Your Experiences, Testimonials & Feedback
We love hearing from you about your experiences of using our range of flower essences and how you have found using them.
Here you can find some of the experiences, feedback and testimonials on using our Bach Flower Remedies and Flower, Gem & Crystal Essences that have been shared by our lovely customers.
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If you love using our essences, and would like to share your experiences, or leave us a testionial, we'd love to hear from you! We always love hearing your feedback and really value your comments. As well as enjoying hearing about your experiences, customer reviews are increasingly important to small businesses like ours. We really appreciate it. Thank you! Use Our Sharing & Feedback FormLeave us a Review on Google
"I have just bought your Earth Connections spray - Wow! It is such a powerful high vibration aid. Definitely one to use for this new age of Light to help keep you balanced and grounded but also for me it felt like my aura and my mind were expanding and opening. Thank you.“
Liz Rowlands
"Feet has enabled me to come to terms with my journey thus far, as a process of creating my life step by step, and building what I care for as a life, slowly but surely. It has enabled me to ground myself so that I manage my life better on multiple levels - especially financially. Using this essence wtih affirmations has enabled me to come to terms with my psychological and emotional limitations and create new growth and development in my life. It has also enabled me to become more positive about my life and its direction on Earth. I recommend this essence for those who want to create and move towards positive changes in their lives.“
"Crystal Herbs Positive Vibes Spray arrived in my life at just the right moment. My husband and I had been experiencing a period of stress and emotions hung heavy in the atmosphere of my home. I often cleanse the energy around the house using sage or Palo Santo, but they’re not very practical on a day to day basis. This is where the Positive vibes spray was fantastic; not only does the delicate floral scent make your home smell beautiful, you can spray it wherever and wherever you need a boost. I used the spray to mist myself head to toe first thing in the morning or after anything stressful and it quickly lifted my spirits and gave me a feeling of protection. I also used it around the home and particularly in the bedroom and over the bed to clear the space and wrap us in a positive cocoon as we slept. The effect on the atmosphere and energy in my home was almost immediate. Everything felt lighter and more positive, like when you spring clean the house and open all the windows. I’m a great believer in the power of mother nature and loved this magical essence spray… it’s the perfect addition to my spiritual wellness toolkit!“
Laura Roberts, Rock + Realm. https://rockandrealm.com
"I'm taking the Iceberg ( Rose ) one first, and it really did feel like my heart was melting and sinking from a very gentle yet persistant energy, very different feel from many of the essences I've been working with. Interesting!"
Helen Ward
"I get days when I "can't be bothered" but I know I'm just needing to rest. Then there are days which drag on, one after the other, when I have no interest in anything. Then Wild rose soon puts me back on track."
Jacquie Brassington, Stoke on Trent
"Loving the essences I bought, the black eyed Susan is clearing old beliefs and I feel lighter using the puya essence; my energy is restoring."
"These are the most beautifully transformational treasures, I highly, highly recommend them to everyone particularly the Divine Harmony range. Try them they truly are remarkable! Gentle and powerful and such a gift!"
Kellie Samj
"I have spent a lifetime dealing with all sorts of life issues and am now dealing with some issues that really are almost DNA deep. I have found the essences are clearing problems I have struggled with all these years. I mean the kind of problems where you are determined to move forward but find yourself nose and toes up against a huge brick wall. Thanks to the Moving Forward essence I am finding the wall gradually dissolving. Just wanted to thank you for your skill and your consciousness. Have more issues to deal with and am actually looking forward to the process. What fun!"
"I love my Karmic Essences Kit. I use them all the time for clients and myself."
Helen Elizabeth Griffiths, Advanced Essence Practitioner
"Just love these essences [Divine Harmony], they shift the patterns of imbalance in a very gentle way."
Kathy Locke, Advanced Essence Practitioner
"Hello! I wanted to leave a review but cannot find where to do this. It is for St John’s Wort Essence. I had to stop taking St John’s Wort as a herb, for nerve pain, because I was getting worsening light sensitivity (I am already partially blind), but wondered whether my body would respond without this problem when given the remedy as an essence. Within one week of taking it daily, I had almost forgotten I had ever had nerve pain. I finished that little bottle a couple of months ago, and the nerve pain is rarely there even now, and never as intense as it had been. I am overjoyed by this result, and my sense of wonder at the gifts plants bestow us has grown even more. Thank you so much for providing us with your wonderful selection of essences. Many blessings."
Anni Dixon
"I wanted to let you know how pleased I am with the Spontaneity Flower Essence. I have only been using it for a week but the change in me is remarkable – even my husband has noticed the difference. I feel so much lighter and brighter. Thank you – it’s just what I needed."
Marie Durrant
"I have used your remedies for years and find them very beneficial. They’re a good support for life’s challenges and I have recommended to friends. Thanks again for all your hard work & prompt, efficient service."
"Thanks for your prompt response to my order. I so love my essences. They have kept me on track over the last few years and been an important part of my healing and growth.
"I used this blend [Soul Retrieval] after I'd had a brain tumour and brain surgeries and was feeling very traumatised, I really recommend it.
Kay McMenamin
Other Recent Feedback and Testimonials
"I just wanted to pass on my appreciation/thanks/positive feedback for the quick delivery of my recent order, I was so impressed with how the parcel was packed & the care that was obviously taken in putting together my order. It was noticed & very much appreciated Thanks again & looking forward to ordering from you again soon."
"Thank you SO much. Your newsletters are always incredible; this one ESPECIALLY helped me so very deeply. Love & Blessings."
"I just wanted to thank you for the ongoing work you put into all of the newsletters that you do. They really help me to get a heads up for the coming months. Thanks again."
Louise J.
Which Flower, Gem & Crystal Essence Are We Taking?

This is where one of the Crystal Herbs team shares which essence they're taking and why! You can find out more here: Crystal Herbs Team Picks