The Pure Vibrations Spray Collection

Flower, Gem & Crystal Essence Aura Sprays for positive vibrational alignment
Our Pure Vibrations Essence Sprays are designed specifically to provide the instant energetic support that can help you maintain positive vibrational alignment no matter what challenges you face in life.
Essences sprayed into the auric field act very quickly and are especially helpful at those times when you feel temporarily out of balance or off centre. Spray liberally into the auric field for a quick and effective energetic realignment or use over a period of time to support more permanent transformation. You can also take these essence sprays internally in the same way as our other essence combinations if you wish.
Key Points - Combination Essences | Essence Sprays | Energetic Alignment | Stock Level
The Pure Vibrations Collection
- Angelic Gifts - Friends in high places
- Auric Protection - Safe boundaries
- Clarity & Perspective - Clearing confusion
- Earth Connection - Strong foundations
- Energetic Alignment - Soul connection
- Environmental Stress - Cleansing & Strengthening
- Harmony & Tranquillity - Promoting balance
- Heart Connection - Living in Love
- Positive Vibrations - Cleansing negativity
- Strength & Courage - Overcoming Fear
The Pure Vibration Essence Sprays can be bought as individual bottles or as a complete set of all ten.

The Positive Vibrations spray is a powerful essence that can be used to cleanse and purify your personal energy field and to clear your living or workspace.
See also:

Pure Vibrations Collection - Inner Balance and Alignment
Being able to maintain balance and harmony within our own energetic system has always been important, however it is now becoming more crucial as the intensity of change in our world continues to increase.
Everything that we think and feel contributes to our personal and collective reality so all of us that are awake and aware have a responsibility to ensure that what we contribute, is as far as possible, in alignment with what we would like to experience in the future.
Balancing polarities
Most of us still live our everyday lives largely in polarity consciousness, yet we now also have the opportunity to access the higher frequencies of unity consciousness from where we will eventually create a vastly different world.
This is challenging many people right now to understand and balance their polarised perception of the world. What we experience as a polarity is simply the opposite extremes of the same energy. Once we are able to see both sides of this energy as equal and relevant we can find the central point of balance, like the fulcrum point on a see-saw. Until then we are vulnerable to being triggered off and more easily pushed out of balance and alignment.
Essences sprayed into the auric field act very quickly and are especially helpful at those times when you feel temporarily out of balance or off centre
The Pure Vibrations Spray Collection is designed to offer a new level of support for everyone seeking help to create greater inner balance and alignment in these exciting but often challenging times.
Sprays for quicker re-balancing

Vibrational essences sprayed into the auric field have a more instantaneous impact than a similar combination taken orally does and for this reason will very quickly help you to rebalance and realign your energy fields so that you can find that all important point of balance.
They also do not work quite so deeply as a combination taken orally will and for that reason have proved very good for those sensitive souls who find it difficult to take deep acting combinations of essences internally for any length of time.
You can find out more about using Flower & Vibrational Essence sprays here: Flower Essence Sprays to Balance Your Energy & Set Your Intentions and Space Clearing With Flower Essence Sprays.
The Pure Vibrations Essence Sprays
The ten spray combinations in the Pure Vibrations Collection have been formulated to provide support with those issues that are the most commonly challenging ones for many people right now. Each one has its own special merits and we enjoy using them all, but if we were to recommend just one it would definitely be Positive Vibrations because we have found this to be such a versatile, helpful friend to have around in so many differing situations.
In-depth Essence Reviews
You can find an in-depth review for the essences in the Pure Vibrations Essence spray range on the flower essence blog in the Pure Vibrations Essence Sprays section here.

The Heart Connection spray helps to promote a swift cleansing of old emotions that block you from fully opening your heart or simply to help you open your heart more deeply either to yourself or others.
How To Use the Pure Vibrations Essences
Pure Vibrations Sprays can be used both externally and internally.
For external use: spray liberally into the auric field to create a quick, effective energetic realignment or use consistently over a period of time to support more permanent transformation. If using consistently, an application 4 x a day would be a good dosage guide for most adults.
For internal use: 2 sprays on the tongue up to 4 x a day, taken consistently for about two weeks will provide maximum effectiveness. Preferably take at least 10 minutes away from food and drink. We would not normally recommend giving the Pure Vibrations Essences to children under 12.
How Many Essences Can I Take?
Each of the Pure Vibrations Sprays contains a powerful combination of 5 or 6 deep acting essences, so if you choose to use one of them consistently for a period of time we recommend that you avoid taking other deeper acting combinations at the same time. However, a well-chosen combination of the Bach Flower Remedies might be very supportive used alongside one of Sprays.
Occasional use:
If you are using the sprays on an ‘as needed’ basis then using 2 or 3 different ones separately over the course of a day would be fine.
If you are taking another deep acting combination such as a Chakra Essence or a Divine Harmony Essence the occasional use of one of the Pure Vibration Sprays in the auric field alongside your other combination will work well for most adults. An example of this might be the occasional use of an Auric Protection Spray while you are also taking a Solar Plexus Chakra combination.
Storage Advice - It is best to store vibrational medicine in a cool place away from TV’s, mobile phones, microwaves, computers etc.
Please Note - Using vibrational essences does not replace medical treatment.
Help & Advice
If you need any help or advice with choosing or using these Essences, please see our Choosing An Essence page or you are most welcome to contact us if you would like to speak to someone.
You Might Also Like to Explore
- Divine Harmony Essences
- Inner Child Essences
- Platonic Solid Essences
- Flower & Vibrational Essence Aura Sprays
- Bach Flower Remedies

Our Flower, Gem & Crystal Essences
Here at Crystal Herbs we have been making and developing our range of Essences for nearly 30 years. Crystal Herbs is run by Catherine Keattch and Sam Cremnitz, along with a dedicated team who are all trained practitioners and healers in their own right. We are a specialist Flower Essence producer based in the U.K. and we're passionate about all aspects of Vibrational Essences.
You can find our full range of Essences in the Flower Essence Shop, or an overview of the different essences we make here and you can find out more about us here: Crystal Herbs