents, going through menopause and preparing for death, as well as the psychological transitions that happen on the spiritual journey of evolution to become your true self. | |
 | The Brow Chakra Essence: for Intuition & Inner Knowing
The Brow Chakra Essence is a combination of Flower, Gem & Crystal Essences for opening and balancing your Brow Chakra. It is a wonderful essence for working with issues around inner knowing and intuition and a lack of faith in yourself or the universe, so its particularly useful if you find it hard to trust or feel your intuition or inner knowing. Also if you have an overly mental approach to life, an inability to focus your thoughts, or a feeling of being stuck in the small details of life, or often have feelings of ‘I don’t know’, this would be a really useful Essence. | |
 | Could You Please Leave Us a Google Review?
We always love hearing your feedback and really value your comments. If you have a moment to share a review of Crystal Herbs to Google we would really appreciate it. As well as enjoying hearing about your experiences, customer reviews are increasingly important to small businesses like as ours. Thanks you! | |
You can find all of our latest news on our website here: Latest News at Crystal Herbs |
Help & AdviceIf you would like any help or advice with any of the Essences or Sets in this newsletter, please do contact us and we would be very happy to help.
01379 608059 or ++44 1379 608059 | Or Contact Us by Email |
Well that’s it from us, it just remains for us to wish you a good month and to remind you to contact us if you need any help or support: Contact Us
With Peace & Love,
Catherine, Sam & All at Crystal Herbs |
Tel - 01379 608059 ( +44 1379 608059 ) | Shop | [email protected] |