An Abundance of Opportunity |
Welcome to E-Light from Crystal Herbs - December 2024 |
December brings us to the last month off the year – doesn’t seem possible, does it? I am sure that 2024 would win the prize for the fastest year on record yet. Looking back, the whole year has been a relentlessly intense and eventful one, that has carried us along on wave after wave of transformational change. In this month’s E-Light we explore the energy flow for December which is set to take us even deeper into this process of change and transformation. We look at how we can best keep up with the speed of change, how to engage the help of those parts of ourselves that know exactly how to assist us with this and review the abundance of light, love & spiritual inspiration flowing in for us over the next few weeks. As always, we highlight some flower, gem & crystal essences that might be particularly useful to help us move through the month in harmony & balance and you can also find our latest special offers. |
All of the Essences, articles and special offers mentioned in this newsletter can be found on our web site at - |
An Abundance of Opportunity |
Keeping up with the speed of change |
From an everyday perspective time seems to be rushing by and things are changing more quickly than would have seemed possible even a short time ago. Now it feels as though there are no longer any gaps between periods of change and transformation in which we can catch up with ourselves and allow integration. Instead, it feels as though the old is leaving at the same time as we are receiving something new, and we are trying to integrate this all at the same time. This is good in many ways because it offers us an abundance of opportunity for growth and expansion, but it does require some careful negotiation so that we do not end up feeling confused, overwhelmed and exhausted. Have you ever noticed how still and quiet you can become when you choose to connect with your heart energy and then expand the vibration of love within it? Here the speed of everything slows down and you can more easily connect with yourself and the bigger picture of life. Taking some nice deep breaths and focussing your attention on your heart energy will quickly open up this space for you. Cultivating a practice of doing this a few times each day will keep you connected to yourself and make it much easier to negotiate this intense period of change that we are in the midst of. |
Loving Acceptance Spray: An essence spray that I find particularly helpful when I need a little assistance to move into a quiet heart space is our new Loving Acceptance Spray. This spray very quickly moves me into my heart space and reminds me that everything flows to me when I stay quiet, calm and connected. |
December Energy Highlights… |
Mars turns Retrograde: Action oriented Mars turns retrograde in Leo on December 6th. Mars is the planet most connected to our personal will & power and it appears to go backwards in the sky only every two years or so. Because it is a personal planet its energy has a very direct influence on us, so we are likely to feel this change of direction quite clearly. This is particularly the case because Mars in Leo is opposing Pluto in Aquarius and will continue to do so even after it turns direct again towards the end of February next year. This opposition brings the two planets of power into direct confrontation which could prove to be a somewhat sparky, dynamic energy in which power issues are brought to a head, both within us and in the outer world. Be very mindful of this energy and just remember to step back from any unnecessarily confrontational situations or power struggles that might present themselves. Observe from as neutral position as you can and look at what needs adjusting within yourself so that you can stand in your power in a balanced way. |
A Solar Plexus Chakra Essence is my ‘go to’ essences if I ever find myself tempted to engage in power struggles. It very quickly helps me to see the issue within myself and assists me to detach and stand firmly in my own balanced power. |
12-12 and December Solstice |
There is an abundance of beautiful, heart-based light filled energies available to us this month that will be the propellant for several quantum jumps in consciousness for those ready to receive. Look out for these particularly between December 12th and the Solstice on December 21st. During this period there is always an inflow of Universal Christ Consciousness Light and Love that opens our hearts and expands our consciousness. Take time out to breath into it and let it flow into every aspect of your beingness, opening your heart and reminding you of who you truly are and why you are here at this time. |
The Energetic Alignment Spray is the one I turn to when I need assistance to open up my energy field to receive from the universe more fully. It very quickly anchors you into the Earth and aligns your energy field all the way up to your Soul Star. |
The last full moon of the year is on December 15th. Here the Sun is in Sagittarius and the Moon is in Gemini where it will reach peak brilliance at 9.01am UK time. There are many influential cosmic alignments with this full moon that all emphasis the need for us to align with our soul and spiritual purpose in order to facilitate the creation of a new reality. This will be a powerful opportunity to let go of anything old that is complete in your life ready for something new to take its place. Shortly after this full Moon, Mercury turns direct in Sagittarius, adding its unique flavour to the energies and bringing the potential for more clarity and understanding. |
A Soul Connection Essence would be a wonderful essence to help you connect more fully with your soul so that you can receive its wisdom and inspiration with greater ease. |
Which part of you are you engaging to help? |
