E-Light - The Crystal Herbs Newsletter

Dear Friends,

Welcome to September's edition of
E-Light - the Crystal Herbs Newsletter

As we look out onto the calm, serenity of the September countryside around us here in Norfolk, we feel extremely grateful for the gift of warm sunshine and the subtle but unmistakeable feeling of approaching Autumn that is now in the air. It provides a feeling of stability in an increasingly chaotic world and our hearts go out to all those personally affected by that chaos, especially those who have been affected by the recent and ongoing extreme weather conditions. We hold you all in our hearts.

In E-Light this Month: Energies of September, Influence of Virgo, Follow Your Own Path and Essence Suggestions for September. Our Special Offers include the our 10ml Bach Flower Remedy sets, the Light Body Essence sets, the Auric Protection Spray & more - all at 20% discount. Plus all of our latest Articles & News.

All of the Essences, articles and special offers mentioned in this newsletter can be found on our web site at - www.crystalherbs.com


Vervain Flower

The Energies of September

August was certainly an ‘interesting’ month energetically and as we moved into September many people were still dealing with the legacy left behind by those potent August eclipses. In fact, earlier this week you may well have found yourself revisiting themes that you were working with around the time of the eclipse on August 21st.

Mercury turned direct on September 5th in the same part of the sky where that eclipse took place, reigniting anything still unresolved. September 6th brought us a full moon in Pisces opposite the sun in Virgo which provided wonderful illumination for anything we hadn’t been able to see up to that point.

There is still much integration going on for us all so take plenty of time to go within and contemplate anything that you still feel unsure about. We are definitely in a place of re-alignment and re-direction and it is important that we listen to the whispers of our own inner voice.

The overall energy flow for September is not simple or straight forward in nature so we will need to pay attention, stay grounded and look for the opportunities to move forward this month.

Grounding has been a particularly difficult issue for many people recently because the Earth herself has been going through so many shifts and changes it has been difficult to stay connected. This is affecting many people at a physical level, causing them to feel unwell or exacerbating physical issues already present. Taking time to breath and connect with the Earth and her process everyday can be helpful to alleviate this. Also pay attention to any undercurrent issues that might be surfacing related to your physical safety as a result of the chaotic conditions visible in so many areas of the world right now.

Other themes that might be particularly prominent this month involve our relationships with those around us. Avoiding the need to be right and paying attention to anywhere within your relationships that you are playing out old habit loops will help enormously. The wider the perspective we can engage, the more solutions to potential problems we will be able to see.

The Influence of Virgo

Virgo Symbol

The prevailing astrological influence during the greater part of September comes to us from the constellation of Virgo. Aligning with the highest potential of the feminine, earthy, nurturing qualities of Virgo energy will take us deep into the realm of the feminine goddess, the Mother principle and the gestation of new life.

In the magnified flow of Virgo energies, we are reminded of the inherent unity between spirit and matter and the need to nurture and grow the light of our own divinity within the physical form that we are currently inhabiting.

This is a particularly important theme right now because as the old patterning for life and the collective agreements that belonged to it disintegrate, the opportunity to come into greater conscious alignment with our true selves becomes more and more available to us.

Follow Your Own Path

The recent full moon energies have been particularly focussed on helping us to connect more fully with our authentic self, as well as revealing any areas of confusion or illusion that we might have in relation to this.

The recent full moon energies have been particularly focussed on helping us to connect more fully with our authentic self, as well as revealing any areas of confusion or illusion that we might have in relation to this.

What comes to the fore as a result is the recognition of the absolute necessity for us to follow our own path going forward. Over recent weeks many have found themselves having to release and let go as anything that is now out of alignment with their soul path is adjusted, sometimes subtly and sometimes much more obviously.

The key to ongoing success with this lies in our ability to listen to and honour our own inner guidance above anything outside of ourselves. It is all too easy to override the still small voice within when it appears to be going contrary to what we have come to expect or appears to be taking us into conflict with what others expect of us. The old habits of accepted behaviour run deep and sometimes it can be hard to see them for what they are, until we take time to slow down and listen to ourselves.

