Flower Essence Essentials - Our Online Essence Journal
Our Online Journal for all things related to Flower Essences & Vibrational Essences
Astrological Essence for the Month
Towards the end of his life, Dr Bach was exploring the link between the first 12 Bach Flower Remedies he discovered (The Twelve Healers) and the 12 astrological signs.

Impatiens Flower Remedy for Arians
We are in Aries season, the astrological sign that Dr Bach felt would most benefit from Impatiens essence.
Confident and fearless, with unstoppable energy and strong individuality, Arians naturally take the lead in all areas of their lives. As the first sign of the zodiac, they like to be first out the gate and have a strong drive to succeed in their goals and ambitions.
However, they can be impatient and impulsive and easily get irritated or aggressive with others who are slower than they are.
If your Sun or Moon is in Aries, Impatiens Flower Remedy can help you to slow down and be in the moment instead of rushing ahead of yourself all the time.
Slow Down and Be Present
Are you driven by an inner sense of urgency and pressure? Is your mind often racing ahead of you thinking about ‘what’s next’? Do you get impatient and irritable and have a quick temper? Do you prefer to do things yourself because other people are way too slow?
The soul lesson for Aries is to slow down and connect with the still part of yourself that lives in the present. Taking Impatiens will help you to feel patient and calm, knowing there is time for everything. It helps to release inner tension and irritability so you can feel peaceful and present.
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Moving Fully into the Flow: E-Light March 2025

In this month’s E-Light we look at the extremely potent, life enhancing cosmic energy flow that is speaking to us loudly of the opportunities we have this month for change, transformation and new beginnings. We also explore the need for us to make a conscious choice to allow the energies to show us how to flow into new directions, the need for us to manage our vibrational frequency and how to deal with any resistance to change that we might encounter along the way.
Moving Fully into the Flow
One way that we could describe the energy flow for March is that it certainly packs a punch. March is probably one of the most potent months energetically for the whole year and that is really saying something in a stream of already strong, intense energetics....
...While this is definitely not something to be concerned about, it is something that needs our attention and our conscious choice as to how we navigate its many opportunities. We will find ourselves most comfortable if we can move fully into the flow and allow the energies to support us to find a new level of ourselves. This month’s energy flow is filled with deeply transformational cosmic alignments that all speak very loudly about transformation, change and new beginnings. The energies are asking us to look carefully at where we are out of alignment with our true selves or our purpose for being here at this time...... [...]
Read March's E-Light Newsletter
Our E-Light Newsletter: each month we explore the month's energetic themes from a spiritual and astrological perspective and recommend some Essences to help you surf the cosmic waves! Receive spiritual guidance, wisdom and clarity, learn more about our collective expansion of consciousness, and make the most of opportunities for personal inspiration, healing and transformation.
Subscribe to E-Light Inspiration here
It's been a beautiful day here at Crystal Herbs. The sun had been shining and the first energies of spring are in the air and in the earth. The energy has changed, and a sense of renewed life is returning to the Norfolk countryside. It won't be long now until more and more flowers begin to come into bloom and the trees begin to flower, and the mother tincture making season will have started in earnest.

Coming to terms with the pain of bereavement, separation, sadness and loss, is something that we all have to do at times in our lives. Snowdrop flower essence is one of our favourite essences for helping you through this process. The beautiful vibrations of the snowdrop flowers helps to defrost the pain of loss so you can allow the natural process of grieving to take place. It helps you to restore joy and optimism so you can move forward with greater peace, able to re-engage with life with a renewed sense hope and joy for the future. This is a lovely single flower essence to use and it is also one of the essences in the Healing Bereavement combination.
Snowdrop Flower EssenceInner Relaxation & Slowing Down

The Inner Harmony Essence
Inner Harmony is a really helpful essence if find it difficult to relax, let go and switch off. It's a really good choice if you have an eternally busy mind or you're a very activity orientated person who habitually overworks or finds it difficult to ‘switch off’, rest or relax properly. It helps to promote inner relaxation and peacefulness, and is also helpful if you have any emotional or mental ‘tightness’. Inner harmony is a state created when the heart and mind work together in a balanced partnership in which the knowing of the heart is given equal status with that of the mind. In today’s activity orientated society the recognition of the importance of this balance has been all but lost, with the result that many people over strive in the outer world and can no longer slow down enough to connect meaningfully with themselves at an inner level.
Inner Harmony Essence‘When we are in the uncomfortable state of having a lot of over activity in our lower mental bodies, it can really magnify our old thoughts, tensions in our physical bodies and a general inability to relax and connect with ourselves on a deeper level.’
Tips for Consciously Working With Essences…

