Making & Packing our Bach Flower Remedy Sets

Three Bach Flower Remedy sets in wooden boxes with their lids open Close up of a Bach Flower Remedy set in a wooden boxA Bach Remedy set packaged and ready to send to our customersClose up of a Bach Remedy set in a wooden boxBach Flower Remedy bottles in a setA Crystal Herbs Bach Flower Remedy set in a wooden box with its lid open in the garden

We’ve been busy packing some of our Bach Flower Remedy wooden box sets today. Here is a quick peep at what goes into making a set for you.

The wooden boxes are made from linden wood and come from our lovely friends at Polmac. Each box then has it’s labels put on it: on the inside of the lid we put a Bach remedy definitions grid, on the top we put a ‘Bach Flower Remedies’ label and a little gold ‘handmade with love and care’ sticker goes on the back of the box.

Each box then gets filled with Bach Remedies from our stock shelves. These are all handmade with love and care according to the original instructions of Dr Edward Bach by the making team here at Crystal Herbs. Each set has one each of the 38 Bach Flower Remedies - from Agrimony to Willow - plus two bottles of our Revival Remedy combination.

We then carefully wrap and pack up each box with a Bach Remedy leaflet and a quick guide to how to use your set.

We love the Bach Flower Remedies! There’s always something special about getting orders for complete sets because we know just how useful they are and how much balance and harmony can come from having access to all of the 38 Bach Flower Remedies.

Our Bach Flower Remedy Sets