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Crystal Herbs - Flower Essences & More - February 2024 |
Dear Friends,
Welcome to our Essence Review for February which explores one of the fundamental issues that we are here to transform on the inner journey.
Loving and Accepting Yourself: this month we are focussing on the Self Acceptance combination from the Divine Harmony range. This is a deep acting combination of flower, gem & crystal essences specifically designed to promote the ability to love and accept ourselves, without condition or restriction.
The Self Acceptance Essence is all about dissolving painful feelings of being unloved, unwanted, not good enough, or judging yourself. For many of us, the inability to accept ourselves as being worthy of love sits at the bottom of many deep old painful experiences. Learning how to truly love and accept yourself is a fundamental part of the inner journey to remember who you are as a reflection of the love of Source.
Tips & Special Offers: You can also find our tips for fully loving and accepting yourself even when you feel resistance to uncomfortable patterns and emotional triggers, and our Special Offers for February.
All of the Flower, Gem & Crystal Essences and special offers in this newsletter can be found at: |
The Self Acceptance Essence |
Healing Deep Emotional Wounds and Hidden Traumas |
Have you noticed that our collective experience of the inner journey of transformation has become particularly rich and intense recently? There is currently a strong focus on healing the legacy of deep emotional wounds and hidden traumas. As a result, many of us are now experiencing a heightened awareness of something that feels like our deepest most painful issue, one that has been with us for all of this lifetime and probably many others as well.
Many of the people who have been calling us for essence advice recently are facing deep resistance to accepting themselves as being worthy of love. This issue sits at the bottom of many deep old painful experiences, and makes it very difficult to release them until we are able to see it for what it is: simply a long-held misperception.
Often, the origin of this pattern is not obvious but there is usually a string of experiences that we recognise as having triggered it off many times as we look back over our life. The feelings that accompany this pattern are often ones that we seem to have carried for ever. These are the threads that hold the pattern in place but if you are willing to look more deeply you will discover other issues that are still more deeply layered and often unconscious until we take our awareness to them. |
Not Feeling Worthy of Love - Unlearning What We Have Learned |
It might help to understand how this pattern is so common and pervasive, yet so little seen, so let’s take a moment to explore it some more.
In the modern world there is no general recognition of the value of a human soul and its uniqueness as a part of Creation. Consequently, when we come into a lifetime in a human body, there is no real honouring of who we are as a being, rather we are taught to fit into the rules and regulations of life here, which typically means seeing yourself as separate and learning the game of conditional love, in order to fit in. There is usually no positive role model for self-love and acceptance offered in this situation. |
Mainstream religion, education, healthcare systems and family structures all teach us to look outside of ourselves for what we need and so we learn not to value ourselves in any meaningful way. Any appreciation that we might feel for ourselves is based on outer achievements or fitting into the expectations of those around us. Thus, our identity becomes centred on our outer world and is easily disrupted by difficult events like the loss of an important relationship or the ending of a job that we have invested a lot of ourselves into.
At times like these we can become very lost if our value and worth is entangled with what we no longer have in our lives. If we are self-aware enough, this is the moment where we can glimpse this old, buried pattern more clearly. The sense that we have done something wrong, deeply painful feelings of not being good enough, loved or wanted and a rising intolerance of ourselves may become more obvious.
If we can resist the temptation to blame the outer event that triggered these feelings for the problem, we have a rich window of opportunity to make positive change.
As with any situation where something big has been triggered off, take time to breathe, detach from the trigger, own the emotions, and allow what needs to be seen the space to reveal itself. Take some essences to help you dissolve the old stories and imprint a new pattern that aligns more with your true self. |
The Self Acceptance Essence: Restoring Unconditionality |
The Self Acceptance combination is a carefully selected blend of flower, gem & crystal essences designed to dissolve painful feelings of being unloved, unwanted, not good enough or judging yourself. As these old wounds dissolve, the essence will help you to remember that you were created from the love of Source and that you can never be separate from the Whole. |
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It will gently remind you that unless you see yourself as lovable and worthy you will never be able to see others as being like this either.
This combination contains the following essences: Ruby Red Rose, Calcite, Chrysoprase, Danburite & Rhodonite.
I’ve personally used this combination many times over the years to help me transform old painful feelings of being unloved or unwanted or when I notice that I have closed my heart to myself for some reason. I have also prescribed it for many clients and customers to help them successfully release similar painful emotions.It is an essence that is much needed at the moment to help us all transform the old patterns of separation so that we can co-create a new reality of love and peace. The Self-Acceptance combination would also be a good essence to take for anyone that is feeling stuck and can’t see what is holding a difficult pattern in place. It is quite likely that the pattern sitting at the bottom of the issue is related to a difficulty with loving and accepting yourself. You feel stuck because the pattern is hiding just out of reach, but it will become more accessible as you take the essence. |
Indications that it might be particularly helpful include:Difficulty seeing yourself as being worthy of love. Easily triggered self-value issues. Reluctance to open your heart to yourself. A deep sense of being separate. Issues with self-judgement & intolerance. An inability to see that you are as good as others.
