E-Light - The Crystal Herbs Newsletter

Dear Friends,

Welcome to April's edition of
E-Light - the Crystal Herbs Newsletter

March has blessed us with some beautiful warm sunshine and the spring flowers in our garden now look radiant in all the vibrant and varied colours that the unfolding spring calls forth.

We have been busy here over the last few weeks making the first mother essences of the year with Cherry Plum, Daffodil and Hyacinth being the first on our very long list to be completed. From past experience, the weather during April can be somewhat fickle, so let’s hope that there is nothing too extreme coming our way to spoil the fun!

In E-Light this Month: April Energetics, The Influence of Aries, Journey to the Underworld, Essence Suggestions for April, Our New Special Offers - including our Essence of the Month - Throat Chakra, our Rose Quartz Essence, Harmony & Tranquillity spray, Inner Peace combination and more - all at 20% discount. Plus all of our latest Articles & News.

All of the Essences, articles and special offers mentioned in this newsletter can be found on our web site at - www.crystalherbs.com


April Energetics

Impatiens Flower

If our experience is anything to go by you will probably have found the energies of March to have been quite insistent and unrelenting in their demand for change and forward movement.

The energy flow around the equinox on March 20th was particularly interesting in this regard. All very positive but requiring focus and attention to stay aligned with the direction of flow. Looking ahead into April, it has to be said that the energetic line up for April is going to require even greater focus and attention if we are to be able to navigate it to best advantage.

During April, the cosmic line-up includes five retrograde planets, something that is unusual, especially since there will be a short interval when all five will be retrograde together. A planet is said to be ‘retrograde’ when it appears to be moving backwards in the heavens, as perceived from our perspective on Earth. While this is an optical illusion created by the differing speeds of orbit that the planets in our solar system make around the sun, it none the less affects us energetically.

In effect, it is as though everything slows down so that the influence of those planets and the alignments that they make, become magnified and more intense. Thus, we are held in a space where a more inward reflective state is called for so that we can review and reflect on what is revealed to us during this period. Each planet will tend to take our focus to a different aspect of ourselves for review, so with five planets demanding our inward reflection all at once we can expect to find ourselves in a big process, since the purpose of such a review is usually to create opportunities for change and growth.

We will also have a full moon adding its magnifying qualities to the energetic mix on April 10th, shortly followed by the festival of Easter with its spiritual themes of rebirth, resurrection and redemption.

The Influence of Aries

Aries Symbol

During April the sun shines onto the earth through the constellation of Aries, creating a magnification of the qualities and ray energies associated with this particular constellation, which is represented in western astrology by the glyph of the Ram.

Aries is the first sign in the zodiac and therefore marks the beginning of a new astrological cycle and the opportunity for new beginnings. Its fiery, initiating energy seeks to promote regeneration and renewal in all areas of life, both spiritually and physically.

Aries energy is highly creative, mental energy that brings with it a flow of inspiration and new ideas from the collective higher mind. This year with the added influence of five retrograde planets we may find this energy sitting somewhat uncomfortably alongside the cosmic request to reflect and review. There could be a ‘pressure cooker’ type effect as we feel squeezed by the need to review what is revealed on an inner level and the need to ‘get on with it’ in the outer world. Volatility, instability and uncomfortable swings in emotions, moods and behaviours could be the result if we do not keep our attention on what is happening for us at an inner level.

Aries energy can make you feel that you are lagging behind, frustrated because things do not appear to be moving fast enough or exaggerate the tendency to act on everything all at once without sufficient thought. Key words for April then are balance, calmness, patience and thought before action.

Journey to the Underworld

Key words for April then are balance, calmness, patience and thought before action.

Looking at this month’s energy from a positive perspective we can see that while it might not be a great deal of fun to find ourselves having to linger in our personal underworld of old issues over the next few weeks, it will give us a wonderful opportunity to allow forgotten aspects of ourselves a space for healing and regeneration so that we start the new astrological year from a place of renewed commitment to be more of our true self.

