Welcome to Essences for the Inner Journey |
Crystal Herbs - Flower Essences & More - July 2024 |
Dear Friends,
Welcome to our newsletter for July in which we are exploring how we can align ourselves more fully with the consciousness and intelligence of the heart.
Living in the Consciousness of the Heart; this month we are focussing on the Heart Connection Essence spray from our Pure Vibrations Essence range. This is a lovely flower, gem & crystal essence combination to help you to live more fully from the perspective of your heart.
Tips & Special Offers: You can also find our tips for working consciously and purposefully with the Heart Connection spray, and our Special Offers for July.
All of the Flower, Gem & Crystal Essences and special offers in this newsletter can be found at: www.crystalherbs.com |
Living in the Consciousness of the Heart |
In these times of increasing turbulence and change it is important that we find ways of staying connected to the bigger picture of life and also deeply connected to ourselves so that we can continue to manage our vibrational frequency in positive life enhancing ways.
The frequencies that we focus on and that we energise through our everyday thoughts and emotions either enhance our experience of life or detract from it depending upon our choices. They also feed into the collective consciousness, adding either to the store of positive or less than positive frequencies, again depending upon our choices.
Many of the frequencies we circulate daily are just habits and are based on imprinted old patterns, and inherited behaviours and responses that we have not yet questioned sufficiently or chosen to step out of. Because of the amount of high frequency light that we are now receiving as the Earth moves deeper into the photon belt all these old patterns are now becoming more visible and obvious to us and we are being asked to make new choices so that we can all evolve.
This is by no means an easy journey; it does not always feel comfortable as we go through the process of change that is involved and we are all moving at different speeds on the inner journey that it takes us on, so we must learn to listen to ourselves and let others do the same rather than follow blindly along.
Each month the cosmic energy flow is inviting us to step into new possibilities and to release a little bit more of the old patterning that could hold us stuck. Over the coming few weeks, with the Sun in Leo, we are being invited to step more fully into the consciousness and intelligence of the heart. |
An Invitation to Open Your Heart Fully |
This is important because the heart is the gateway to living consistently at a higher vibrational frequency. The consciousness and intelligence of the heart takes us way beyond the programming of the left brain, opening the doorway to our inner knowing and awareness of the bigger picture of who we are as spiritual beings and why we are here at this time.
The heart perceives the world as a unified field that contains all of life. It does not separate or judge but holds all life as equal and important to the wellbeing of the whole. It understands how to live with compassion, love, peace and true humanity and will always help us to expand our perspective when we remember to connect to it. |
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However, with the long-held emphasis on left brain thinking and a default view of life that has been anything but unified and heart-based, it is understandably taking time for us to find our way back into our hearts and to fully trust what we find there.
Some of our most strongly held defence patterns are associated with the heart and with painful experiences that have led us to close our hearts in order to protect ourselves from further hurt. Many of these old patterns still unconsciously drive behaviours that keep our hearts defended and unwilling to open fully. |
These uncomfortable limitations are usually what we encounter first when we choose to expand our connection with the wisdom and intelligence of the heart. The first step in this journey usually requires a focus on allowing whatever painful old memories or emotional wounding we might find there to be released and transformed. This is something that we have all been working on for a long time now but with the energies very focused on taking us deeper into hearts we may well find ourselves digging into some new layers of old patterns over the coming weeks.
Vibrational essences can provide such wonderful help with this process as they are made from the flowers, crystals and minerals of the natural world, all of which maintain their connection to the unified field of creation that our hearts also connect into. Some of our most powerful essences work in the heart to help dissolve any crystallised energies, defence patterns or emotional pain that might be blocking our connection to the fullness of our heart consciousness. |
Help from the Heart Connection Spray |
Living in Love
The Heart Connection Spray is a powerful combination of deep acting flower, gem & crystal essences, specifically designed to help you release and transform anything that might be preventing you from opening your heart more fully.
It will take you deeper into the consciousness and wisdom of the heart, reminding you that you are love and that you are a spiritual being that is eternally connected to the oneness of life. |
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Essences in spray form are particularly quick acting and this is one of my favourite sprays to use when I want to focus in my heart space more deeply. I often use it before I meditate or connect in for some help or guidance. I also find it really supportive when I need a little extra help to clear something uncomfortable from my heart that is reluctant to release and transform. In this situation I can feel the essence reminding me of the truth of who I am in my heart and to just allow whatever painful old emotion that I have become attached to, to dissolve and transform. It gently but powerfully takes me deeper into the love of my true self while at the same time neutralising the vibration that I no longer need.
