An Holistic Perspective
The information in this section offers you a viewpoint and perspective on life that is currently outside of general mainstream thinking, although this will not always be the case. As consciousness expands on the planet, a growing number of people are looking outside of the mainstream box in their search for more holistic ways to create harmony, balance and wellbeing in their lives.
Vibrational Essences - Part of the Unfolding
Vibrational essences made from the energies of flowers, gems, crystals and minerals are an important part of this unfolding future. We hope that the following information will give you a frame of reference that will help you to understand how to use these wonderful tools to their full potential.
Vibrational Medicine Basics
Vibrational Essences are a form of Vibrational Medicine, a term often used today to describe the ancient knowledge of how to use energies or vibrational frequencies to promote balance, harmony and unity in mind & spirit.
Vibrational medicine is based on principals that unite the understandings of today’s leading edge quantum physicists with the ancient spiritual wisdom handed down to us through many ancient cultures and esoteric traditions. While diverse in their language of expression both recognise a unifying force linking all of creation, and understand that everything that exists, however solid it might appear, is actually made up of the same base energy; light vibrating at varying speeds.
From this perspective neither our physical bodies nor the world in which we live can any longer be be seen as fixed structures that we simply inhabit. Instead they must be viewed as part of a fluid reality that we are a part of, and to which we are constantly contributing. Infinite possibilities for new creation exist within this quantum soup of energy and consciousness. Indeed leading edge science is now providing us with the proof that we have the ability to shape the light particles from which we and our rlity are made, into any shape or form we choose. Currently most of us do this unconsciously through the power of our beliefs and our emotional and mental patterning. However, we are slowly beginning to recognise that life is truly a self-fulfilling prophecy and all that holds our common reality in place around us is actually our collective belief in it.
A new picture of you

What does this mean for us as individuals? One important thing that it means is that we are a great deal more than what we have been led to believe by current mainstream education or healthcare systems. Seen from an energy perspective the part of ourselves that we experience at a solid physical level is only a small part of who we really are and is actually not the primary directive force in our lives. To understand ourselves more fully we must allow our consciousness to expand beyond the purely physical and to become aware of the other layers of energy and consciousness that support our physical existence.
One way that we could get an overview of this is to see creation as being rather like an electricity generating system. To be usable the output from a power station must be gradually stepped down through sub stations and transformers until it reaches our electricity meters where it is refined further into a power that is safe for us to use. In the same way the creative energy of Source is gradually stepped down in lower and lower vibrating layers of interconnected energy until it is vibrating slowly enough to form physical matter. So we as human beings are actually made up of many layers of vibrating energy each with its own specific vibration and purpose. The physical part of us is created from and sustained by, it’s energetic layers. It is an amazing vessel in which we as a soul can experience the physical plane of existence.
A simple overview of the energy flow from spirit to matter for a human being looks like this:-

Monad (I Am Presence)

Soul (Higher Self)

Personality: physical, etheric, emotional and mental bodies.
To experience harmony, balance & wellbeing in every aspect of life it is important that all the layers of vibrating energy that contribute to our existence function together as an integrated whole. From the perspective of our physical existence the most important of these layers of energy are those related to the soul and personality.
Soul is the part of ourselves that appears to exist outside of everyday reality, as we currently understand it. However it is a very important aspect of our multi-dimensional self because it holds the vibrations of our true essence and is a vital link in our connection with Source. The blueprint for the optimum direction of our life is stored at Soul level as well as our experiences, gifts & talents from other life times. While we are experiencing life on the physical plane we are linked to our soul through the permanent atom in our heart chakra. When we allow our soul to communicate freely with us it provides light, love, direction & inspiration. Difficulties arise when the personality fails to acknowledge the soul as the prime directive in life, effectively cutting off the flow of life giving energy from this level of our being.
The Human Energy System

From subtle bodies to chakras, we are made up of vibrating energy, each with its own specific vibration and purpose.
Personality is the part of ourselves through which we normally experience our everyday lives. In the context we are using it here the term personality encompasses mind and emotions as well as the physical body. Each of these aspects of personality are formed from separate but interconnected layers of energy vibrating at different speeds.
Mind (mental body) - normally, our most predominate experience of mind is through our left-brain function which evaluates everything that happens to us against memories from the past stored in our lower mental body. This is the logical, analytical, critical aspect of ourselves that we experience in our everyday mind chatter. We also have a right brain aspect to mind that allows us access to our creativity, intuition and the expansiveness of our soul and the universal mind, through our higher mental body. Ideally we need both these functions of mind to work together. Very often however the lower mind becomes locked into old patterns and beliefs that are unconsciously and automatically directing our lives, effectively cutting us off from the more expansive vision and understandings otherwise available from the soul through the higher mind.
Emotion (emotional body) - emotional energy is a powerful force that fuels our thoughts to become beliefs, so it is important that we are able to maintain positive balanced emotions. The cells of our body also respond to our emotional state. High frequency, positive emotions like love, happiness & joy create the optimum environment for generating strong, healthy cells, while lower frequency emotions like fear, anger, doubt etc tend to have the reverse effect. Old unprocessed emotions create a reservoir of unconscious emotional patterns, which form the basis for our emotional response to life until they are released and brought into balance. When our core emotions are balanced the emotional body can be used by the soul as a vehicle through which it can flow its life enhancing light into the physical body.
Body (physical/etheric body) - our physical body is the part of ourselves that we are usually most familiar with because we can directly experience it as an apparently solid physical form. However, it is good to keep in mind that it is actually created from the energetic blueprint held in our Etheric Body, which is greatly influenced by our emotions and thoughts. A strong etheric body is therefore essential if we are to experience wellbeing.
As we begin to understand that our physical body is actually the end result of the creative flow of energy from spirit into matter, it becomes easier to recognise that any disturbances we may experience in our physical bodies do not originate from there. Rather they are the result of constriction in the energy flow that supports our physical existence. Most often the causes will be found in old long forgotten belief patterns and their associated emotional issues, which are creating stagnant energy in the mental and emotional bodies.
A New Perspective on Ourselves
This is not currently the commonly accepted view of how physical life works, however the more we expand our consciousness the more we will be able to engage with this perspective of ourselves.

Where Next:
Essences and Personal Growth | The Human Energy System | About Vibrational Medicine | Holistic Viewpoint Blog