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The Crystal Herbs Newsletter - September 2024

Dear Friends,

We also look at the cosmic energy flow for September, and the opportunities that this will bring forward for us all and, as always we highlight some essences that might be particularly helpful to assist us to move through the month with greater ease and grace.

In E-Light this Month: Spiralling Deeper into Transformation, September’s Energetics, New Moon, Full moon & Look Beyond the Edges of the Old. You can also find Our Latest Special Offers for the month plus our latest news.

All of the Essences, articles and special offers mentioned in this newsletter can be found on our web site at -

Gentian flower

Spiralling Deeper into Transformation

Hidden Truths Unveiled

As we move into September we are entering into the last quarter of the year, a year that has already been filled with many change-provoking energetics, but there is more still to come.

The energies of September will be taking us even deeper into the ongoing process of transformation. They promise to be fast moving and carry the potential for dramatic and unexpected events of all kinds to unfold. We may well experience this energy as being somewhat disruptive, so do remember that it is focussed on helping us to expand our perspectives, promoting further change, offering new choices and helping us to alter the way in which we live our lives for the better.

Our process of transformation has come a long way, and we are now at a point where it is time to allow ourselves to look beyond the edges of the old and to recognise that there is so much more to see than we might have originally imagined. As we allow ourselves to spiral deeper into the transformational opportunities this month this is going to get even clearer to us.

Many of us have known for a very long time that we have not been told the truth about who we are, the way the world works, our place in the universe, and most importantly our potential as creators of the reality we live in. Despite our understanding of this the matrix of 3D living has been strongly held in place and it has been difficult to expand beyond it and to create something permanent and new.

We have now reached a point where the 3D patterning is fast crumbling in every way, it is not held in place any more, rather it is wobbly and easy to see beyond if you know how to look. We stand on the edge of something very different and all we have to do is to stand in our sovereignty and power and make new choices for ourselves. Such exciting times!

Sovereignty * POwer Quote

September’s Energetics

September promises to be a fast flowing, highly transformative month that will offer us many opportunities for making new, expanded choices for ourselves. On the world stage we could see old dramas playing out in unexpected ways, so remember to just observe and not get too drawn in. Much is changing and new solutions will be found when enough of us choose to look from a new perspective, something the energies this month will be nudging us to do.

New Moon in Virgo

We had a new moon in Virgo in the very early hours of September 3rd UK time. This was a powerful new moon that opened up opportunities for us to explore deeply into who we are, revealing hidden truths and offering us the opportunity to accept and move on in new ways. A positive reality check and the potential for significant lifestyle changes were all very much a part of the energies around this new moon, something that is likely to unfold for each of us in different ways as the month unfolds.

Full Moon in Pisces

This might be a way of being, a long-held belief pattern or an unhealthy relationship dynamic. Even though we might know that something has run its course in our lives, it can still feel challenging and unsettling as we move through the process of change, so remember to use the intuitive, watery energies of Pisces to help you access your intuition and inner guidance to assist.

September Equinox

The Sun moves into Libra on September 22nd at 1.43pm UK time triggering the Autumn Equinox in the northern hemisphere and the Spring Equinox in the southern hemisphere. This will be a powerful time as the planetary grid system comes into wide reaching harmony and balance and we receive an influx of high frequency love and light from the cosmos.

This is consciousness raising energy and will assist us hugely with our process of evolutionary transformation. This year the Equinox is conjunct the south node of the Moon and so will particularly emphasise the need for closure of anything old from the past that we can no longer carry forward. It is likely that the full moon will already have highlighted for you what this is on a personal level, so let the flow of harmonising light and love lift you up and help you to release anything that needs to be upgraded.

There are also threads in the energetic line up this month that will shine a light on areas of corruption, lies and misinformation making them even more obvious to us all.   There may also be some attempts at greater control and restriction of freedoms, as those in authority try their hardest to maintain their ever-weakening power.

However, to counteract this there are many on the planet that are now fully awake and well able to see beyond the old games. They hold a clear vision in their hearts of something new unfolding that will not be stopped by the old ways, so keep your focus firmly on what you choose for your future.

Pciture of Centaury flowers

The Influence of Virgo

All the other planetary activities this month are set against the backdrop of inflowing energies from the constellation of Virgo. Aligning with the highest potential of the feminine, earthy, nurturing qualities of Virgo energy will take us deep into the realm of the feminine goddess, the mother principle and the gestation of new life.

In the magnified flow of Virgo energies, we are reminded of the inherent unity between spirit and matter and the need to nurture and grow the light of our own divinity within the physical form that we are currently inhabiting.

At a practical level, Virgo energies stimulate the desire to be of service, so we can expect its influence this month to bring to the fore any aspects of our lives that need adjustment so that we can align more fully with our true purpose. It is also an energy that invites us to look after our health and nurture our inner resources.

Picture of Elderflower

Look Beyond the Edges of the Old

As we spiral deeper into transformation so much is changing, both within ourselves and in the world around us. Our consciousness is expanding rapidly, and it is important that we remember to keep choosing to step out of the old boxes and allow ourselves to see things differently.

We are in a time where many old paradigms are simply shattering and dissolving before our eyes, long hidden truths and ancient knowledge are coming to light and we are beginning to remember who we at the core of our being. Our connection to each other, to the Earth, to our space brothers and sisters and to Source is a big part of these new understandings.