As you negotiate the energies over the next few weeks you may well find yourself working with heart related issues as you seek to open more fully to the consciousness of the heart. Whatever those issues might be for you, the Heart Connection Spray would be a faithful companion to take with you on the journey. It will swiftly remind you how to get back into your heart if you have temporarily moved out of it and also assist you to release anything old and redundant that you no longer need, with a greater degree of ease. |
Indications that it might be particularly helpful include:Difficulty opening your heart either to yourself or another. Feeling unloved and disconnected from yourself. A need for support to help dissolve painful emotions stuck in the heart. Difficulty connecting with the love that you are.
It will promote:A deeper connection with the love, intelligence and wisdom of the heart. Release and transformation of frequencies not aligned with those of the heart. A reminder of who you are as a being of love & light. Greater access to the guidance and wisdom of your true self.
The Heart Connection Essence Spray |
If you resonate with any of the above choose a bottle of the Heart Connection Essence spray to help you with your inner journey. |
| You can also phone us to order on: 01379 608059 (+44 1379 608059) |
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Pure Vibrations Sprays can be used both externally and internally.
For external use: spray liberally into the auric field to create a quick, effective energetic realignment or use consistently over a period of time to support more permanent transformation. If using consistently, an application 4 x a day would be a good dosage guide for most adults.
For internal use: 2 sprays on the tongue up to 4 x a day, taken consistently for about two weeks will provide maximum effectiveness. Preferably take at least 10 minutes away from food and drink. We would not normally recommend giving the Pure Vibrations Essences to children under 12. |
Tips for Consciously Working With Essences… |
Tips for working consciously and purposefully with the Heart Connection Spray. |
As you take the essence pay attention to anything that comes into your awareness as it begins to unlock the old energies that have become stuck in your heart. Be willing to explore any old ‘stories’ that might present themselves. For instance, a belief that is not safe to be open to the fullness of love, or that you are somehow not worthy to receive love. Take time out to connect with yourself and to feel into what you truly feel in your heart. Allow anything that you find there the opportunity to express itself so that you can make a new choice if necessary. We cannot change anything that we do not first own as having had value to us at some point, for instance a way of feeling safe in difficult circumstances. Be willing to allow the consciousness of the heart to take you deeper into the awareness of love as your true nature and to remind you of your eternal and unbreakable connection with the wholeness and unity of creation.
We have some new Flower & Crystal Essence special offers for you this month and we hope that you enjoy exploring these lovely essences & sets! |
|  | | Inter-connection and sacredness |
|  | | Calm, relaxation & clarity |
 | | Guilt, forgiveness & acceptance |
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 | | Re-integrating all parts of yourself |
|  | | Aligning with your spiritual goals |
|  | | Essence sprays for inner balance & harmony |
| We have a wonderful range of Gem & Crystal Essences to choose, from Abalone to Zircon. Each Gem, Crystal or Mineral holds a unique patterning of life force energy, an intelligent patterning that when taken as an essence is capable of reminding your complete energetic system – spiritual, mental, emotional & physical – how to work together in balance and harmony. |
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All at 20% discount for the month |
 | NEW: The Inner Journey of Change & Transformation
The inner journey is one of change and transformation and it’s both beautiful and profound. It’s a journey of discovery that takes you into your heart, deepening your relationship with yourself and connecting you more fully with who you really are. It’s a journey that takes you from the inside out, exploring and healing the inner world of your feelings, emotions and old belief patterns. When you feel, embrace, explore and love what you find on the inside, you create lasting change and transformation in your life and a ripple of change in the world around you. Find out more in our new page about the Inner Journey here: |
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Help & AdviceIf you would like any help or advice with any of the Essences or Sets in this newsletter, please do contact us and we would be very happy to help.
01379 608059 or ++44 1379 608059 | Or Contact Us by Email |
Well that’s it from us, it just remains for us to wish you a good month and to remind you to contact us if you need any help or support: Contact Us
With Peace & Love,
Catherine, Sam & All at Crystal Herbs |