Welcome to Essences for the Inner Journey |
Crystal Herbs - Flower Essences & More - June 2024 |
Dear Friends,
Welcome to our newsletter for June in which we are exploring how to stay calm, balanced, relaxed and deeply connected to ourselves despite the increasing chaos and frantic energies of the world around us.
Balance and Relaxation; this month we are focussing on the Inner Harmony combination from our Divine Harmony Range. This is a deep acting combination of flower, gem & crystal essences designed to help you more easily unwind, relax and go with the flow.
Tips & Special Offers: You can also find our tips for working consciously and purposefully with the Inner Harmony combination, and our Special Offers for June.
All of the Flower, Gem & Crystal Essences and special offers in this newsletter can be found at: www.crystalherbs.com |
Staying Calm, Balanced & Connected to Yourself |
In the last few years in particular the pace of life has quickened quite considerably. The inflowing energies are moving us all up the spiral of evolution at a rate that we would not have even been able to contemplate even a few years ago. While this is undoubtedly exciting and inspiring it is also challenging because it is stirring up so much in every department of life that it can be very easy to lose contact with yourself if you are not mindful enough.
In this situation we can end up feeling spun out, off centre, unfocussed, wound up and frazzled. The journey of inner change and transformation is then more difficult because we are not balanced enough to allow it to flow with ease. It is very helpful to recognise that there are several things that could be feeding this uncomfortable inner state and that there are simple things that we can do to mitigate them. |
Mentally Orientated Energy Flow |
We are currently in a flow of very mentally orientated energy that is fast moving and stimulating but can leave you feeling scattered if you are not very mindful.
It is a great energy for new ideas but can easily take you into a state where you have many ideas but not enough focus to action any of them.
This kind of mental energy activates the nervous system and can wind it up to a point where it is difficult to slow down and contemplate how best to use the ideas that you have in a balanced way. |
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It also feeds into an old pattern that needs careful rebalancing if we are to successfully expand our consciousness. In the old 3D reality that we are in the process of letting go of, we have been actively encouraged to reference the everyday lower mind and to fill it with information from outside of ourselves. The fact that the consciousness of the heart is way more powerful than the lower mind has been largely overlooked, as has the connection to the wisdom of the higher mind of spirit.
The ideas and inspirations that are now flowing in are expansive thought forms that the lower mind will not necessarily have any reference points for, without some input from the consciousness of the heart and higher mind. It is important that we recognise this and keep choosing to break the habit of allowing the everyday mind to wind itself up in an effort to make things work in the old way. Struggling, overworking, worrying, and over thinking are all a part of this pattern and they all have a detrimental stress reaction in the physical body that make relaxation, balance and harmony less easy to find.
This mental orientation is something that is likely to increase over the coming years as we move further into the age of Aquarius, so it is something that we need to get a good understanding of how to negotiate comfortably. |
Earth Changes, High Frequency Light and Solar Flares |
Like us the Earth is changing fast and as a result our energetic alignment with the beautiful planet that we live on needs constant attention if we are to stay connected. This alignment is a very important part of how we stay in harmony and balance with ourselves because when we are well grounded and connected into the Earth, we are more easily able to recycle energies that would otherwise get stuck in our physical body, like excess nervous tension, whirling mind, stress, and anxiety.
The cosmic energy flow is currently loaded with high frequency light, and evolutionary codes which expand our consciousness and promote change. They also have to be integrated at every level of our being, including the physical layer. This process can either leave us feeling very tired or temporarily wind up the nervous system, making it more difficult to relax.
This year alone we have had an enormous number of massive solar flares which are hugely beneficial at a transformational level but again they can temporarily affect the physical, mental and emotional bodies in ways that can leave us feeling wound up and distinctly less than harmonious and balanced.
A daily grounding practice, taking time out in nature, regular meditation, deep breathing, and physical activity are all simple things we can bring into our daily routine to help us stay in greater balance and harmony. |
The inner state of relaxation, balance and harmony is very much part of the new energy flow, so remember that when you allow the everyday mind to slow down and consciously choose to move into your heart, the universe is able to respond to your creative ideas much more fully. You then become the authority in your life and the uncomfortable state of inner tension, whirling mind, stress and anxiety will simply dissipate, to become a thing of the past. |
Help from the Inner Harmony Essence |
Relaxation, Harmony & Balance The Inner harmony Essence is a powerful combination of deep acting flower, gem & crystal essences, specifically designed to help you dissolve the old patterns that lead to feelings of being unable to relax, being off centre, wound up, frazzled or caught up in an overly active mind. |
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I have personally taken this combination many times, particularly over the last few years, when I have found it to be extremely helpful when I have felt overstimulated and unable to relax.
