Welcome to Essences for the Inner Journey |
Crystal Herbs - Flower Essences & More - August 2024 |
Dear Friends, Welcome to our newsletter for August in which we are exploring how we can release old patterning around abundance and more fully remember our connection with the universal flow. Connecting to the Universal Flow; this month we are focussing on the Open to Receive Essence from the Divine Harmony Essences. This deep acting essence combination is all about abundance, divine flow, opening your heart and giving and receiving. Tips & Special Offers: You can also find our tips for working consciously and purposefully with the Open to Receive Essence, and our Special Offers for August. All of the Flower, Gem & Crystal Essences and special offers in this newsletter can be found at: www.crystalherbs.com |
Connecting to the Universal Flow |
The energies that we have been receiving on our planet recently have been particularly powerful and they are now nudging us strongly to realign anything that does not resonate with our true self. One of the things that is particularly highlighted in this energy flow is the need for us to review the beliefs that we hold about our ability to connect into the universal flow of love and abundance. This flow is freely available to us and is inexhaustible in supply, yet so many of us hold patterns that prevent us from seeing this. However if we want to move fully into unity consciousness we must open ourselves to receive and then live within this divine flow of light and love. |
The patterns of polarity consciousness tend to hold us in a place where we believe that we are separate from the whole, however untrue this actually is. We are taught this in so many subtle ways that we often do not stop to question it until something happens to us that makes us do so. Then as we explore our unconscious beliefs about how life works we might find interwoven with the threads of old stories those patterns that tell us that there are not enough resources for everyone to have what they need to live a comfortable, happy life, or that love is limited and something that you find outside of yourself in another. |
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Other possibilities are that you have to work hard to get what you need, have to be educated, must fit into society in a particular way or have not earned the right to receive. Some people have been taught that having money is not ‘spiritual’ and so find it hard to recognise that money is just an expression of universal abundance and that blocking its flow will just cut them off from the larger flow. Many people feel that they cannot feel happy, joyful or enthusiastic about life until everything is ‘fixed’ and OK in their lives, forgetting that life is actually organised from the inside out and that the quickest way to see change is to open up to the universal flow and to allow it to lift them up so that they can radiate higher frequencies into the world around them. |
Dissolving Poverty Consciousness |
This old belief system is sometimes called ‘poverty consciousness’ a term most often applied to the experience of a lack of money and resources, however it is just as applicable to any pattern that results in an experience of ‘not enough’, be it money, love, resources or opportunities. It is the belief that leads to the huge imbalance in the way that we share resources on our planet as well as our collective inability to see all of life as an equal part of the whole, including the planet that we live on. This is all a result of a fundamental belief in separation from Source. The amnesia that we experience when we come into incarnation in a third dimensional body causes us to forget our connection to Source and the fact that we are an indivisible part of creation, always connected to the universal flow and to all of life. Now as the Earth moves deeper and deeper into higher frequencies of light we are beginning to remember the truth of who we are and it is becoming easier to see the patterns of separation that need to be reviewed and released, which is why this pattern is now becoming more obvious in the world. |
Seeing from the Perspective of the Heart |
Your heart chakra is the gateway into unity consciousness and holds the remembrance of who you are as a soul / spirit. If you allow, it will remind you of how to connect back to the universal flow and it will offer you a perspective on the old belief system that will make it easier for you to dissolve what is no longer needed as you expand in consciousness. As you venture deeper into your heart space you may well find that you need to do a little repair work in order to be able to open it more fully. The old patterns that relate to poverty consciousness keep us stuck in fear and lack which often lead us to close down our heart to protect ourselves from greater pain. Even though you might now know that this really does not work it can still be challenging to open your heart fully when all of your patterns have been unexpectedly triggered off. Vibrational essences made from flowers, gems & crystals are a wonderful support to help us release old restrictive patterns, open our hearts and remember who we truly are as a being of light and love. If you resonate with any of the issues highlighted in this newsletter you might enjoy using the Open to Receive combination. |
Help from the Open to Receive Essence. |
Creating Abundance The Open to Receive Essence is a powerful combination of deep acting flower, gem & crystal essences, specifically designed to help you release and transform anything that is limiting your ability to connect fully into the universal flow of life. It will help you to dissolve the barriers that have been created through a belief in poverty consciousness, open your heart chakra so that you can more easily reconnect with the universal flow and help you to create greater balance in your ability to both give and receive. |
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I find this a wonderful essence to use when I need a reminder of how to relax into the flow of life with greater ease. It helps me to open my heart more fully and to remember my connection with my soul/spirit and with the Source of all things. As I take it I feel it gently reminding me to move out of my left brain and instead see things with the eyes of my heart which immediately provides me with a much wider perspective and reconnects me with the flow of oneness and unity consciousness that we all belong to. If you have become a little stuck and feel in need of a reminder of your connection to the divine flow then this essence might be just what you need to help you find greater balance. The Open to Receive combination contains the following essences Iceberg Rose, Osteospernum, Curcuma, Emerald, Rhodochrosite and Wulfenite. |
Indications that it might be particularly helpful include:Feeling disconnected from the universal flow. Belief patterns that relate to poverty consciousness. A need to open your heart to allow the flow of abundance. Difficulty giving and receiving. An inability to see yourself as part of the wholeness of life.