It will promote:Greater self-acceptance and the ability to love yourself unconditionally. The ability to live from an open heart. A deep understanding that you are enough just as you are. A sense of being connected, loved & valued as a unique fractal of Creation. Tolerance, gratitude and understanding.
The Self Acceptance Essence… |
If you feel in need of some help from the The Self Acceptance Essence, you can buy a bottle for yourself or a friend here: |
| You can also phone us to order on: 01379 608059 (+44 1379 608059) |
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How to Use |
An effective dose for most adults is four drops on the tongue 3 or 4 x a day, straight from the stock bottle. For best results take consistently for a period of two to four weeks. |
Tips for Consciously Working With Essences… |
Tips for Fully Loving and Accepting Yourself |
When uncomfortable or painful patterns come into our awareness, this usually triggers our resistance and defence patterns rather than a desire to explore them further. When this happens we are closing our hearts to ourselves, but if we can welcome these feelings into our hearts, the opportunity for self acceptance and deep healing is enormous. Just being willing to acknowledge your resistance, bless the trigger and own the pattern can be so life affirming. Essences are very effective for opening to the door to our hearts so that deep healing can take place because they help to dissolve our resistance to meeting the uncomfortable, painful or tender parts of ourselves. The Self-Acceptance Essence has been specially formulated to transform deep resistance to accepting yourself as worthy of love. Pay careful attention to anything that comes into your awareness while you are taking the Self-Acceptance Essence. For instance, old memories from the past, maybe things that have happened that have made you feel unloved or doubtful of your abilities. Don’t hold onto them, just let them go, they want to leave now. Be aware of anything in your everyday world that triggers off the old feelings that relate to this pattern, for instance despair, hopelessness, or loneliness. Take care to detach from the trigger so that you can take ownership of the old emotions and allow them to dissolve. If we allow ourselves to feel that the problem/solution lies in something outside of us, we step away from our power and ability to make change. Be willing to open your heart to yourself and allow any painful emotions to dissolve. Bless them and simply let them go. Replace them with positive loving thoughts about yourself and what you offer to the world. Be very kind to yourself and notice if you have fallen into self-judgement or intolerance. Remember to love yourself for not always fully loving yourself! Remember to laugh and change the frequency so that you disrupt the pattern. The less we feed a pattern with attention the weaker it grows.
Special Offers… |
Our February Special Offers |
A challenging pattern that we've noticed recently, one that has been coming up a lot for many of us, is that of needing to really value yourself and find the inner strength to be a full expression of who you are from the heart. Really valuing yourself and what you have to offer is a big part of the inner journey, and finding that inner strength, self worth and inner self value can feel quite transformative. As we develop these beautiful inner qualities and strengthen our ability to stand in our own energetic space, so we can find ourselves stepping more into the true essence of who we are and fulfilling more of our true potential.
The Flower, Gem & Crystal Essences on special offer this month are all really good for helping with this and much more…. |
| |  | | Self Worth, Shame & Anger |
 | | Courage, Strength & Peace |
| |  | | Boundaries & Personal Space |
|  | | Oversensitivity & Protection |
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 | | The Bach Flower Remedies are wonderful, simple and easy to use remedies that can help you to achieve a greater balance and harmony in life. |
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All at 20% discount for the month |
Latest News & More... |
 | Boundaries, Self Worth & Emotions: Solar Plexus Chakra Essence The Solar Plexus Chakra Essence is all about healthy personal boundaries, self-worth, and personal empowerment. It’s a great essence to use if you have difficulties with self-empowerment, self-worth and power issues of any kind. It helps you to stay centred and connected to yourself so you can maintain healthy positive boundaries and feel inner confidence without seeking approval from others. We take an in-depth look at this wonderfully useful essence here: | |
You can find all of our latest news on our website here: Latest News at Crystal Herbs |
Help & AdviceIf you would like any help or advice with any of the Essences or Sets in this newsletter, please do contact us and we would be very happy to help.
01379 608059 or ++44 1379 608059 | Or Contact Us by Email |
P.S. Do you have a friend who is on an inner journey of self-acceptance? Send them this email to help them remember that they are already loveable, just as they are. |
Well that’s it from us, it just remains for us to wish you a good month and to remind you to contact us if you need any help or support: Contact Us
With Peace & Love,
Catherine, Sam & All at Crystal Herbs |
Tel - 01379 608059 ( +44 1379 608059 ) | Shop | [email protected] |