Exciting as this is, it can also feel quite disconcerting and confusing at a human everyday level because our expanded perspectives no longer fit with the old mainstream understandings that still form the basis for much of the way life is currently lived on our planet.

It is so important that we recognise this and give ourselves full permission to explore beyond the boxes of the old 3D reality in every area of life. This how we become the agents of change on our planet and the energies this month are supporting us in every way possible to help us do this. They are nudging us to look carefully at whether we are still running old unexplored patterns or ways of living that no longer serve us given our new levels of awareness.

Become an Explorer

Where is it that we could begin to realign ourselves with the new perspectives and understandings that we now hold about how life works? For instance, if you really know yourself to be an indivisible part of creation, how do you choose to live your life going forward? If you follow the inner voice of your spirit fully, what would you change in your life and what would you choose to give more attention to? What is your heart calling you to explore that will allow you to offer more of your unique gifts to the world?

Take a moment every now and then to expand your perspective and see yourself as the holographic fragment of Source that you are. Just breath and relax into the frequencies of love, light, sound and colour of your true self. The take this awareness back to your everyday world and notice how your perspective has changed.

As we do this, we very quickly loose the unconscious habit of taking everything in the world at face value and just following on the old patterns. We will become even more aware of where the truth is being covered up and how news and information is given a particular spin or flavour to keep us unconsciously subscribed to an old, unexplored way of seeing things. It will become much easier to detach and disengage without judgment and move along our path in new ways.

Embrace your Sovereignty

As we spiral deeper into transformation this month one of the patterns that we could find ourselves called to evaluate is the deeply held collective patterning that relates to owning our authority and power as the unique individual that we each are.

The belief that we are in some way a victim has been deeply seeded into our collective consciousness both subtly and unsubtly. It is of course completely untrue but old patterning runs deep, so this month we may well find ourselves looking at any way in which we are still playing out patterns of disempowerment in our lives. We must learn to believe in ourselves and stand in our own power if we are to contribute meaningfully to the creation of a new reality.

If you should find yourself reviewing aspects of this pattern again this month, just take your time to explore what old beliefs you still hold that make it difficult to stand fully in your power. It is best if we can do this from a point of balance where we can see and accept both ends of the polarity of power. For sure we have played out both ends of this polarity and experienced being both the victim and the persecutor many times. Now to rise above this old pattern we need to own the experiences of both ends and trust ourselves to own our authority and power.

If this is an issue that you have been working on for a long time it may no longer be a very obvious pattern, but it might reveal itself as still being a subtle undercurrent in your life. For instance, something that you don’t yet take full responsibility for, or perhaps you sometimes defer to someone else’s opinions rather than listening to yourself or maybe you catch yourself blaming someone else for a situation etc. Look out for any ways that you might still be playing out this pattern because they could well become highlighted in this month’s energy flow.

Strength & Courage Spray; overcoming fear: Fear is often the energy that sits underneath issues relating to unbalanced power. If you check in with yourself next time you find yourself having difficulty fully standing in your power, most likely you will discover that there is fear present, perhaps a fear of standing up to authority in some form or a fear of making a mistake. In this situation the Strength & Courage Spray is what you need to help dissipate the fear so that you can move forward again.

Feeling Worthy; transforming unworthiness: Issues related to ‘not feeling good enough’ are another reason why we can find it hard to fully stand in our power. If this pattern comes to the fore for you this month, the Feeling Worthy combination is the essence to help.

Forgiveness; transforming guilt. Guilt is another vibration that can powerfully affect our ability to stand in our own power and authority. If you should find this thread of old 3D patterning coming into your awareness this month, allow it space to clear and use the Forgiveness combination to help it release and transform fully.  

Osteospermum flower

Listen to Yourself

We are being asked to listen carefully to our own inner promptings and to allow these to guide us as we negotiate our way through this month’s transformational energies.

Give yourself extra time to connect with yourself in whatever works best for you this month. Make time to step out of your everyday mind for a while and listen to the truth that your heart will offer you when you open up to its loving messages. This is where you will be able to see more easily beyond the edges of the old and where you will be able to remember the bigger picture of why you chose to be here at this hugely transformation time.

If you should find yourself feeling a little confused or unsure move deeper into your heart space and allow it to remind you of the truth that you carry at a soul level. All the answers that you need are within you when you connect into them.

Inner Wisdom; connecting heart & mind: This is a wonderful essence to take if you need a little help to quieten your mind, move deeper into your heart, and connect with your soul wisdom. Just what you need if you are having difficulty remembering the bigger picture.

Soul Connection; enlightenment: A great essence to use when you want to open up the connection to your soul more fully. It will help you to bring in more light, love and truth as well as expanding your awareness of yourself as a spirit having a human experience.

Clarity & Perspective Spray; clearing confusion: If you should find yourself experiencing confusion and lack of clarity around an issue or have the experience of going round in your mind in a loop about something, use this spray. It will very quickly help you to see beyond the issue and bring understanding and clarity to your struggling mind.

Inner Certainty; transforming doubt: Doubt is a vibrational frequency that can sometimes arise when we find ourselves in a situation where we have to trust our inner guidance. It is an uncomfortable energy that can prevent us from being able to follow what we have received. Use the Inner Certainty essence to help dispel this difficult pattern and help you to move into deeper trust within yourself.

Picture - Crystal Herbs Special Offers

September Special Offers

We have some new Flower & Crystal Essence special offers for you this month and we hope that you enjoy exploring these lovely essences & sets!

All at 20% discount for the month

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