Crystal Herbs Flower, Gem & Crystal Essences
Dear Friends,
Nurturing the Divine Feminine: the nurturing, compassionate energy of the Divine Feminine is personified in the west by Mother Mary and in the east by Quan Yin. The beautiful energy of the Divine Mother helps you to connect with and balance your own inner feminine energy, something that applies equally to men as it does to women. When we balance our inner Divine Feminine & Divine Masculine we can create from a place of balance, harmony and peace. You can find out more below!
You can also find our special offers for December below.
The focus of this month’s Essence Review is the Divine Mother essence from the Archangels & Ascended Masters Essences.
We have chosen to highlight this essence because the energies of the Divine Feminine have very recently been anchored back onto the Earth plane, and it is important that we each connect with this beautiful energy and ground it fully through our own physicality.
The true Essence of the Feminine aspect of Creation provides the Earth and all those that live on and within her, with the all-important energies of creativity, nurturing and nourishment on all levels. It is also an essential ingredient in the creation of true harmony and balance in our world because it is the balanced energy of the Divine Feminine that will allow the Divine Masculine to return to the Earth in its fullness.
Divine Feminine energy is encoded within each of us as part of our original patterning from Source, regardless of the gender of the body that we currently inhabit, and it is now especially important that we allow this energy to become a full part of our consciousness once again.
The energies and influence of the Divine Feminine has been absent from the world for a very long time and many misperceptions and unconscious patterns of denial have accumulated in the collective consciousness relating to it.
Many of these have been deliberately created to ensure that the energies of the Divine Feminine remained suppressed and unheard. This old patterning has been clearing for some time now but there is still more that needs to be brought into awareness and transformed.
It will help to keep in mind that it is very possible that as you embrace the fullness of the Divine Feminine energies now available to us, you will find yourself encountering some of these old patterns perhaps as unexpected feelings denial and/or uncomfortable resistance.
This is when a bottle of two of our Divine Mother Essence would be particularly helpful.
The Divine Mother Essence contains the beautiful high frequency vibrations of Rose and is further infused with the frequencies of the Divine Feminine in her capacity as the universal nurturing Mother.
As you take this essence call upon the Divine Mother energy to help you to connect with and balance your own feminine essence, allowing any old resistance to simply melt away.
As you hold this beautiful energy within your heart, allow it to reflect out into the world and much will change around you.
Divine Mother essence works extremely well taken as a single essence on its own. An effective dose for most adults is four drops on the tongue 4 x a day, straight from the stock bottle. For best results take consistently for a period of two to four weeks.
Flower Essence Shop
If you would like to try this essence, you can find it online here:
Divine Mother Essence: Flower Essence Shop
You can also phone us to order on - 01379 608059 ( +44 1379 608059 )
Newsletter Special Offer: Discount Code: Divine22
You can use this code to get a 25% discount on the Divine Mother Essence.
The following Flower, Gem & Crystal Essences and Sets are on special offer at 20% discount for the month.
Individual & Combination Essences
This is a lovely and supportive combination for helping you with issues around forgiveness and compassion. It's particularly useful for when you need help to forgive yourself or others and for developing compassion and the ability to love yourself unconditionally.
Higher Heart Chakra Essence | Chakra Essences | from £5.00
The lovely Handel Rose Essence helps to promote the qualities of strength, courage and positive self value. It is a particularly helpful Essence if you hold any issues stuck in your heart chakra that are creating feelings of low self-worth.
Handel Rose Essence | Rose Collection Essences | from £4.60
A really useful combination for working with deep patterns of fearfulness, worry or insecurity, possibly manifesting as unfounded feelings of panic or a deep dislike of something. Also useful where there are underlying fears or difficulties with facing particular situations in life or achieving ones full potential.
Inner Calm Essence | Divine Harmony Essences | from £5.00
Pennyroyal flower essence helps to repel and dissolve negative thought forms and strengthens the auric field. It will over time help to repair holes in the aura caused by accidents, violence, excessive drug use etc. It can be used to bring clarity in situations of mental confusion and promote greater flexibility of thought. It will also assist anyone with an obsessive, over thinking mind to find greater calmness.
Pennyroyal Flower Essence | Flower Essences | From £4.64
Gold is a very important Essence for the heart chakra and for any emotional issues that are blocking this chakra. Gold opens and balances the heart chakra and the crown chakra as well as the five chakras above the head. Gold’s ability to integrate with and affect the many levels of energy associated with the human energy structure makes it an extremely versatile essence. It is also a valuable support to encourage balance between logic and intuition.
Gold Essence | Gem & Crystal Essences | from £4.64
The lovely Loosestrife Essence helps to promote a greater degree of balance and alignment between the base chakra, sacral chakra and solar plexus chakra. Anyone who is easily ‘spaced out’ or has difficulty acting upon intuitive guidance would find this essence helpful.
Loosestrife Flower Essence | Flower Essences | from £4.64
The Angelic Gifts spray is a lovely Essence to help you to receive inspiration, illumination and guidance from the Angelic Realms. It provides a focus for connection with the Angels and opens the receptive pathways for inspiration and guidance as well as strengthening your vibrational alignment.
Angelic Gifts Essence Spray | Pure Vibrations Collection | From £8.92
Sets of Essences
A complete set of Archangel & Ascended Master Essences contains the four Archangel Essences and six Ascended Master Essences, helping you to connect with the beautiful gifts and frequencies of these beings. Each of the essences are vibrationally attuned to the consciousness of a particular Archangel or Ascended Master and will help you to link more easily with the web of light and higher consciousness of the Spiritual Hierarchy.
Archangel & Ascended Master Essence Set | Archangel & Ascended Master Essences | from £40.80
A complete set of all ten of the Pure Vibrations Collection Essence Sprays. These beautiful Essence Sprays are designed specifically to provide the instant energetic support that can help you maintain positive vibrational alignment no matter what challenges you face in life. Please note that there is no box with this set.
Pure Vibrations Collection Set | Pure Vibrations Collection | From £73.60
Healing the inner child helps you develop a more positive personality, balanced emotions and greater spiritual connection, as well as creating powerful soul growth. With this self select set you can choose any twelve different Inner Child Essences to create a set that will help to facilitate the healing of your Inner Child and help you return to the radiance of your pure, true self.
Inner Child Essence Self Select Set | Inner Child Essences | from £76.00
All at 20% discount for the month: Crystal Herbs Special Offers
The Open to Receive Essence helps to clear and transform any distorted beliefs, emotions and patterns about abundance that prevent you from connecting with the flow of Divine Abundance in all its forms. It will gently dissolve old stories and emotional imprints that have become crystallised in your system so that new pathways to abundance can blossom in your heart chakra instead.
Creating Abundance - the Open to Receive Essence Review
This is a wonderful time of year for giving and sharing, so we've chosen some meaningful gift ideas for family and friends who love essences or are interested in transformation, holistic health, and spirituality.
All the essences and sets on our new Holiday Gifts for 2022 page have been specially selected because they make lovely heartfelt gifts for the holiday season.
Enjoy 20% discount on any of the featured essences and sets on the Holiday Season Gifts page when you put the code Gift22 into the Gift Voucher box at checkout.
If you would like any help or advice with any of the Essences or Sets in this newsletter, please do contact us and we would be very happy to help.
01379 608059 or ++44 1379 608059
Well that’s it from us, it just remains for us to wish you a good month and very happy festive season and to remind you to contact us if you need any help or support: Contact Us
With Love, Peace & Blessings,
Catherine, Sam & All at Crystal Herbs
Tel - 01379 608059 ( +44 1379 608059 ) | Shop | [email protected]
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