4 Tips for connecting staying grounded & present
In a world where everything is moving, changing and transforming at what seems to be ever increasing speeds it is really important that we remember to connect deeply into the still point within that is there waiting for us when we stay present and connected with our inner beingness. The Being Present Essence is all about grounding and presence and bring all parts of yourself more into the now.
Tips for working consciously and purposefully with the Being Present Essence....
- As you take the essence pay attention to anything that comes into your awareness as it begins to unlock the old energies that have become stuck. Be willing to explore any old ‘stories’ that might present themselves. For instance, a discomfort around being present with yourself or a feeling that you are not safe or that you are unwilling to fully inhabit your body for some reason.
- Take time out to connect with yourself and to delve into what you feel about your current ability to stay present, aware and connected. Look at the patterns that you inherited from your family as you were growing up. What was the role model that you were offered about how to stay focussed and present in each moment. Were you encouraged to live life from presence and awareness and to fully occupy your body or was the norm a series of distractions that took you away from yourself. Explore anything you find without judgement and then allow yourself to make new choices if necessary.
- Be willing to explore what it is like to meet yourself in each moment and to allow all of the feelings that might arise from this to be present with you.
- Allow yourself to explore and expand your grounding and connection with the Earth until you can feel the constant loving support that the Earth always provides for us when we stay present and connected.

Astrological Essence for the Month
Towards the end of his life, Dr Bach was exploring the link between the first 12 Bach Flower Remedies he discovered (The Twelve Healers) and the 12 astrological signs.
Rock Rose Flower Remedy for Pisceans
We are in Pisces season, the astrological sign that Dr Bach felt would most benefit from Rock Rose essence.
Deeply empathetic, intuitive and sensitive, Pisceans are creative dreamers who absorb information from the subconscious, the collective and otherworldly realms. They have a very rich inner world, and heightened emotional and spiritual awareness.
However, because they are so psychically open they can get swamped by negative feelings and energies that make them feel highly fearful for no apparent reason.
If your Sun or Moon is in Pisces, Rock Rose Flower Remedy can help you to release deep unconscious fears so you can feel steady, unflappable and fearless.
Release Deep Fears
Do you feel an inner state of alarm in your system much of the time? Do you tend to panic in emergencies or get frozen by terror or heart-stopping fear? Do you suffer from acute fear or nightmares? These intense fears are often very deep-rooted and unconscious.
The soul journey for Pisces is to deepen your connection to your higher psychic centre (third eye chakra) rather than acting from the lower psychic centre (solar plexus chakra) which gets blocked by fears. Rock Rose Remedy can help you to release deep, unconscious fears from your system so you can feel calm, courageous and centred.
Supporting & Initiating Change

The Restoring Patience Essence
The Restoring Patience Essence helps you to work with deep-rooted patterns of impatience, frustration and irritability or a tendency to ‘blow a fuse’ at the slightest irritation. The essences in this combination will help you to dissolve the often uncomfortable vibrations of impatience, frustration & irritability, encouraging a greater inner stillness and the ability to be patiently and calmly in the now. Impatience and frustration are very common emotions in our often fast moving world. It can be easy to forget that there is a place and time for everything when we follow the promptings of our own inner voice, rather than the demands of our personality. The energy of impatience can keep us from being fully in the moment and often acts as a defence against having to be still and face our inner emotional world.
Restoring Patience Essence‘Patience is a quality that you can most easily find in the stillness of your inner connection, where the knowing of the heart helps you to step into the natural flow of life and the people around you.’

‘Being present with yourself takes practice and a degree of mindfulness, but it is very powerful. Simply being present with what is, can make space for previously unseen opportunities to appear, rather like a doorway appearing that we had no idea was there.’
The Being Present Essences is a very helpful combination for staying fully present and focused in the now. It's a really good choice if you find yourself easily ‘spaced out’, ungrounded or if you drift off into a dream world of ‘what ifs’, making it difficult to stay present and focused. It's also a good choice if you find it difficult to start or complete jobs or projects.
Flower Essences are Catalysts for Change

Embracing & Making Change - what is your relationship with change like? It can be an interesting question because at various times in our lives, we’ll all experience moments when we feel a deep inner need for change. A sense of feeling stuck and that our inner journey has arrived at a fork in the road, an intuitive knowing that something needs to change so that we can move forward in life. A feeling that we need to be able to look at life from a different perspective. Change is not always easy, but Flower Essences are really good catalysts for helping you to make those changes. Find out more about change and flower essences in our new blog post.

