Welcome to E-Light from Crystal Herbs - November 2024 |
In this month’s E-Light we are looking at the grand opportunities that are being presented to us to contribute to the fast-accelerating process of change and transformation on our planet. We look at the bigger picture, the importance of our choices, and the energetic highlights of November’s cosmic energy flow. We also review how we can best negotiate energetic intensity and the need for us to keep our personal vibrational frequencies as high as we can. As always we highlight some flower, gem & crystal essences that might be particularly useful to help us move through the month in harmony & balance and you can also find our latest special offers. |
All of the Essences, articles and special offers mentioned in this newsletter can be found on our web site at - www.crystalherbs.com |
An important choice point. |
Without doubt November is an intense, full-on month energetically, and one that offers us huge opportunity as well as the very real potential for change, challenges and unexpected events. You might already have experienced some of these in the earlier part of the month but hang in there because the best is yet to come! The energetics this month are providing us with a very important choice point, a watershed moment which requires our focus and attention. This is the time to do your very best to flow with the energies of transformation and to make the choices that will feed the reality that you want to see unfold in the world around you, even if you cannot see how this is going to happen right now. We make those choices in each moment as we choose whether to respond consciously to the opportunities presented or react in such a way that triggers off old patterns and unmanaged lower frequency energies. A Hara Activation Essence is my favourite ‘go to’ essence at times like these because it is such a great essence to keep me connected to my soul purpose and inner knowing. We are fast approaching a tipping point on our planet, where there will be enough awake and aware people to allow the flow of transformation to move at an even faster rate than it is now. The energetics this month are exactly aligned with this goal and will be assisting us to make this a very real possibility. There are two particularly energetically potent events in the second half of this month; the full moon in Taurus on November the 15th and Pluto’s final transit out of Capricorn into Aquarius where it will stay for the coming twenty years. |
The full Moon will reach its peak at 9.28pm UK time on November 15th. With the Moon in Taurus and the Sun in Scorpio this could be an emotionally intense few days and as the Moon will also be conjunct Uranus there is an unpredictable component to the energies that carries the potential for unexpected change, break throughs and new possibilities. All of this is very positive, but we could initially find ourselves being pushed out of our comfort zones or feeling that the rug has been pulled from under our feet in some way. Remember to keep your balance and look for the opportunity beyond the challenge. In these unpredictable situations I find it very helpful to keep a Strength & Courage Essence Spray handy because it very quickly dispels any fears that I might encounter within myself and firmly reminds me how powerful I am when I stay connected. November as a whole and the full moon energetics in particular are offering us an invitation to embrace change, let go of limiting patterns and to stay focussed on the bigger picture. |
Pluto Leaves Capricorn for Aquarius |
On November 19th Pluto makes its final exit from Capricorn and moves into Aquarius where it will stay for the next twenty years. Energetically this is a huge seed change that will gradually promote transformation in the fabric of our societies as well as within each of us individually. Pluto is a powerful activator of transformative change that will move us forward and take us up the spiral of evolution. We are on the cusp of a new era where top-down power and huge corporate structures will gradually give way to a more equitable society where the sovereignty and welfare of the people becomes a priority and there will be a blossoming of new innovative ideas and technological advances that are even now waiting in the wings. |
Negotiating Emotional Intensity |
There is a big focus in this month’s energy flow on assisting us to clear deep old patterns so we can make the most of the transformational opportunities that are presenting themselves. When the Sun is in Scorpio, as it is this month, there is also a big focus on deep emotional cleansing, something that is likely to be particularly noticeable at the time of the full Moon. There is no doubt that it feels pretty uncomfortable when something unexpectedly triggers off a pattern that takes us deep into some long buried, unresolved emotions. In this situation you can quickly find yourself engulfed in waves of difficult emotion and temporarily unable to find your centre. The trigger may be something large or small, but it opens up a pandoras box which takes you deep into a flow of energies that you have carried from one lifetime to the next, awaiting the moment that they can be transformed and released. It is unlikely that you have not encountered them before and may even have hoped that you had already resolved them, but here they are again. Celebrate, in this energy flow, full transformation is now possible. |
