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The Crystal Herbs Newsletter - February 2023 |
Dear Friends,
Connecting Heart & Mind: The Inner Wisdom Essence helps you connect more fully with your own inner wisdom. It helps to forge a link between your heart chakra, mind & soul, opening the doorways to the source of your innate inner wisdom and inner knowing. It is one of our flower, gem & crystal essence combinations and is a powerful and deep acting essence. You can find out more about it in our newsletter this month!
You can also find our special offers for February below.
All of the Flower, Gem & Crystal Essences and special offers mentioned in this newsletter can be found at: |
Connecting Heart & Mind: the Inner Wisdom Essence |
Our focus for this month’s Essence Review is the Inner Wisdom: connecting heart & mind combination from the Divine Harmony Essences.
The ability to connect with and follow our own inner wisdom is becoming ever more important as we move deeper into the transformational shift currently taking place on our planet. The changes associated with this process of evolutionary growth are becoming increasingly obvious and creating more than a little chaos in our everyday world.
This can be both distracting and unsettling to negotiate if we do not have a clear connection to our own inner knowing and the wisdom of the heart. |
Reprogramming Old Habits |
However, listening to the wisdom of the heart runs contrary to our learned patterns of behaviour. We have been taught that the information we need to negotiate life successfully will be found in sources outside of ourselves. For instance authorities of all kinds, teachers, books, television or the internet.
We have learned to feed this information through the left-brain mind and use it to find conformity with the generally accepted patterns of everyday life. These are now changing very quickly, and our left-brain mind cannot find any reference points amongst the information it has stored away to help us understand the pathway forward.
The knowledge and wisdom that we need to guide us as we expand in consciousness will come from the soul via the heart. Although we know this intuitively the old habit of consulting the everyday mind can be very pervasive especially when it noisily insists that we stick to old patterns of behaviour so that we stay ‘safe’. |
Listen to Your Heart |
When you sit quietly and listen to the clarity of your soul wisdom held deep within your heart space it will be easier to negotiate through our changing world. Gradually you will expand your capacity to connect the mind with the soul through the heart chakra so that the mind serves the interests of the soul and heart. |
Help from the Inner Wisdom Combination |
Inner Wisdom is a deep acting combination of flower, gem & crystal essences, specifically designed to help you to connect more fully with your own innate wisdom and truth.
It contains the following essences: Eilat Stone, Sapphire, Kunzite, Compassion Rose, Rubellite & Divine Mother Rose.
Use it to help: Expand access to the wisdom of your soul. Strengthen the connection between heart and mind. Promote inner knowing. Expand perception and awareness.
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How to Use |
An effective dose for most adults is four drops on the tongue 3 or 4 x a day, straight from the stock bottle. For best results take consistently for a period of two to four weeks. |
Inner Wisdom - Flower Essence Shop |
If you feel in need of the Inner Wisdom Essence, you can find it in our shop here:
Inner Wisdom Essence: Flower Essence Shop
You can also phone us to order on - 01379 608059 ( +44 1379 608059 )
Newsletter Special Offer: Discount Code: Wisdom23
You can use this code to get a 25% discount on the Inner Wisdom Essence. |
Our February Special Offers |
The following Flower, Gem & Crystal Essences and Sets are on special offer at 20% discount for the month.