The Life of Nora Weeks - the story of the lady behind the Bach Flower Remedies
Over on our dedicated Bach Flower Remedy website you can find the story of the lady behind the Bach Flower Remedies....
....This is a story about Nora Weeks, the lady behind the Bach Flower Remedies. Her story is integral to the story of Dr Edward Bach and the Bach Remedies, and it is a story of quiet tenacity and dedication. Without Nora Weeks’ determination to preserve her friend and colleague’s work, it is doubtful that the Bach Flower Remedies and the understandings of Edward Bach would have flourished in the way that they have. Discover more about Nora and how she took Bach’s legacy out into the world.
What Flower Essences Are We Taking?
We love using our Flower, Gem & Crystal Essences! Here we share some of our personal experiences of using a particular Essence or Combination and how it has helped us.
This month Sam shares his experiences of taking the Emotional Body Essence....
Emotional Body Essence

Is anyone else feeling the emotional ebbs and flows at the moment? I’ve been feeling a strong inner push to work on what feels like a rich seam of old buried emotions and it’s bringing with it a new and deeper understanding of myself.
It feels really liberating, it’s fun ( sort of ), rewarding and interesting, but equally quite intense and hard work. Well I suppose that seems to be the way things are at the moment energetically!
To support this inner journey, I’ve been taking the Emotional Body Essence. It’s a Flower, Gem & Crystal essence combination from the Rainbow Light Body Essence range, and as the name suggests it’s all about working with your emotions.
I always find this a really potent combination for doing deep emotional work and releasing old deeply held feelings. Often when I’m taking it I find I’m able to connect more deeply with issues that I’m consciously working with, and at other times there can be some quite unexpected things that come up to be released.
It’s a really, really interesting essence to use and if there is deep emotional work to be done, this is a very good Essence to support you through it. It’s one that I find I need to take from time to time and one that I will often recommend when working with people needing to clear and release old emotional patterns.
Sam Cremnitz

You can see all Team Picks here.

Creating Inner Harmony & Balance With a Bach Flower Remedy Set
We love the Bach Flower Remedies! A set Bach Flower Remedies makes a wonderful resource for yourself, family & friends or as part of a professional practice.
Our 10ml Bach Flower Remedy set contains all 38 Bach Remedies along with two bottles of Revival Remedy combination, each handmade with love and care according to the original instructions of Dr Edward Bach. The set comes in a beautiful natural Linden wood box with a hinged lid. The Bach Flower Remedies are a set of flower essences that were created by Dr. Edward Bach in the 1930's. They are very simple, natural, and effective remedies for working with the everyday thoughts, feelings and emotions that we all experience in our daily lives. The gentle, subtle energies of nature in the 38 remedies help you to develop a deeper inner peace, well-being and equilibrium in your mind, body & spirit.
Bach Flower Remedy Sets- Learn more about the Bach Flower Remedies here
Hemimorphite Crystal Essence: Updated Definition

Our Hemimorphite crystal essence is a really interesting and very useful crystal essence. It has an uplifting, harmonising, balancing energy that helps to promote understanding of how to use the unlimited creativity of yourself as spirit within the limitations of physical life. This is the essence to use when you feel stuck or frustrated because you cannot seem to manifest all that you know is possible. We've just updated the definition for this essence, and have really enjoyed re-connecting with it's energies. You can find out more here:

Art is like flower essences because both are transmissions of energy. Like an essence, art works on the energetic layer and shifts and transforms the consciousness of the person who’s perceiving it....
...And whether it’s art or essences, the more sensitive you are, the more you will be aware of how this energetic transmission is impacting you. Soul artist and vibrational healer Beki Crowell has spent her life exploring how the beautiful vibrations of nature dissolve patterns of disconnection and she is sharing her story, her wisdom, and a process for you to receive a transmission of Beauty for your heart and your soul.