For me this often happens when I have been working very deeply to integrate a lot of high frequency light and the associated transformational evolutionary codes. I can feel this essence helping to slow my system down, unwind my mind and open my heart more fully so that I can relax and regain my sense of harmony and balance.
I have also found it helpful at times where I have temporarily become caught up in an old pattern of moving away from myself, over thinking, over working and consequently feeling tense and disconnected. In this situation the essence quickly reminds me to open my heart, relax and move back into alignment with my higher awareness.
If you ever find yourself feeling a bit spun out, wound up, frazzled or unable to relax properly this would be a very helpful essence to take to bring you back into harmony and balance.
The Inner Harmony Combination contains the following essences; Bells of Ireland, Chamomile, Blue Lace Agate, Beryl, Gold and Herkimer Diamond. |
Indications that it might be particularly helpful include:An overactive,whirling mind. Feeling spun out, anxious and disconnected. Difficulty relaxing and going with the flow. Feeling tense, emotionally and mentally. A tendency to overwork. A need to slowdown and connect with yourself.
It will promote:A greater sense of harmony and balance. Greater inner peace and relaxation. A calmer approach to life. Balanced working patterns. The choice to slow down and reconnect with yourself.
The Inner Harmony Essence… |
If you resonate with any of the above choose a bottle of the Inner Harmony Essence to help you with your inner journey. |
| You can also phone us to order on: 01379 608059 (+44 1379 608059) |
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An effective dose for most adults is four drops on the tongue 3 or 4 x a day, straight from the stock bottle. For best results take consistently for a period of two to four weeks. |
Tips for Consciously Working With Essences… |
Tips for working consciously and purposefully with the Inner Harmony Essence |
As you take the essence pay attention to anything that comes into your awareness as it begins to unlock the old energies that have become stuck in your body, mind & emotions. Be willing to explore any old ‘stories’ that might present themselves. For instance an inherited reason for needing to keep busy, or an unconscious thread of anxiety that winds you up without apparent reason. Consciously take time out for yourself to slow down and allow things to unwind within. Notice anything that particularly triggers you to start feeling wound up and frazzled again. Make sensible choices about how much you engage with social media, TV or the news. Try to organise your daily routine so that you have some time to just breath, meditate or go for a walk in nature. Ground yourself well and often so that you can more easily release old stale energies and bring in new life enhancing ones instead.
Finding ways to be more connected with the power of our heart and the wisdom of our soul is an impulse that more and more of us are feeling at the moment. Part of this inner journey is working with the emotions, blocks and old belief patterns that we can all face in life. What we love about Flower & Vibrational essences is the depth of support that they offer in this process and how much they can help you to deepen your inner connection with yourself at all levels.
The Essences on special offer this month include our Bach Flower Remedy sets, some of our Crystal essences, a selection of combinations and our single Flower essences. They have a focus on supporting you with staying balanced and centred, with self expression, clearing old resentment, developing greater confidence, opening your heart and standing more fully in your own energetic space and more besides. |
 | | Feeling that life is not fair |
|  | | Heart chakra & integration |
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 | | Self expression & opening your throat chakra |
|  | | Sacredness & interconnection |
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|  | | Heart expansion & connection |
|  | | Re-balancing your chakras |
| We love the Bach Flower Remedies! Our 10ml Bach Flower Remedy set contains all 38 Bach Remedies along with two bottles of Revival Remedy combination, each handmade with love and care according to the original instructions of Dr Bach. |
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All at 20% discount for the month |
 | The Transmission of Beauty: Flower Essences and Art
Art is like flower essences because both are transmissions of energy. Like an essence, art works on the energetic layer and shifts and transforms the consciousness of the person who’s perceiving it. And whether it’s art or essences, the more sensitive you are, the more you will be aware of how this energetic transmission is impacting you. Soul artist and vibrational healer Beki Crowell has spent her life exploring how the beautiful vibrations of nature dissolve patterns of disconnection and she is sharing her story, her wisdom, and a process for you to receive a transmission of Beauty for your heart and your soul. |
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Help & AdviceIf you would like any help or advice with any of the Essences or Sets in this newsletter, please do contact us and we would be very happy to help.
01379 608059 or ++44 1379 608059 | Or Contact Us by Email |
Well that’s it from us, it just remains for us to wish you a good month and to remind you to contact us if you need any help or support: Contact Us
With Peace & Love,
Catherine, Sam & All at Crystal Herbs |