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The Crystal Herbs Newsletter - July 2023 |
Dear Friends,
Intuition & Inner Knowing: this month we’re exploring the Brow Chakra Essence from the Chakra Essence range. This flower, gem & crystal essence combination is all about intuition, inner vision, inner wisdom and being able to see the higher perspective in a situation.
This is a powerful Essence for working with issues around inner knowing or intuition and a lack of faith in yourself or the universe. It’s also helpful if you find that you have an overly mental approach to life, an inability to focus your thoughts or a feeling of being stuck in the small details of life. It’s also good if you often find yourself with feelings of ‘I don’t know’. You can find out more below!
You can also find our special offers for July.
All of the Flower, Gem & Crystal Essences and special offers mentioned in this newsletter can be found at: |
Intuition & Inner Knowing - the Brow Chakra Essence |
So our focus for this month’s essence review is our Brow Chakra combination from the Chakra Essences range. |
About the Brow Chakra |
The brow chakra or third eye chakra as it is also called, is situated in the etheric body in the region of the forehead. It is the sixth chakra within the interconnected system of seven main chakras that particularly affect our physical well-being
When it is working optimally it functions as a higher psychic centre, filtering and decoding the higher frequencies of light that flow in from our multidimensional self in such a way as to make them more available for use at a physical level. Intuition, wisdom, inner vision, and inner knowing are all associated with this chakra. The brow chakra resonates with the language of light or higher consciousness.
The brow chakra has until recently been a relatively unused aspect of our energetic system due to the limitations of third dimensional existence, that have tended to confine us to vibrational frequencies that resonate mostly with the lower chakras. However, in the new higher frequencies of light that are currently available to us many of these previously unused portions of our energetic system are beginning to awaken more fully. Slowly our connections to our light body and multidimensional self are being reconnected and the reawakening of the brow chakra is an integral part of this process. |
Reawakening the Brow Chakra |
For some people this process of re awakening the brow chakra is bringing unconscious and uncomfortable resistance to the fore as old beliefs and misperceptions relating to its use in past incarnations surface to be released. |
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A very common experience for many in this respect is the confusion and fear created by past conditioning that they have adopted in order to be able to fit in. The brow chakra is the centre through which we access our own inner truth. This is not a mind-based truth but rather one that resonates with our soul or true self.
Typically inner knowing from within us has not been welcomed in the outer world where mind based ‘truths’ have been the order of the day. Similarly, those who have been able to see in other realms as young children because their brow chakra was still open enough for them to do so have also been discouraged and sometimes ridiculed in uncomfortable ways. In these situations many people have simply chosen to close off this facility as young children so that they could ‘fit in’ with the generally accepted view of life of those around them. |
Do You Need a Brow Chakra Essence? |
Here are some indicators that your brow chakra might be in need of support to open up more fully; Deep feelings that ‘I don’t know’. Too mentally orientated and not able to connect to your creativity. Difficulty with intuition or inner knowing. A need to open your inner vision. Feeling a lack of faith in yourself and/or the universe. Unable to focus thoughts. Not able to see the bigger picture so easily get stuck in the small details of life. Feeling disconnected from your true self.
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The Brow Chakra Essence |
The Brow Chakra Essence is a deep acting combination of flower, gem & crystal essences specifically designed to clear and balance the brow chakra, encouraging it to keep up with the energetic demands of the times and to release the old limitations and misperceptions that prevent it from functioning fully as the doorway to your multidimensional self that it is intended to be. It contains the following essences: Rosa Webbiana, Nasturtium, Amethyst, Diamond, Petunia & Light Opal. |
How to Use |
An effective dose for most adults is four drops on the tongue 3 or 4 x a day, straight from the stock bottle. For best results take consistently for a period of two to four weeks. |
Brow Chakra Essence - Flower Essence Shop |
If you feel in need of some help from the Brow Chakra Essence, you can find it in our shop here: |
You can also phone us to order on - 01379 608059 ( +44 1379 608059 )
Newsletter Special Offer Discount Code:
You can use this code to get a 25% discount on the Brow Chakra Essence. |
Our July Special Offers |
The following Flower, Gem & Crystal Essences and Sets are on special offer at 20% discount for the month.