As this process of intense transformation continues to carry us forward this month it is important that we remember to bring all parts of ourselves on board to help us negotiate and understand what is happening. If we want to move out of old ways of doing and seeing things we need to remember to allow ourselves to work in new ways by engaging the parts of ourselves that can help rather than hinder us with the process. Otherwise, we can easily find ourselves riding an uncomfortable roller coaster where everything feels uplifting and exciting one day and then overwhelming and stressful the next. One of the keys to stabilising this roller coaster ride lies in our ability to manage our everyday mind by recognising when it is actually out of its depth and causing us unnecessary worry and stress. Our everyday minds have a particular band width of function, based mostly on past learning and experiences which are then projected into the future. This has served us very well and still continues to do so provided that we recognise its limitations. The old patterning that we are upgrading, created a ‘norm’ that largely limited us to the narrow confines of the everyday mind and the belief that the source of everything that we need to know or understand lies outside of ourselves. The new patterning that we are expanding into takes us deep inside to reference our heart and the wisdom of the higher mind and soul. As the energies change us from the inside out and open the connections to our heart and multidimensional self it is important that we learn to reference these parts of ourselves to understand the process of change that we are going through. Keep checking in to which part of you, you are engaging to understand the situations that you face. Remember that your everyday mind does not have the capacity to understand what your heart knows, or your soul might perceive. When you are presented with new information or the need to make changes that are not immediately comfortable do you unconsciously reference the situation with your everyday mind and expect it to be able to offer you a solution or bigger perspective? Or perhaps you can feel the wisdom of your heart offering you reassurance and understanding but easily get pulled back into the agitation of the everyday mind that is trying to hold you in an old place because it does not have a data bank that can provide you with appropriate answers. |
Mental Body Essence: this would be an excellent choice to help you clear old patterning and limiting thought forms out of your mental body, leaving it more amenable to change and open to new ideas. Clarity & Perspective Spray: choose this to help you in those moments when you are struggling to see the bigger picture of something because your mind has got stuck in an old loop. This spray will very quickly alleviate the confusion and lack of clarity so that you can more easily move on. |
Allowing the Heart to Lead |
The energies of our heart and higher heart are the anchor point for all of the new patterning that we are now integrating and assimilating. This month contains many energetic opportunities for us to expand and strengthen our connections into this expansive energy and to allow it to become our ‘go to’ reference for connecting with the bigger picture of anything that we are working with. Over the next few weeks, take a little time each day to breath deeply in and out, moving your awareness into your physical body and consciously anchoring yourself and your energy fields deep into the core of Mother Earth. Then move your awareness fully into your heart space and ask your heart to tell your body that all is well in your world and that it is OK to relax. If your everyday mind is very active, stressed or agitated for some reason just thank it for its input, remind it that all is well and invite it to come and sit in your heart for a while. Then ask your heart to connect you with the rhythm of the Earth and the Cosmos, as you breath in love and breath out light, breath in light and breath out love. Feel yourself moving into oneness with the sacredness within and without, as the light and love flows through your energy fields and physical body back to the Earth and the Cosmos. In this quiet, calm space invite your heart to offer you its wisdom and understanding of anything that you are working with in your life. Even if you do not immediately receive an answer, know that your request has been heard and just stay open to receive. If you build up a practice of connecting with yourself in this way, you will find it so much easier to negotiate this process of change and transformation. |
Heart Chakra Essence: this will help you to open up your heart chakra more fully and expand your ability to give and receive unconditional love. Higher Heart Chakra Essence: this will help to open the spiritual heart centre and expand your capacity to experience compassion and forgiveness. |
Well, that’s it from us for another year - we look forward to connecting with you again in 2025. In the meantime, we wish you a wonderful month of opportunity & abundance and send you much love for a joy filled holiday season. |
You can find our special offers and latest news below, we hope that you enjoy exploring these! |
Catherine & All at Crystal Herbs |
Flower, Gem & Crystal Essences for yourself, family and friends… |
 | | Unconditional love, connection & trust |
|  | | Fears, worries & inner security |
 | | Ancient wisdom & connection |
|  | | Restoring inner equilibrium |
 | | Connecting to the higher realms |
|  | | Ten beautiful Tree Flower Essences |
 | | Ten beautiful Quartz Crystal Essences |
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 | New Bach Remedy Set on a Display StandNew Bach Flower Remedy Set on a Display Stand - we love the Bach Flower Remedies as they are such useful remedies for balancing how you are thinking and feeling in the moment. From Agrimony to Willow there are remedies to help with 38 different thought patterns, feelings and emotions. This new Bach set option comes on an attractive card display stand and as with all of our complete sets, contains all 38 Bach Flower Remedies and two bottles of Revival Remedy combination. |
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