The place where the voice of our inner guidance is most accessible to us is within the quiet, loving space of the heart. Here we can most easily feel the vibration of our inner truth and authentic self. It is important that we get into the habit of aligning ourselves with this unique vibration because it will unerringly guide us along the path in life that is important for us.

If you do not feel in harmonious vibrational alignment with something that you are currently doing in your life or contemplating doing in the future, then that is a signal to you that however worthy that thing might appear to be it is just not for you. Simply bless it and move on without judgement.

While this is essentially a simple process it is not necessarily easy so be kind to yourself this month as you explore what is right for you in greater depth.

Essence Suggestions

Essence Suggestions for September

There are quite a few themes prominent within the current energy flow, so in our Essence Suggestions this month we will focus on essences that might provide support with some of the most important of these.

Firstly, the issue of difficulty staying grounded and connected with the Earth. The Earth is currently going through her own process of change and transformation as she releases old density so that she can move fully into the fifth dimension. At the moment, there are constant shifts taking place both within the Earth and in her magnetic fields.

In this situation, it is easy to lose our sense of stability and connectedness, if we do not pay very close attention to the need for adjustment in how we connect with the Earth. Our own lower chakra system needs to be functioning in harmonious alignment to facilitate this.

If you are struggling to stay grounded and connected start with a 25ml Base Chakra combination and let it help you to balance and stabilise this chakra. Some people may find it helpful to follow this on with a Feet Chakra combination for added stability. Then check out the Sacral and Solar Plexus Chakra combinations to see whether you need either of these to help you come into greater balance. Once you can feel that the lower chakras are functioning well then consider taking an Earth Star combination to help open and balance the chakra point below your feet. This energy point functions in alignment with your lower chakras and helps to connect you with the Earth’s magnetic core.

With more stability in the lower chakra system it is easier to re-balance your connection with the Earth as she goes through her own process of change. For some people, the sense of change and movement within the Earth coupled with events such as the recent hurricanes, stir long buried memories of previous experiences of catastrophic events on Earth. For support to clear these old imprints checkout Mother Earth & Feeling Safe; trusting life to see which would most help you.  Lastly on this subject we find that a couple of squirts of our Earth Connection Spray; strong foundations can be extremely helpful when we need some quick support to realign our grounding.

Next some suggestions for essences to help you to access that quiet inner voice that will direct you along the path that is right for you in life. Expanding the heart space is our starting place here. Checkout Heart Chakra, Open to Receive; creating abundance, Unconditional Love, Thankfulness; developing gratitude or Heart Connection; living in love spray to see which would most help you.

If an overly active mind tends to disturb your inner connection then either Inner Harmony; relaxation or Mental Body might be just what you need this month.

For support to deepen your connection to your true self, checkout Inner Focus; enhancing meditation, Inner Wisdom; connecting heart & mind & Soul Connection; enlightenment.

Lastly, patterns driven by fear, doubt and judgement are some of the most common challenges that arise when we commit to following our own inner guidance. Inner Calm; transforming fear, Inner Certainty; transforming doubt & Inner Freedom; transforming judgement are the essences that will most help to get you moving forward again.

Essence Special Offers

Special Offers for September...

We have a new selection of special offers this month with each of the Essences and Sets below on special offer - with a discount of 20%.

Individual & Combination Essences

Being Present Essence - 20% Discount

This is a very helpful combination for staying fully present and focused in the now. Its good for if you find yourself easily ‘spaced out’, ungrounded or if you drift off into a dream world of ‘what ifs’, making it difficult to stay present and focused. Also helpful where there are difficulties starting or completing jobs.

Being Present Essence | Divine Harmony Essences | from £4.60

Brow Chakra Essence - 20% Discount

This is a powerful and very useful combination for working with issues around inner knowing or intuition and a lack of faith in yourself or the universe. Also helpful if you find that you have an overly mental approach to life, an inability to focus your thoughts or a feeling of being stuck in the small details of life. Good also for feelings of ‘I don’t know’.