If you want to learn more about the essences we've chosen you can join us for this short video, or read on to browse through this month's selection. |
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Individual & Combination Essences |
| Heart Chakra Essence - 20% Discount
A powerful combination to help you open your Heart chakra and connect with unconditional love. When the Heart chakra is closed there can be feelings of loneliness, separation or isolation from others, a fear of closeness or a feeling of being unloved. Also good where there is a tendency to be overly critical, jealous or superior, perhaps unable to reach out to others. Chakra Essences | From £5.00 | |
| Self Worth Essence - 20% Discoun
The Self Worth Essence is one of the Inner Child Essences and is all about helping you to release issues around low self esteem. Good for those who need help to truly value themselves and their unique individual qualities, helping you to become more of who you really are, easily & effortlessly.. Inner Child Essences | from £7.80 | |
| Icosahedron Essence - 20% Discount
The Icosahedron Essence is all about the flow of feminine, creative energies that are both expansive and flowing in nature. You can use this essence to expand your natural emotional flow, so that lower frequency emotions can be transformed and replaced by higher frequency ones. This Essence promotes creativity, movement and flexibility and relates to the water element. Platonic Solid Essences | from £4.60 | |
| Mugwort Flower Essence - 20% Discount
Mugwort flower essence stimulates spiritual communication and understandings, psychic gifts, multi-dimensional consciousness, dream recall and telepathy. Mugwort integrates your spiritual and emotional bodies so you can receive intuitive guidance and inspiration. This makes it a useful essence to use in meditation, dreamwork, Shamanic journeying, receiving messages from nature, and any visionary or psychic activities. Single Flower Essences | from £4.64 | |
| Auric Protection Essence - 20% Discount
The Auric Protection Essence is a really good combination for strengthening your auric field, which makes it a helpful Essence if you are over-sensitive to the thoughts, emotions or energies of others, or have weak energetic boundaries. Good also if you feel attacked by other peoples thought forms, or find it difficult to distinguish your own emotions from those of others. Divine Harmony Essences | from £5.00 | |
| Divine Abundance & Flow - 20% Discount
This gift set opens the door for new abundance of all kinds to enter your life. It will help you to consciously remember your connection with universal abundance, enhance your ability to receive, and release old patterns that block abundant flow. It’s the perfect gift for anyone who wants to release old patterns of poverty and lack so they can welcome in new vibrations of abundance and flow. This gift set contains : a 30ml Angel of Abundance Spray, a 25ml Open to Receive Essence and a 15ml Inner Child Prosperity Essence. Gifts from the Heart | £20.76 | |
| Quartz Amethyst Crystal Essence - 20% Discount
Amethyst is a particularly helpful essence for those working with issues relating to low self-esteem or who need support to stay centred and balanced in their own energetic space. This essence enhances meditation and fosters a greater awareness of Source/ Divine Intelligence. It is also helpful for those who find it difficult to fully integrate with society. Gem & Crystal Essences | from £4.64 | |
Sets of Essences |
| Inner Child Essence Self Select Set - 20% Discount
Healing the inner child helps you develop a more positive personality, balanced emotions and greater spiritual connection, as well as creating powerful soul growth. With this self select set you can choose any twelve different Inner Child Essences to create a set that will help to facilitate the healing of your Inner Child and help you return to the radiance of your pure, true self. Inner Child Essences | from £76.00 | |
| Heart Connection Set - 20% Discount
This lovely set of Flower, Gem & Crystal Essences is focussed on helping you re-connect with Divine Love - the essence of all that is real in our universe and is present in the hearts of each of us, waiting for us to choose to re-member and re-activate it. It contains the following ten Essences: Angel of Love, Awakening the Heart, Fuchsia Essence, Heart Chakra, Heartfelt Forgiveness, Inner Wisdom, Open to Receive, Purity of Heart, Ruby Essence & Unconditional Love. Gifts from the Heart | From £39.60 | |
All at 20% discount for the month: Crystal Herbs Special Offers |
Latest News & More... |
 | Transforming Fear: the Inner Calm Essence
The Inner Calm Essence is a deep acting combination of flower, gem & crystal essences specifically designed to help you face your fears and reconnect with inner stability, strength, and courage. When we move through our fears we expand into more of our true self because we’re liberated from the fearful old beliefs and stories that have kept us stuck, scared and limited. Life becomes so much more comfortable and enjoyable, and new opportunities open up when we face our fears. You can find out more in our in-depth look at Inner Calm here.... | |
 | Nurturing & Compassion: Divine Mother Essence
The Divine Mother is sometimes described as the universal nurturing mother, mother goddess or feminine aspect of God. Her energy embodies great love and compassion while holding the spark of creative energy that generates new life. The Divine Mother Essence is one of the Archangel & Ascended Masters Essence range. It is a lovely essence to use when you want to bring the expansive spiritual consciousness and creative qualities of the Divine Mother more fully into your heart and your life. You can find out more on the blog here: | |
You can find all of our latest news on our website here: Latest News at Crystal Herbs |
Help & AdviceIf you would like any help or advice with any of the Essences or Sets in this newsletter, please do contact us and we would be very happy to help.
01379 608059 or ++44 1379 608059 | Or Contact Us by Email |
Well that’s it from us, it just remains for us to wish you a good month and to remind you to contact us if you need any help or support: Contact Us
With Peace & Love,
Catherine, Sam & All at Crystal Herbs |
Tel - 01379 608059 ( +44 1379 608059 ) | Shop | [email protected] |