There are some quite strong themes likely to present themselves to all us over the next few weeks, so we thought it might be helpful to briefly outline them here so that they do not catch you unawares if they should happen to come into view.

Look out for challenges to your sense of self-worth and your faith and belief in yourself and/or a higher power. You could also find yourself needing to review old issues based on feelings of separation, loneliness and abandonment. Painful wounds relating to old relationships of any kind may surface for healing or you may find yourself assessing past failures with a view to making positive change for the future. Feelings of inadequacy, self-doubt, anxiety and even humiliation may come into uncomfortable focus as you dig deep into your personal underworld this month.

No matter what comes into view take time to accept, review and reflect remembering that as the energy is transformed you will emerge from your underworld stronger and wiser for the next part of your journey in the outer world.

Essence Suggestions

Essence Suggestions for April

Since the energies this April could easily feel rather intense from time to time, we have decided to start this month’s Essence Suggestions with a reminder of how helpful a well-chosen combination of Bach Flower Remedies can be when all of your ‘stuff’ seems to have been triggered off at once, leaving you feeling that you have temporarily lost the plot.

Dr Bach’s 38 Flower Remedies are wonderful, gentle acting essences that will very quickly restore a degree of balance and equilibrium so that you can see the way forward more clearly.

In this situation select the 7 or 8 Bach Remedies that most reflect how you feel in the moment. Make them up into a treatment bottle and take 4 drops of this mixture at least 8 x a day. In acute situations take more often than this until you feel balance and harmony returning.

We all have a particular repertoire of states that we can fall into when stuff is triggered off for us and from experience it can be very helpful to get to know which of the Bach Flower Remedies are the most appropriate for you in this situation. Here are a few ideas to get you started; include Sweet Chestnut, Cherry Plum and Chicory if you find yourself feeling despairing & unloved, or Holly, Willow & Beech if anger, resentment and intolerance are in full flow. Larch, Pine & Gentian will help when lack of self-worth, guilt & doubt come to the fore and then last but not least include, Mimulus, Rock Rose, Cherry Plum & White Chestnut if you find yourself caught up in a debilitating whirl of fear and anxiety. You can find out more about these and other Bach Flower Remedies on our website here: Bach Flower Remedies.

If you do not yet have a set of Bach Flower Remedies of your own, you might like to use our Mix Your Own Bach Combination service to order your selected mix of Bach Flower Remedies. Finally, if you are ever in doubt about which essences will most help you please do contact us; we are always happy to advise.

Bach Flower Remedies are wonderful tools to help create equilibrium in an acute situation but they are not generally the best essences to use to unlock deep old patterns. For this we generally need a deeper acting combination of other flower, gem & crystal essences as well. We have always found it valuable to use both types of essence alongside each other. So with this in mind here are a few suggestions for deep acting combinations that might be particularly helpful in this month’s energy flow.

Inner Certainty; transforming doubt or Faith will help to transform feelings of doubt, uncertainty and lack of trust, while Feeling Worthy; transforming unworthiness, Self Acceptance; restoring unconditionality , Self Worth or Confidence; restoring self-assurance will work on deep rooted states of inadequacy and lack of self-value.
For feelings of isolation and loneliness choose either Heart Chakra, Letting Go; dissolving attachment, Unconditional Love or Fuchsia to help you release and move on. Either Inner Joy; transforming despair or Yellow Rattle will help with those uncomfortable black moments of despair and despondency that can sometimes creep up on us, seemingly out of the blue.

Check out Inner Calm; transforming fear, Strength & Courage Spray or Pink Rose for support with deep rooted states of fear and anxiety.

Lastly, patience and tolerance could well be in short supply this month so if you find yourself in need of support to reclaim either of these states then Restoring Patience; transforming impatience �or Inner Freedom; transforming judgement might be just what you need to help.