Take a moment to breathe deeply and re-centre yourself. Then, most importantly, detach from the trigger, recognising that your power to make change lies within yourself and your capacity to lovingly own the ‘story’ and the emotions that belong to it. This is so important because if we make someone or something outside of ourselves the reason for the problem then we are stuck within it again. Next, feel into the layers of emotion and any associated belief patterns that make up the story of what you have connected with. Lovingly identify as many emotional threads as you can, particularly those that are especially uncomfortable, and just allow them space to flow. |
The Bach Flower Remedies: In this situation I always look to the Bach Flower Remedies as a way of assisting me to find greater balance and equilibrium so that I can continue to work with the deeper threads of my story from a higher perspective. Bach Flower Remedies are gentle acting essences that will very quickly pull you back into balance and help you to get a more detached perspective on the situation that you face. They are best used in combinations of 7 or 8 essences and taken often and consistently over a period of time. You can find out more about Bach Flower Remedies and the ones that might particularly help you on our website. Please do call us for assistance with choosing the best essences for your situation if you need to. We are always happy to help. |
The Divine Harmony Essences: Once you are feeling a little more balanced look carefully at the deeper energetic threads that have been holding the old story in place. For instance, fear, anger, resentment, unhealthy emotional attachment, guilt, doubt etc. This is the moment to choose a deeper acting combination of essences, like those in our Divine Harmony Range, which will help you to fully dislodge the pattern. Use the Quick Guide link at the top of the Divine Harmony page on our website to quickly review the essences and find the one that will most help you to let go of your old story. You can then take this alongside your Bach Flower Remedy combination. |
The Power of Your Vibrational Choices |
Our ability to see beyond old stories, misinformation, disinformation and the carefully selected filters of the old third dimensional matrix are directly related to the quality of our own personal vibrational frequency. In this period of deep, transformational change when there are so many streams of differing realities and agendas available in our world, it is very important that we stay grounded, connected to our own centre and very mindful of the vibrational frequencies that we entertain in our energetic space. Our outer world, that is changing so fast now, is a direct reflection of our collective focus and intention. Positive frequencies are so much more powerful than lower vibrational frequencies so the more peace, harmony, loving acceptance, consideration and joy we can hold in our fields and flow into the world, the more we can assist the creation of the new reality that is taking shape, ready to take the place of the old one that is now dissolving. In this period of grand change keep your focus on what you do want, rather than on anything that is creating a great deal of noise and distraction in the world around you. Stay grounded, connected to your heart and in your own bubble of light, this way you are feeding what you do want and allowing what you do not want to energise, the opportunity to dissolve and transform. |
Essences in spray form are particularly good at facilitating a quick vibrational uplift in your field as well as helping you to maintain a frequency that you are cultivating. Here are a few that you might find particularly helpful this month; Positive Vibrations Spray; this is a wonderful spray to use on a regular basis to help cleanse and purify your personal energy field. You can also use it as a very effective space clearing spray for your living or workspace. Loving Acceptance Spray; this is a beautiful spray to use when you need a little help to accept a part of yourself that requires your love in order to transform. Earth Connection Spray; this is a powerful spray to use when you need assistance to stay anchored in your body and deeply connected to your centre. Angel of Peace Spray; use this lovely spray to call in the assistance of the Angel of Peace to help you resonate more fully with the vibrations of peace, serenity and calm. |
Well, that’s it from us, it just remains for us to wish you a wonderful month of balance & peace and to send you all our love with the reminder to contact us if you need further help or support on your journey. |
You can find our special offers and latest news below, we hope that you enjoy exploring these! |
Catherine & All at Crystal Herbs |
Flower, Gem & Crystal Essences for yourself, family and friends… |
 | | Safe Boundaries, oversensitivity, protection |
|  | | Loving self expression from the heart |
 | | Deepening soul connection & consciousness |
|  | | Releasing deeply held fears |
 | | Intuition, inner knowing & certainty |
|  | | Forgiving & opening your heart |
|  | | 20 deep acting flower essences for change & transformation |
 | | Connecting with the angels for inspiration and inner work |
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 | Flower Essences are Catalysts for ChangeEmbracing & Making Change - what is your relationship with change like? It can be an interesting question because at various times in our lives, we’ll all experience moments when we feel a deep inner need for change. A sense of feeling stuck and that our inner journey has arrived at a fork in the road, an intuitive knowing that something needs to change so that we can move forward in life. A feeling that we need to be able to look at life from a different perspective. Change is not always easy, but Flower Essences are really good catalysts for helping you to make those changes. Find out more about change and flower essences in our new blog post. |
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