Brow Chakra Essence | Chakra Essences | from £4.60

Auric Protection - 20% Discount

This combination is all about helping you to strengthen your aura. It's very helpful if you are over-sensitive to energies, or other peoples thoughts and feelings, or if you have weak energetic boundaries. Its also helpful if you feel vulnerable to attack by others thought forms, or if you find it difficult to distinguish your own emotions from those of others.

Auric Protection Spray | Pure Vibrations Collection | From £8.40

Self Responsibility Essence - 20% Discount

The Self Responsibility combination is very helpful for working with the issues of resentment, bitterness or feelings that 'life is not fair'. It is very useful if you find it difficult to take full responsibility for yourself, perhaps preferring to blame others for your problems or difficulties in life. It will help to dissolve & transform feelings of resentment encouraging forgiveness and self-responsibility in all areas of life.

Self Responsibility Essence | Divine Harmony Essences | from £4.60

Amaryllis Flower Essence - 20% Discount

Amaryllis is a wonderfully useful Essence which you can use to help you to perfect the art of meditation. It helps to still the mind and bring an inner calmness and stillness, encouraging you to go within and deepen and strengthen your experience of meditation.

Amaryllis Flower Essence | Flower Essences | from £4.24

Sets of Essences

Bach Flower Remedy Set

10ml Bach Flower Remedy Sets - 20% Discount

A Bach Flower Remedy set makes a wonderful resource, whether used for yourself, family & friends or as part of a professional practice. Our 10ml Bach Flower Remedy set contains all 38 Bach Remedies along with two bottles of Revival Remedy combination, each of which are handmade with love and care according to the original instructions of Dr Edward Bach. The set comes in a choice of a beautiful natural Linden wood box with a hinged lid or an attractive card presentation box.

10ml Bach Flower Remedy Sets | Bach Flower Remedies | from £105.60

Rainbow Light Body Essence Set

Rainbow Light Body Essence Set - 20% Discount

The twelve Rainbow Light Body Essences are very high frequency, finely tuned clearing and activation tools designed to assist in the development of your Light Body or Mer Ka Ba. This set contains all twelve combinations ( Etheric Body, Emotional Body, Mental Body, Causal Body, Earth Star, Soul Star, Hara Activation, Thymus Energy Point, Integration, Crystalline Ray, I Am Presence, Mer-Ka-Bain an attractive card presentation box.

Rainbow Light Body Essence Set | Rainbow Light Body Essences | £82.40

Karmic Essence Set

Karmic Flower Essence Set - 20% Discount

The Karmic Essences are a wonderfully useful set of Flower Essences that can help to open the inner doorways and take you straight to the heart of an issue, promoting a swift release of any unconscious belief pattern that is holding you back. There are ten deep acting Flower Essences in this set, from Fuchsia to Yellow Rattle working on a range of emotional issues and patterns.

Karmic Essence Set | Karmic Essences | from £36.80

All at 20% discount or more for the month: Crystal Herbs Special Offers



Beautiful Roses & the Vibration of Love


There are four beautiful roses which are flowering and sharing their energies with us at the moment and are a joy to see outside our back door here at Crystal Herbs. Their presence acts as a gentle reminder to always be in our hearts and focus on the Divine Love within.

Read More: Beautiful Roses & the Vibration of Love


From last month, you may have missed:

* Transformational Opportunities – Essence Suggestions

* Cosmic Influences for August 2017


Well that’s it from us, it just remains for us to wish you a wonderful month filled with stability & connection and to send you all much love with the reminder to contact us if you need further help or support on your journey.


With Peace & Love,


Catherine, Sam & All at Crystal Herbs

Tel - 01379 608059 ( +44 1379 608059 )
www.crystalherbs.com | Shop
| [email protected]

You can also find us on:- Facebook | Twitter | Google+ | Instagram

Crystal Herbs - 16 Hall Farm, Station Road, Pulham Market, Norfolk. IP21 4XF. U.K.


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