If you want to learn more about the essences we've chosen you can join us for this short video, or read on to browse through this month's selection. |
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Individual & Combination Essences |
| Forgiveness Essence - 20% Discount
A powerful Essence helping you to release feelings of guilt, over responsibility, judgement or self-condemnation. It helps to promote a greater sense of forgiveness, self acceptance and unconditional love for yourself self and others, allowing you to forgive and move on. | |
| Simplicity Essence - 20% Discount
The Simplicity Essence is very helpful if you have a very mental approach to life. If your masculine, rational or intellectual side becomes too stimulated and overloaded, it can create unnecessary pressure and make it difficult to relax and it can be easy to lose your connection to the natural world, your instincts, feelings and intuition. The Simplicity Essence helps to bring an inner balance where both inner male and inner female aspects of yourself are honoured. | |
| Base Chakra Essence - 20% Discount
The Base Chakra Essence is all about working with fears and insecurities related to safety & survival as well as grounding. So old fears, difficulties with ‘grounding’, disorientation, disorganization, indecision, difficulty dealing with the pressures of life or fully manifesting creative ideas are all indications for this Essence. When the Base chakra is fully functioning there is a sense of being grounded, safe, secure, abundant and filled with vibrant well-being. | |
| Apophyllite Essence - 20% Discount
The energies of Apophyllite are uplifting, joyful and expansive. Use this essence to help you expand your vibrational frequency and to create conscious connections between your physical self and all of the many different aspects of you that exist in the multidimensional realms. | |
| Mango Flower Essence - 20% Discount
Mango flower essence is a powerfully transformative essence that is energising, rejuvenating and stimulating to the energy system. Mango activates the causal body which holds the blueprint for your life plan on the higher levels and has a particularly stimulating impact on the brow chakra, enhances telepathy, and harmonises telepathic abilities with higher levels of consciousness. | |
| Tulip - Flaming Parrot Flower Essence - 20% Discount
The Flaming Parrot Tulip flower essence will help you reconnect with the joy and passion of being your own unique self. It will encourage you to explore and express that creativity more freely in the world. It’s a great essence to help anyone who feels blocked creatively or needs help to see their uniqueness and/or find their passion in life. | |
| Angel of Beauty Essence - 20% Discount
The Angel of Beauty essence opens your heart, eyes, and mind to see the inherent beauty in all things more fully. All natural forms are intrinsically beautiful, there is even beauty in the natural process of decay. The Angel of Beauty will encourage you to notice and appreciate the beauty that is all around you in your life, helping to magnify it and guiding you to find it in unexpected places. | |
Sets of Essences |
| 10ml Bach Flower Remedy Set in a Card Box - 20% Discount
A Bach Flower Remedy set makes a wonderful resource, whether used for yourself, family & friends or as part of a professional practice. Our 10ml Bach Flower Remedy set contains all 38 Bach Remedies along with two bottles of Revival Remedy combination, each of which are handmade with love and care according to the original instructions of Dr Edward Bach. The set comes in an attractive card presentation box. | |
| Karmic Flower Essence Set - 20% Discount
The Karmic Essences are a wonderfully useful set of Flower Essences that can help to open the inner doorways and take you straight to the heart of an issue, promoting a swift release of any unconscious belief pattern that is holding you back. There are ten deep acting Flower Essences in this set, from Fuchsia to Yellow Rattle working on a range of emotional issues and patterns. | |
All at 20% discount for the month: Crystal Herbs Special Offers |
Latest News & More... |
Video: Flower Essences for Empaths & Strong Healthy BoundariesJoin Sam & Jackie in our latest video to explore the gifts and challenges of being an empath and how flower essences can help you to create strong healthy boundaries. We explore the key challenges that empaths, HSPs and other sensitive people experience so if you feel things deeply, get overwhelmed by other people’s thoughts and emotions, get emotionally overloaded and have difficulty setting boundaries this video could offer you some new understandings. We also discuss four essences to help you to be a healthy and balanced empath.
Video: Flower Essences for Empaths & Strong Healthy Boundaries |
Flower Essence Sprays to Balance Your Energy & Set Your Intentions
Have you ever used flower essence sprays in your personal energy field, home or workspace? Flower essences sprayed into the auric field work very quickly to clear, balance and uplift your personal energy. Essence sprays are also wonderful for intention setting, manifesting, space clearing and creating sacred space, so you can use them to create an energising, harmonious environment to live and work in. Find out more indepth about how to use Essence sprays to balance your energy and set your intentions.
Flower Essence Sprays to Balance Your Energy & Set Your Intentions |
You can find all of our latest news on our website here: Latest News at Crystal Herbs |
Help & AdviceIf you would like any help or advice with any of the Essences or Sets in this newsletter, please do contact us and we would be very happy to help.
01379 608059 or ++44 1379 608059 | Or Contact Us by Email |
Well that’s it from us, it just remains for us to wish you a good month and to remind you to contact us if you need any help or support: Contact Us
With Peace & Love,
Catherine, Sam & All at Crystal Herbs |
Tel - 01379 608059 ( +44 1379 608059 ) | Shop | [email protected] |