It will promote:Greater flow and abundance in your life. A heart centred approach to living. The ability to give and receive in equal measure. A feeling of reconnection with your soul and with Source. A greater understanding of the unity of all of creation.
The Open to Receive Essence |
If you resonate with any of the above choose a bottle of the Open to Receive Essence to help you with your inner journey of reconnection and divine flow. |
| You can also phone us to order on: 01379 608059 (+44 1379 608059) |
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An effective dose for most adults is four drops on the tongue 3 or 4 x a day, straight from the stock bottle. For best results take consistently for a period of two to four weeks. |
Tips for Consciously Working With Essences… |
Tips for working consciously and purposefully with the Heart Connection Spray. |
As you take the essence pay attention to anything that comes into your awareness as it begins to unlock the old energies that have become stuck. Be willing to explore any old ‘stories’ that might present themselves. For instance, a belief that we live in an unequal world where there is not enough for all, or emotional pain in the heart relating to feeling excluded or restricted in some way. Take time out to connect with yourself and to delve into what you feel about your current ability to give and receive. Look at the patterns that you inherited from your family as you were growing up. What was the belief about the availability or not of abundance, resources, money, love or opportunity in life. Explore anything you find without judgement and then allow yourself to make new choices if necessary. Be willing to open your heart and allow any restrictions or emotional pain to release and transform. Allow yourself to explore your connection with your soul and the Source of all things from the perspective of the heart. Be willing to see yourself as a valuable, much loved being who is always connected to the universal flow and the source of all things.
Our August Special Offers |
We have some new Flower & Crystal Essence special offers for you this month and we hope that you enjoy exploring these lovely essences & sets! |
 | | Creativity, Sexuality & Emotions |
|  | | Creativity, Creative Expression & Individuality |
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 | | Working With Unconditional Love |
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 | | Inner Light, Joy & Abundance |
|  | | Abundance, Giving & Receiving |
|  | | Ten Essences to Open Your Heart |
| We love the Bach Flower Remedies! Our self select Bach Flower Remedy sets are an ideal starter or gift set. You can choose any 10 different Bach Flower Remedies for your set, which will come in an attractive card presentation box. Each remedy is at Stock Level and is handmade for you with love and care. |
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All at 20% discount for the month |
 | Pink Rose Flower Essence: Transforming Deep Seated FearsFear is very common but it can be a tricky vibration to work with because it feels so real if you get stuck in it. It creates a very effective smokescreen that prevents you from seeing beyond it if you are not very mindful. We can all be affected by fear because it is a vibrational frequency that sits at the bottom of many of the old emotional patterns and stories that we have. Today we’re exploring the Pink Rose Flower Essence which is an excellent essence for when you feel like you cannot get to the root of a deeply held karmic fear or for if you experience general phobias or fears with no apparent cause in this lifetime. |
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Help & AdviceIf you would like any help or advice with any of the Essences or Sets in this newsletter, please do contact us and we would be very happy to help.
01379 608059 or ++44 1379 608059 | Or Contact Us by Email |
Well that’s it from us, it just remains for us to wish you a good month and to remind you to contact us if you need any help or support: Contact Us
With Peace & Love,
Catherine, Sam & All at Crystal Herbs |