Essence Special Offers

Special Offers for the month...

We have a new selection of special offers this month with each of the Essences and Sets below on special offer - with a discount of 20% or more.

Individual & Combination Essences

Inner Peace Essence - 20% Discount

This is a powerful combination to help you to release feelings of anger or rage. It's also helpful if you find it difficult to deal with anger in other people, find your own anger difficult to deal with, or have a tendency to draw angry people into your life. It can also be helpful when there is difficulty connecting with any emotions at all.

Inner Peace Essence | Divine Harmony Essences | from £4.60

Throat Chakra Essence - 20% Discount

This is a wonderful combination for self expression and is very helpful if you have difficulty knowing or expressing your truth, expressing yourself or expressing how you feel about things. It's also helpful if you feel withdrawn or feel that you have to put on a ‘brave face’ rather than express what's going on on the inside. Good for suppressed emotions, needs or creativity.

Throat Chakra Essence | Chakra Essences | from £4.60

Rose Quartz Essence - 20% Discount

The lovely Rose Quartz Essence is particularly helpful where there is anger or difficulty with the father or a father figure. It can be used to increase confidence and stimulate creativity and personal expression. The energy of Rose Quartz promotes the ability to be unconditionally loving and accepting of self and others.

Rose Quartz Essence | Gem & Crystal Essences | from £4.24

Heartfelt Forgiveness Essence - 20% Discount

This powerful Rose Essence combination carries the vibration of forgiveness deep into your heart chakra. It helps to bring into awareness any past events or situations that still require forgiveness, either of self or another, allowing your heart chakra to open more fully.

Heartfelt Forgiveness Essence | Rose Collection Essences | From £4.60

Harmony & Tranquillity Spray - 20% Discount

The Harmony & Tranquillity Essence spray can be used to help restore balance to unruly thoughts or turbulent emotions and to reconnect you with your own inner centre of harmony and tranquillity. It helps to calm the mind, balance your emotions and restore inner equilibrium.

Harmony & Tranquillity Spray | Pure Vibrations Collection | From £8.40

Angel of Peace - 20% Discount

The Angel of Peace will gently guide and support you to find the place in your deepest being where there is always peace, and to chose to live your life from a centred place of calmness, peace and tranquillity.

Angel of Peace | Angel Essences | From £4.16

Sets of Essences

Bach Set Self Select Set

Bach Flower Remedy Self Select Sets - 20% Discount

Our self select Bach Flower Remedy sets are an ideal starter or gift set. You can choose any 10 different Bach Flower Remedies for your set, which will come in an attractive card presentation box. Each remedy is at Stock Level and is handmade for you with love and care, helping to ensure that we provide you with the best possible quality of remedy.

10ml Bach Self Select Set | 25ml Bach Self Select Set | Bach Flower Remedies | From £28.00

All at 20% discount or more for the month: Crystal Herbs Special Offers



Understanding and Perspective – Kyanite Essence Review

Kyanite Essence

Our Essence Review this month is for the Kyanite Essence. This lovely Essence helps to promote understanding and helps to harmonise differing perspectives. It also opens the brow chakra and stimulates creativity and soul connection.

Read More: Understanding and Perspective – Kyanite Essence Review



From last month, you may have missed:

* The Healing Power of Allowing

* Cosmic Influences – March 2017

* Releasing Emotional Resistance


Well that it from us for another month. We wish you all a month filled with healing insights and send you all our love with the reminder to contact us if you need further help or support on your journey.


With Peace & Love,


Catherine, Sam & All at Crystal Herbs

Tel - 01379 608059 ( +44 1379 608059 )
www.crystalherbs.com | Shop
| [email protected]

You can also find us on:- Facebook | Twitter | Google+ | Instagram

Crystal Herbs - 16 Hall Farm, Station Road, Pulham Market, Norfolk. IP21 4XF. U.K.



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