The other day RHS posted on Threads asking people to name plants that don’t have the letter ‘a’ in their name. I’m really not sure why, but it set our minds going here thinking about the Bach Flower Remedies which don’t use the letter ‘a’. Well, it turns out that 17 of the 38 Bach Remedies have no ‘a’ in their name. If you were wondering which ones they are, to save you working it out, they are: Beech, Cherry Plum, Chestnut Bud, Chicory, Elm, Gorse, Holly, Mimulus, Olive, Pine, Red Chestnut, Rock Rose, Sweet Chestnut, Vine, White Chestnut, Wild Rose & Willow.
Always Useful Essences
These are the essences that people most often tell us they wouldn’t want to be without because they are so useful for balancing emotions, soothing the mind and uplifting the spirits.

Positive Vibrations Essence Spray
Use this spray to cleanse and purify your personal energy field and as a space clearing spray to clear your living or workspace. Maintaining positive mental and emotional attitudes is as important as physical cleanliness for our overall health and well-being.
Thoughts and feelings are all energetic frequencies and those that we choose to be predominate in our everyday reality will be the ones that set the universal law of attraction into motion to bring forward new life experiences.
It is not only our personal energy field that is affected by the vibrational frequencies we choose to entertain. Those around us as well as the places in which we live and work will also be affected, positively or negatively, by our choices. Use this spray to cleanse and purify your personal energy field or use it as a space clearing spray for your living or workspace. Calling in the transformational Violet Flame when you use this spray will enhance its effectiveness.
Positive Vibrations Essence Spray - cleansing negativity & space clearing

Mimulus Bach Flower Remedy
Mimulus helps those who feel they need greater courage to face up to the everyday events of life. Those in need of Mimulus suffer unnecessary fear and worry about everyday situations, such as visiting the dentist, flying, swimming, spiders or perhaps taking their driving test. They can appear nervous, shy or timid and may hesitate or blush easily when in situations where they feel vulnerable. Sensitivity to crowds, loud noises, or bright lights are other examples of states for which Mimulus would be beneficial. As Mimulus dissolves their fears and worries those with this personality trait find themselves able to create a more positive mental approach to life.
Mimulus Bach Essence - for known fears & worries

Revival Remedy
Revival Remedy is a combination of Cherry Plum, Clematis, Impatiens, Rock Rose & Star of Bethlehem and was originally formulated by Dr Bach for use in situations requiring ‘emergency rescue’. It acts as a very swift emotional stabiliser in circumstances where there is much fear, panic, trauma, or other severe upset such as a serious accident or unexpected bereavement. It is also a very effective support for those less traumatic but still challenging events in life like exams, driving tests, visits to the dentist, presentations etc.
Revival Remedy | Bach Flower Remedies
The Power of Acceptance: Loving Acceptance Rose Essence Spray

The beautiful space of loving acceptance is a state that is so needed in the world right now. It takes us out of the right / wrong, us / them, polarized, separative dynamic that has been so much part of our world up to now, and reminds us how to see everything from a more unified perspective, where we are free to make positive, new choices for ourselves. Holding this frequency consistently also means that we broadcast it into the world around us, strengthening the collective field of loving acceptance and offering others the opportunity to remember and connect with it themselves. Our new Rose Essence Essence spray will take you deep into your heart to embody more of the powerfully transformative energies of loving acceptance. You can find out more in-depth here:
The Power of Acceptance: Loving Acceptance Rose Essence Spray
Pink Rose Flower Essence: Transforming Deep Seated Fears

Fear is very common but it can be a tricky vibration to work with because it feels so real if you get stuck in it. It creates a very effective smokescreen that prevents you from seeing beyond it if you are not very mindful. We can all be affected by fear because it is a vibrational frequency that sits at the bottom of many of the old emotional patterns and stories that we have. Today we’re exploring the Pink Rose Flower Essence which is an excellent essence for when you feel like you cannot get to the root of a deeply held karmic fear or for if you experience general phobias or fears with no apparent cause in this lifetime.
Latest Special Offers

Each month we offer special offer discounts on a selection of our Flower, Gem & Crystal Essences - from individual Essences to Essence Sets. Discounts are usually 20% or more and you can find our current special offers for the month here:

Our Flower, Gem & Crystal Essences
Here at Crystal Herbs we have been making and developing our range of Essences for nearly 30 years. Crystal Herbs is run by Catherine Keattch and Sam Cremnitz, along with a dedicated team who are all trained practitioners and healers in their own right. We are a specialist Flower Essence producer and we're passionate about all aspects of Vibrational Essences.
You can find our full range of Essences in the Flower Essence Shop, or an overview of the different essences we make here and you can find out more about us here: Crystal Herbs